Ask a Cop whatever.....

1. Help me out. Maybe I used the wrong word. A persons driving dunk and they kill 2 people. Or a person robs somebody else at gun point. Or a person sexually abuses a child. Honestly. There is an enormous amount of words to describe that behavior. What word would you use?

2. It still is

You most definitely used the wrong word. Like you said theres an enormous amount of words to be used and every situation is different.I wouldnt use evil to describe a drunk driver. They arent evil, they didnt have the intent on killing or hurting anyone. They were/are stupid af but i wouldnt call them evil. A person robbing someone or a store at gunpoint, again wouldnt call them evil. What causes someone to rob someone on the street or the convenience store where the most theyd come away with is a couple hundred bucks? Most probably poverty and/or desperation. And believe it or not... Sometimes good people do make mistakes.

Evil are the people you work for and the people they work for. The people using you as a pawn on the chess board. Pulling your strings like a puppet.
This is straight from a police officer's mouth people.

This is what they're thinking.

This is what they're thinking when they're running plates and someone with priors comes up.

They dehumanize people. They affix scarlet letters onto people, most of whom are nonviolent offenders or have bogus trumped up charges and then they profile them for the rest of their lives.

When recidivism only helps their bottom line where does rehabilitation factor in? Where does public service fit? I mean sure, they're first responders for a lot of serious situations (fires, car accidents, etc) but when cops look at people as "evil", what are they doing to remedy that evil?

They're arresting them, that's what. They're not going out of their way to change that perception. They're all too happy pigeonholing people and that's an issue.

People are rarely a reflection of their criminal records. Why do we have to tell you that? This illustrates exactly why cops need more schooling in so many cities.
I think you misunderstood that statement. I kind of referenced it in one of the last questions I answered. I may have picked the wrong word. Not trying to hide from it.

When I run across someone with priors of course it makes me that much more vigilant of course, depending on what the prior is for. That doesn't mean I will come at you any differently. Like I've said before, I come at everyone with the utmost respect. Coming into a contact at a level higher than necessary doesn't work well for anybody. I give respect to get respect. Why would I want to make my job any harder than it needs to be. If I come at you cordially then the chances of us having a pleasant contact are infinitely higher, regardless of your priors. FOR EXAMPLE: If I contact you and I know you have a prior for identity theft then to be honest, my guard will down a bit compared to somebody with a prior for murder. I'll still give you the same respect and not be talking down to you, I'll probably be a bit more cautious. And as far as priors go I don't hold that against you. Like I said I am all for discipline and people paying for what they did. If I contact you out on the street and you have a prior then obviously you did what you needed to do to take care of that "prior." I may be more cautious around you but again, you'll still get the respect, unless of course you don't deserve it.

If you have priors, I don't see you as a criminal necessarily, unless you just keep on committing crimes. I've seen plenty reform and become upstanding citizens which is one of the ultimate goals. I was using the term criminal in more of a present tense. If I get a call of a person holding up a gas station at gunpoint then yes that person is a criminal and I would deem them evil or whatever other word you think fits. Once they've done their time and in the event I run into them again, I see them as a "person with a prior." They'll still encounter a respectful me (unless they're not being respectful), but I will be vigilant because I know you're history.

I can't tell you how many times I've arrested people and they've shaken my hand before they're booked into jail. And that is easily one of the best feelings in the world. Because its an ego boost? Hell no. Our initial contact may have been different but throughout the process of me taking that person to jail and talking to them, we get each other. I always tell em god bless and hope to see them again but not for law enforcement reasons. It happens more often than you would think. But of course I have those guys that I arrest and they're ***** the entire time. Then I could care less about a hand shake.

My original comment about criminals being evil was more in the public view. You have all these people out here doing nothing wrong being victimized by crime. You say I work for evil, but I'm also out there for the public who need the help from evil. I don't know if I'm making any sense but I hope I clarified that. I'm sure I could have picked a better word I guess.
:lol: @ people shaking your hand after you booked em in jail. Thats a good one

Have you or any of your peers ever had an encounter with one of those "sovereign citizen" wackos?
The only time I have was a drunk guy sleeping on the street. Dude couldn't stand up or even give me his name but he kept saying he was a sovereign citizen and that we couldn't do anything to him. We even had to get a mental health clearance for him because the nurse at jail wouldn't clear him. She asked him if he was suicidal and he just kept saying, "I'm a sovereign citizen."
@ people shaking your hand after you booked em in jail. Thats a good one
It really is
Do you believe you can help people in need and do good in the world without being a cop? If so then why are you a cop?

