Ask a Cop whatever.....

do you know an older guy...first name ignacio that works in your department?

do you go through an academy before getting hired? how hard is it to get a job without going through an academy.
Took my brother about 5 years to finally land a job in oregon as a cop. So im just curious
I do not know an Ignacio in my department, but I don't know everybody.

You can go through the academy as an employee of your agency/department or you can be an "open" who basically puts himself/herself through the academy. I think my academy had like 80 people and about 5 of those people went into it without a job already. Throughout the academy they would get pulled out of classes because certain agencies would send recruiters over to talk to people that have not been hired yet to try to convince them to apply with them. As far as hire rate I would guess it just depends on how many people they need. I've heard of people like your brother who took years to get hired on and Ive heard of people getting hired on in as little as 4 months or so.
Horse****. you know you don't have to be a cop to help people right? Also your job is to enforce the law. You're not obligated to serve, protect or help anyone and you know that. What kind of "criminals" are you out looking for?
I know that. But its obviously what I chose. I could have been a medic. I could have been a firefighter. I could have been a youth coordinator. Well I can do all of that to in my current position. Yes my job is to enforce the law. And I actually am obligated to serve, protect, and help people. If not by policy then certainly by morals. That's why I took the job. Call Horse****all you want but its true and you may not know it, but I do.

As far as what "criminals" am I looking out for? Take your pick. DUIs/DWIs (yes I consider them criminals). People who beat on their spouses, children, the eldery. People who sexually abuse their spouses, children, the elderly. People who push drugs on kids (and I'm not talking weed). People who smash peoples windows and ransack their houses. People who will hold people up at gunpoint for 5 packs of cigarettes and a some skittles. I can go on and on. I haven't seen it all but I've seen a whole lot.
No questions from me but please destroy the blue wall of silence.

Please call out those in your union/ police department who are purposely harming black people and hold them accountable 

Idk if you are a brother or not OP but I as a black man should not have to fear people who make a living from the taxes I pay every year. Im probably the cleanest person to get pulled over but I still am in fear when I get pulled me over I know that officer can take my life with impunity 

And this aint even nothing new based on the rent events, this been going on for DECADES 

Please be the change in your union/ police department 

That is all 
I'm all for that. Part of why I joined was because I want to be part of the change. Some may think those aspirations are too high or I'm going into it blindly but don't tell me that. This far into it and I still have the same goals and I still think what I'm doing is helping, not hurting.
Y'all out here murdering innocent people. Kidnapping people. Torturing people. Ruining families. Destroying lives. I wish death on all of you.

Oh my bad that's not you doing all that right? And yet you all stand together and support eachother
Again. I'm sorry you feel that way. I don't know your situation, but I wish your viewpoint will be able to change even the slightest bit. I'll say right now though its not gonna work with that mentality.
What reasoning should i give the Chief of police in Massachusetts, that i want my License to Carry? I want my firearm ID so bad.
Unfortunately you live in one of the states with the strictest gun laws. In CA, you need to have a business where you're constantly carrying large amounts of cash or a restraining order against somebody. You need to be able to articulate the hell out of your reason. It's of course never guaranteed though.
IMO criminals are evil. So if I'm supporting evil to stop evil then does that make me evil? Thats a whole lot of evil. In all seriousness I'm sorry that you feel that way. So should I not do my job to stick it to the evil higher-ups, meanwhile the evil preying on the community get to do whatever? We obviously have different viewpoints and I'm interested in a deeper understanding of yours.

The belief of authority vested in one man or a group of men over others is a falsehood. I don't care how long the system has been in place it's WRONG and I'll definitely show and prove in detail how and why it's wrong and immoral, but first I have a few questions.

Why do you all place a higher value on your lives than those of an "average citizen". I will not accept "we don't" as an answer because it's BLATANTLY OBVIOUS that you do.

Why are you all exempt from the very laws you try to enforce on us? Let me guess, "the laws apply to us all" :rolleyes

I'd appreciate an honest answer.

Why do you all believe that you deserve any kind of special treatment?

Why are you all constantly ******* with people who are minding their own business over minor harmless "offenses" instead of trying to stop people who are actually committing acts of violence towards others? (Which the majority of the time it's you guys violating others)

Why are you all so afraid? Why do you hate blacks? Why are you so petrified in your egos that you're unwilling to admit any wrong doing or when you do admit wrong doing "justice" is never served and you (the criminals) are allowed to go on paid leave after destroying an entire life/lives, families etc.

Why should we the people trust you guys to police yourselves? We're supposed to trust that a violent gang of criminals are gonna keep themselves in check? You all operate in a fraternal manner and we all know the ends to those means.
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Again. I'm sorry you feel that way. I don't know your situation, but I wish your viewpoint will be able to change even the slightest bit. I'll say right now though its not gonna work with that mentality.

whats not going to work...?
I'm indifferent to cops as I rarely run into them. I do not like cops at all that abuse their power and target people based on their race, but to the people that hate all cops, I dont get that. Like that has to be someone enforcing the law otherwise there will be chaos, no? Or should all civilians strap up themselves to protect themselves? If Oakland had no cops, people would be getting robbed left and right
Its good that you hardly run into them obviously. And I never wish this on you but I'm sure you're viewpoint would change even just a little bit if you had a bad encounter. I may be blind to it but I'm sure all these people saying F THE POLICE had a bad encounter or know somebody who did. I just hope they can see that its not ALL cops and a small few. Its ****** up to be harassed and treated unfairly by law enforcement I'm sure, but I genuinely hope that does not turn people away from calling 911 when they need to.

I think about it occasionally what would happen if there were no cops and there would be some people that would be ecstatic, but it wouldn't work.
criminals are evil...damn...

This is straight from a police officer's mouth people.

This is what they're thinking.

