Asics Love?!? Where is it?

I'm boycotting all Magento sites smh 

How many people are actually gunning for these to bring down that they bring down the site?
This only happened because they posted it on IG last night. Everyone who needs to know would know even if they didnt post that
bait messed up when they posted they would be avail shortly on ig little while ago
its funny how euro asics collabs these days are cheaper in stores over here then over their and US collabs are cheaper in stores over their then over here lol...btw, bait need to go back to shutting t f u about these collabs dropping online on friday nights. it felt mighty good having ur pair already secured before the saturday madness. u could actually sleep in or go out and do something without worrying about kicks
now u guys see why i said this the other day, because u get this **** show...btw, nobody would have been able to get thru anyway cause they dropped at 851p and i was on it. got to confirm address, then magneto. and that was before they even tweeted it, so ALOT more ppl were monitoring bc of bait.
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