Why are you all so reluctant or just downright unwilling to stop eachother from committing crimes? Because if we're being honest here you guys are committing the majority of unwarranted violence in the world.
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Do you believe you can help people in need and do good in the world without being a cop? If so then why are you a cop?

Why are you all so reluctant or just downright unwilling to stop eachother from committing crimes? Because if we're being honest here you guys are committing the majority of unwarranted violence in the world.

Yes. I could be a paramedic. I could be a firefighter. I could be a teacher. I could be a counselor. Being a cop lets me be all those and then some. Let me guess. "That's BS." To you it may be. But to me thats what it is. I work closely with all of those above mentioned occupations. Paramedics and fire the most. Depending on the call, they often wont go into a house to render first aid unless police go in first and tell them its safe.

Why are we all so reluctant or just downright unwilling to stop each other from comitting crimes? We ALL are not. Like I've said throughout this entire thread, there are bad cops out there and theyre the vast minority. Do each and every one of us do something about it. No. Most would. But most is not all. Im trying to do my part and so is the vast majority.

Are we really committing the majority of unwarranted violence in the world? I know you want to believe that but I'd respectfully say you're wrong on that one. There is unwarranted violence by cops but the majority? Really? I dont even know how you could quantify that.

In the spirit of being real honest here. Reading your past responses and questions your mindset and viewpoint is apparent. You're not hiding it and you shouldn't. Is any answer I give short of, "I'm an evil person working for evil people," going to go anywhere with you?

I mean, you already indirectly said you want me dead.
The only time I have was a drunk guy sleeping on the street. Dude couldn't stand up or even give me his name but he kept saying he was a sovereign citizen and that we couldn't do anything to him. We even had to get a mental health clearance for him because the nurse at jail wouldn't clear him. She asked him if he was suicidal and he just kept saying, "I'm a sovereign citizen."

That sounds about right :lol:
You most definitely used the wrong word. Like you said theres an enormous amount of words to be used and every situation is different.I wouldnt use evil to describe a drunk driver. They arent evil, they didnt have the intent on killing or hurting anyone. They were/are stupid af but i wouldnt call them evil. A person robbing someone or a store at gunpoint, again wouldnt call them evil. What causes someone to rob someone on the street or the convenience store where the most theyd come away with is a couple hundred bucks? Most probably poverty and/or desperation. And believe it or not... Sometimes good people do make mistakes.

Evil are the people you work for and the people they work for. The people using you as a pawn on the chess board. Pulling your strings like a puppet.

The amount of ignorance in this thread is laughable....but this is why cops will be forever hated. I mean, why should the police attempt to stop a drunk driver who could easily cause a fatality accident or a person who just used a gun who could easily kill someone to take money illegally? These people making these simple mistakes should just be told "I get it, you made a mistake and I know you didn't mean it. Be on your merry way and try not to do it again!"

Call it whatever you want, but they should be held accountable for their actions.
The amount of ignorance in this thread is laughable....but this is why cops will be forever hated. I mean, why should the police attempt to stop a drunk driver who could easily cause a fatality accident or a person who just used a gun who could easily kill someone to take money illegally? These people making these simple mistakes should just be told "I get it, you made a mistake and I know you didn't mean it. Be on your merry way and try not to do it again!"

Call it whatever you want, but they should be held accountable for their actions.

Where did i say they shouldnt stop a drunk driver or someone using a gun to commit a robbery? Please point that out to me. He called all criminals evil. I simply said thats not the right word...
You most definitely used the wrong word. Like you said theres an enormous amount of words to be used and every situation is different.I wouldnt use evil to describe a drunk driver. They arent evil, they didnt have the intent on killing or hurting anyone. They were/are stupid af but i wouldnt call them evil. A person robbing someone or a store at gunpoint, again wouldnt call them evil. What causes someone to rob someone on the street or the convenience store where the most theyd come away with is a couple hundred bucks? Most probably poverty and/or desperation. And believe it or not... Sometimes good people do make mistakes.

Evil are the people you work for and the people they work for. The people using you as a pawn on the chess board. Pulling your strings like a puppet.

Sometimes good people do make mistakes. They do. I totally agree. The degree of those mistakes though is where the problem is. I mean making a mistake and stealing $200 is one thing. But if you point a gun at somebody or even worse, shoot them for that $200? Those two mistakes have to be handled on different levels.