This is what they're thinking when they're running plates and someone with priors comes up.

They dehumanize people. They affix scarlet letters onto people, most of whom are nonviolent offenders or have bogus trumped up charges and then they profile them for the rest of their lives.

When recidivism only helps their bottom line where does rehabilitation factor in? Where does public service fit? I mean sure, they're first responders for a lot of serious situations (fires, car accidents, etc) but when cops look at people as "evil", what are they doing to remedy that evil?

They're arresting them, that's what. They're not going out of their way to change that perception. They're all too happy pigeonholing people and that's an issue.

People are rarely a reflection of their criminal records. Why do we have to tell you that? This illustrates exactly why cops need more schooling in so many cities.
Are there a lot of good looking female officers?
Are there a fair amount of police on police sexual relations?
You ever heard of anyone smashing on the job?
1. Not a lot, but thats in the eye of the beholder of course.

2. Yup

3. I've heard of it, never tried to pry any deeper though
OP, i commend you for actually investing your time to talk to us about police work/lifestyle....i believe more of this is needed.

My question is how do you policeman/woman get trained dealing with disabled individuals? ( Autism, etc)
We've all taken courses on the subject and know the situation is a fragile one. Pick a psychological diagnosis and there are so many different degrees of severity for each one. We basically evaluate the situation and if the person meets one of the criteria (danger to self, danger to others, or gravely disabled) then we'll take them to a hospital or facility for a mental health evaluation. It's not an arrest but if we decide they meet one of those criteria than we can take them in.

Autism is really difficult though. They already have been diagnosed and I've had people request to press chargers against a person with autism but thats not gonna stand up. Often times they're already in some kind of home or facility and we can't take them from a facility like that for a mental evaluation. Sometimes our hands are tied with those situations.
Do you show professional courtesy to other LEOs? I heard cops out there ticket each other
Generally, yes. I've never written a ticket to another LEO but I have gotten one. It's up to the other LEO what they want to do but for the most part I would say we do.
What was the race of the perp?

Do you meet your fellow 12 at a bar after your shift?
1. Black

2. I have but I wouldn't say it's a regular thing. I try to hang out with my non-cop friends more. They keep you level and grounded.

is there a quota for arrests youre supposed to achieve, weekly, monthly? And if so, why do cops deny this quota?
There is no quota. Now if you're out there doing absolutely nothing then people are going to start asking whats going on. But we have no quota. You can't be disciplined for not having x amount of contacts per day.
I've actually thought of going into a career with law enforcement lately, especially since I'm getting my degree and can't see myself being in the environment I'm in without being bored out of my mind. Question for OP, I've dabbled with weed in the past a few times. Probably 5-6 times with the longest period being 3 months (not daily, but every other day). I'm more than willing to be honest on my application regarding past drug use because it's like it says, the past. Would that hinder my chances even if I'm honest?
Definitely be honest. The biggest question is how long ago was the last time. I've done it before but it was years before I applied. They're not looking for perfect people because really who is? They just want the best of the imperfect people.
This the attitude they have when going out on the job

Used to be innocent til proven guilty. Now its guilty til proven innocent
1. Help me out. Maybe I used the wrong word. A persons driving dunk and they kill 2 people. Or a person robs somebody else at gun point. Or a person sexually abuses a child. Honestly. There is an enormous amount of words to describe that behavior. What word would you use?

2. It still is
The belief of authority vested in one man or a group of men over others is a falsehood. I don't care how long the system has been in place it's WRONG and I'll definitely show and prove in detail how and why it's wrong and immoral, but first I have a few questions.

Why do you all place a higher value on your lives than those of an "average citizen". I will not accept "we don't" as an answer because it's BLATANTLY OBVIOUS that you do.

Why are you all exempt from the very laws you try to enforce on us? Let me guess, "the laws apply to us all"

I'd appreciate an honest answer.

Why do you all believe that you deserve any kind of special treatment?

Why are you all constantly ******* with people who are minding their own business over minor harmless "offenses" instead of trying to stop people who are actually committing acts of violence towards others? (Which the majority of the time it's you guys violating others)

Why are you all so afraid? Why do you hate blacks? Why are you so petrified in your egos that you're unwilling to admit any wrong doing or when you do admit wrong doing "justice" is never served and you (the criminals) are allowed to go on paid leave after destroying an entire life/lives, families etc.

Why should we the people trust you guys to police yourselves? We're supposed to trust that a violent gang of criminals are gonna keep themselves in check? You all operate in a fraternal manner and we all know the ends to those means.
1. Though that question is pretty general. My answer? I don't. Do others? Yes. The majority? I can't say. We follow the same rules, save for some traffic ones to be honest.

2. How are we exempt from it? I'm guessing you're referring to a cop not being disciplined for something they did. We go through the same court process. Whether they are convicted or not is out of my hands and your hands (unless you're on the jury). I'm all for discipline for doing wrong but if somebody was not disciplined I can't say why. I definitely wouldn't say we are exempt from laws though.

3. Such as? I don't expect special treatment. If I get it cool, if not oh well. 

4. I get this all the time. Why are you bothering me when there are more serious crimes going on? Unfortunately a lot of police responses happen after the fact and not during an act of a crime. We can't be everywhere at all times. We would love to be. Though its not impossible, its improbable. At the same time we cannot just turn a blind eye to everything else.

5. We aren't ALL afraid. We don't ALL hate blacks. We ALL are not afraid to admit our wrongdoings.

6. You apparently don't trust us to police ourselves and you're obviously not alone. I don't blame you. Like i've said throughout the thread. There are bad cops out there and I despise them as you do. Your questions are simply too broad for me to answer as I obviously cannot speak for ALL, and in some instances even the next man. All I know is for myself, I'm doing it the right way with the right intentions and trying to be a part of the change.
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