Asking 100 girls for sex

to have sex with a random person. easy pass.

you know you get no yambs anyways
Whats yambs

Creamy or firm when cooked, yams have an earthy, hardy taste and usually a minimal amount of sweetness. Although they are available throughout the year their season runs from October through December when they are at their best.

There are approximately 200 different varieties of yams with flesh colors varying from white to ivory to yellow to purple while their thick skin comes in white, pink or brownish-black . Their shape is long and cylindrical (oftentimes having offshoots referred to as "toes") while their exterior texture is rough and scaly. There is great confusion between yams and sweet potatoes in the United States; most of the vegetables labeled "yams" in the markets are really orange-colored sweet potatoes.


The struggle
This is at UCSB, film that video on a Friday night at around 11:30 then we'll see
bruh from the asking 100 girls for sex a few chicks were DTF they just werent comfortable with f***ing right away

he coudlve got the digits and just smashed a few later easily if really he wanted to
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The girl at 0:50 pretty much said yes (she's about to get holla'd at in the coming months). That alone is all the reason for young guys not to be shy. You only get one go 'round in this game. Your looks will be gone someday. I've done this experiment on internet dating sites and for every 10 I got 2-3. And that's not including the 66% of women I hung out with casually and got some on the first or second date. It's a gold rush out there, fellas.
Video plus thread is lulz.

Girl is hot.

Gilla has me dying with his responses
I want to see a fat ugly guy asking these women. That would be more funny I think. A regular white joe average? Those answers and reactions were pretty obvious.
the big black clock skit is way funnier than asking the girls for sex

the girl asking the guys was hot too. would not hesitate.
Good ol pack mentality :lol: I watched this yesterday, and fully believe had the women been by themselves, at least 10-15 would say yes. Dudes will do and say whatever regardless, as you saw in the other vid :lol:
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