Asking 100 girls for sex

I definitely believe 30-40 of those girls would have said yes if they were just by themselves..easily..
"How often does that work for you?"

"60% of the time, it works all the time." 
would have known something was wrong if the chick asked me randomly "White women running up to a black man somethin aint right here" word to Charles Ramsey lol
would have known something was wrong if the chick asked me randomly "White women running up to a black man somethin aint right here" word to Charles Ramsey lol
:lol: true
but knowin me i woulda been like "turn around & let see yo *** finna grip up on it & if its soft u gon get wat u askin for"
YO Why did i see this so late.

Thats right here in Isla Vista!!! (UCSB area)... I lived there for 3 years :rofl:

I'll tell you guys one thing. I promise you, at least a third of those girls would of said yes if 1) they had a few drinks in them or 2) their friends werent around or 3) he would of just spent a few minutes talking to them instead of the direct question.

Santa Barbara girls are down man...especially if you're an attractive male (no romo)... the girls were just caught off guard and embarrassed, but at least 33% of them really want to... GUARANTEED. :lol:
YO Why did i see this so late.

Thats right here in Isla Vista!!! (UCSB area)... I lived there for 3 years :rofl:

I'll tell you guys one thing. I promise you, at least a third of those girls would of said yes if 1) they had a few drinks in them or 2) their friends werent around or 3) he would of just spent a few minutes talking to them instead of the direct question.

Santa Barbara girls are down man...especially if you're an attractive male (no romo)... the girls were just caught off guard and embarrassed, but at least 33% of them really want to... GUARANTEED. :lol:

Note to self: Go to Santa Barbara :lol:

When I was living there my Sociology of Sexual Education professor told us 1 in 4 girls in IV had an STD... :lol: :x :smh:

I was like WHY are you telling us this!??!?! :lol:

...also bring lots of condoms
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Like others have said, it's very difficult when you talking to a group of women as opposed to a woman by herself.

No one is going to want to say "yes" in front of all her friends. It's going to make her look like a sloot, although deep down we all know how women are when they are alone and properly motivated :lol:
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I think its kinda funny when the bf has to say no and the girl kinda pauses to think about it lmao
I would have smiled and been like "Well do you?"
thats that dumb ish, on the real i doubt he could pop most of those dudes' girls, girls always want their guys to be macho and flex hard, trust thats what the pause was for

unfortunately, i dont give a damb, call me insecure, if my ***** pause or dont look at this clown with a straight face and say no, then she gettin dropped
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