Asics Love?!? Where is it?

[quote nam
e="DrewSwish" url="/t/308314/asics-love-where-is-it/72060#post_25874416"]

Wale x Ruvilla, Intercontinental Championship inspired?

Image Via baltsneakershow

Being a wrestling fan inspired by Mr. Perfect Im def digging these. Dont care if i get heat for it i like it.


Just missed them. I guess we should start seeing more shops getting these?
I can only assume so.  

The tweet went out *late*, sat for a good minute or two (I managed to grab a pair) then the sizes started to lock up.  Hopefully those that want them, and are on the ball, will have a shot if other shops drop them like this. 

Edit: a word. 
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Props to Bodega for the random drop.  I think more drops should be done this way.  Would've loved to cop a pair but my cash situation is tight.  No pickups for a while. 
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