Out of curiosity, I guess I'm blind to it, but what makes the people I work for evil and the people they work for evil. Serious question. If it's too much to post about I get it, no worries. I mean I understand people have different views on elected officials and policies or propositions or whatever so I'm just wondering your view on why those people are evil. I personally don't agree with certain policies or certain views of the higher ups but obviously bot enough to make me stop what I'm doing.
Out of curiosity, I guess I'm blind to it, but what makes the people I work for evil and the people they work for evil. Serious question. If it's too much to post about I get it, no worries. I mean I understand people have different views on elected officials and policies or propositions or whatever so I'm just wondering your view on why those people are evil. I personally don't agree with certain policies or certain views of the higher ups but obviously bot enough to make me stop what I'm doing.

Reading your post, especially the comment about cops being lap dogs made me think of this part from this book i read called "Shantaram". Really stuck with me...

"The world is run by one million evil men, ten million stupid men, and a hundred million cowards. The evil men are the power–the rich men, and the politicians, and the fanatics of religion–whose decisions rule the world, and set it on its course of greed and destruction. There are only one million of them, the truly evil men, in the whole world. The very rich and the very powerful, whose decisions really count–they only number one million.

The stupid men, who number ten million, are the soldiers and policemen who enforce the rule of the evil men. They are the standing armies of twelve key countries, and the police forces of those and twenty more. In total, there are only ten million of them with any real power or consequence. They are often brave, I’m sure, but they are stupid, too, because they give their lives for governments and causes that use their flesh and blood as mere chess pieces. Those governments always betray them or let them down or abandon them, in the long run. Nations neglect no men more shamefully than the heroes of their wars.

And the hundred million cowards, they are the bureaucrats and paper shufflers and pen-pushers who permit the rule of the evil men, and look the other way. They are the head of this department, and the secretary of that committee, and the president of the other association. They are managers, and officials, and mayors, and officers of the court. They always defend themselves by saying that they are just following orders, or just doing their job, and it’s nothing personal, and if they don’t do it, someone else surely will. They are the hundred million cowards who know what is going on, but say nothing, while they sign the paper that puts one man before a firing squad, or condemns one million men to the slower death of a famine.

So, that’s it. The world is run by one million evil men, ten million stupid men, and a hundred million cowards. The rest of us, all six billion of us, do pretty much what we are told!"
What this thread has turned into isn't what I intended. I'm still down to field questions about anything police related (laws, procedures, traffic, how situations are handled etc). I still want you guys to post your questions and I'll answer them in the order they're posted. I made this thread because I know a lot of people have questions about the above mentioned topics and they just don't have many, if any, opportunities to ask an actual cop about it. Please bear in mind though I can only speak for myself and what I know and what I have seen/experienced. I can't speak for the next man. I can assume or speculate, but we all know what assuming does.

I welcome any healthy discussion as well. I'm open to hear what you have to say. I just ask you extend the same courtesy. If you want to ask a question and really don't care what I have to say then please don't ask it. We're all adults here.

Nice. Reminds me of this

Another question. Say we start society all over again. What would be ideal in terms of structure and how law enforcement is handled?

EDIT: I guess i don't know how to add multiple quotes.
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Some here have their minds made up as to what cops do and what their intentions are. No thread or discussion will change that. A few even called you a puppet, a pawn right off the bat. You may be wrong no matter what your answer is. Unfortunately, they hate all cops. Keep doing you though.
What is the inception of the police force in this country? When, where, what, how, and why? With whatever the answer is to that question, has the focus/mandate/agenda changed from that? Why or why not? And how do you know? Who told you? If there are good cops, why don't they all band together in order to step away from the force and simply police their neighborhoods together individually? Since "bad" cops tarnish their image and their employers from an institutional standpoint refuse to do anything of said "bad" cops? Why don't all cops threaten to go on strike in order to demand and impose certain convictions in regards to some of these police shootings and foul play? Why don't cops go on strike when their instructed to target black people especially poor black people in hopes to make a cheap drug arrest in which arresting cop will fill out a time sheet that equals $$ for cop? Is there a such thing as a sane black cop? One that has knowledge of self and doesn't have self-hatred issues whether consciously aware of them or not? Why don't cops simply look the other way when they know certain policies and orders mandated to them are blatantly designed/carried out to harm black people? How many folks from your own family have you arrested or even simply given a ticket too? If you're a cop, what's your ethnicity?
What is the inception of the police force in this country? When, where, what, how, and why? 
The original  purpose and mission of police in the U.S. was to catch escaped slaves.
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