At possibly the lowest point I've ever been

Originally Posted by Retro23J

Life is process after process, bro. I'm sure you're familiar with one of those. And after a process is complete, you're molded into exactly what you need to be in order to continue on. The discomfort is miniscule in comparison to what's waiting for you.
Originally Posted by hongcouver604

Just wondering, when some of you are against all odds and in times of desperate need for guidance and comfort, how many of you have turned to God?

I've been through quite a lot the past year and a half, and there have been many strange instances this year where I feel like God is speaking to me through other channels (through people I've met, etc). I consider myself agnostic and don't really believe in organized religion, but I'm in a position where I want to find myself spiritually and seek God.

Forget the girl, forget about girls. Focus on yourself, and try to be the best man you can be while building up your self worth. You can't really love someone if you don't love yourself. I don't know about you, but consider going to church, join a fellowship, surround yourself with positive people and energy, and cut all that BS out of your life. Try finding yourself and finding your purpose. Like many have said before, once you get past your trials and tribulations, you'll have new found strength and you'll feel like you can make it through anything. This can only make you stronger and help you develop thicker skin. Stay up.
Man to be honest, a lot of folks want to deal with something tangible. Who wants a one sided conversation?
I noticed that you hadn't been posting all that much, but I had no idea that things were so hectic in your life. Unfortunate to hear that everything is kind of piling up all at once for you. I know that life's trials and tribulations can make it hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel, but you have to remember to be strong. You are the master of your fate, you are the captain of your soul, and you have to decide that you want for things to get better before they ever will.

Surround yourself with positivity. Whether its something as major as transferring schools, or as minor as pausing while you're shaving to tell yourself that you are the bomb, just remain positive and don't waste your energy on negativity. That goes for you, and the people you surround yourself with.

I hope you feel better, homie. I mean that in the sincerest way possible. The issues you're facing now will eventually sort themselves out, I'm sure of it. Be easy, and feel free to hit me up anytime for anything. Peace.
Originally Posted by Antidope

ksteezy wrote:
Cry it out bro...let all tht built up bad energy go, don't corner is so long and we will all be tested at one time or another. Where do you live? old are you? said you have tickets? traffic tickets? you have a PayPal?...can't offer much but is better than nothing.....maybe other NTers will follow suit and help ya out.
This. I have some side money that I wouldn't mind giving to you man. I mean I was about to go buy jeans with it, the least I could do is give it to someone who actually needs it.

OP needs to post up his PP and just let the good hearts who really are more than words put in, even if its 20$ from at least 10 NTers that will be alot of help from a buch of random online dudes, i see NT always talking about brotherhood and being family, this is one way to prove it.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by hongcouver604

Just wondering, when some of you are against all odds and in times of desperate need for guidance and comfort, how many of you have turned to God?

I've been through quite a lot the past year and a half, and there have been many strange instances this year where I feel like God is speaking to me through other channels (through people I've met, etc). I consider myself agnostic and don't really believe in organized religion, but I'm in a position where I want to find myself spiritually and seek God.

Forget the girl, forget about girls. Focus on yourself, and try to be the best man you can be while building up your self worth. You can't really love someone if you don't love yourself. I don't know about you, but consider going to church, join a fellowship, surround yourself with positive people and energy, and cut all that BS out of your life. Try finding yourself and finding your purpose. Like many have said before, once you get past your trials and tribulations, you'll have new found strength and you'll feel like you can make it through anything. This can only make you stronger and help you develop thicker skin. Stay up.
Man to be honest, a lot of folks want to deal with something tangible. Who wants a one sided conversation?

I felt that exact same way trying to establish a spiritual relationship with the man upstairs.  It's like, how can I believe in something that's not visible or audible, just doesn't seem plausible to me.  But I've been through some things this year that just can't be explained, things that were more than coincidental.  I'm not sure if I believe in him, and I'm not sure if I don't believe in him... I'm stuck in between, but it's not gonna stop me from searching for him.  And if he exists, great... if not, then whatever.  Better to be safe than sorry, and it's not like his teachings are detrimental to us.  I just wanna find a purpose.  But that's a whole nother topic. 
Originally Posted by Antidope

ksteezy wrote:
Cry it out bro...let all tht built up bad energy go, don't corner is so long and we will all be tested at one time or another. Where do you live? old are you? said you have tickets? traffic tickets? you have a PayPal?...can't offer much but is better than nothing.....maybe other NTers will follow suit and help ya out.
This. I have some side money that I wouldn't mind giving to you man. I mean I was about to go buy jeans with it, the least I could do is give it to someone who actually needs it.

Hey I gotta gang of student loans if y'all passin' out the collection plate 

Hey man (B.S. Psyc here), the most important thing is it's normal to be feeling the way you do. Starting this thread was an excellent first step and you should feel great for opening up. By doing so, you've opened an outlet for yourself and for others to chime in their words. Consider that there may be lurkers going through similar or worse experiences reading this thread taking in valuable advice, and they feel better because of you. Some days will be tougher than others, but ingrain this word in your mind: through. Everything may suck at the moment, it's all a matter of getting through. I'm at a low point in my life too, and as indicated by the great responses here, you're not alone.

I would highly recommend regularly exercising if you already don't. I also suggest using self affirmations everyday. Say things out loud like: I am happy, I will get through this, Today will be great, etc. It sounds cheesy, but it works. Also, I would suggest keeping a journal where you handwrite positive things. A Harvard psychologist said if you write down 3 things you're grateful for each day, you can "re-wire" the brain to think more positively over time. When you're in a happy state, you activate the learning areas of the brain allowing you to be more productive.

Keep yourself busy so you don't allow negative thoughts to seep in. Also, if you haven't seen Steve Job's commencement speech - watch it. Here's a random quote from Tumblr:

"One day at a time -- this is enough. Do not look back and grieve over the past as it is gone; and do not be troubled about the future, for it has not yet come. Live in the present, and make it so beautiful it will be worth remembering."
have someone else hold on to your gun for you. seriously.

buy a trigger lock so they can't use it and store it somewhere else.
Originally Posted by Yeah

I noticed that you hadn't been posting all that much, but I had no idea that things were so hectic in your life. Unfortunate to hear that everything is kind of piling up all at once for you. I know that life's trials and tribulations can make it hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel, but you have to remember to be strong. You are the master of your fate, you are the captain of your soul, and you have to decide that you want for things to get better before they ever will.

Surround yourself with positivity. Whether its something as major as transferring schools, or as minor as pausing while you're shaving to tell yourself that you are the bomb, just remain positive and don't waste your energy on negativity. That goes for you, and the people you surround yourself with.

I hope you feel better, homie. I mean that in the sincerest way possible. The issues you're facing now will eventually sort themselves out, I'm sure of it. Be easy, and feel free to hit me up anytime for anything. Peace.

Good brother.
I've been through similar things(still am kinda) and I will say that you gotta stay strong man. You got to.

We can't predict these things...if anyone can they must be psychic. Do whatever you like to do that can keep the stress away. If you like to play sports, do that. You like to play video games, listen to music, write, etc...then do that. Also like others said, talk it out with a friend, or a loved one.

You'll be alright, man. Don't dwell on the negative so much.
Get that positive energy flow going. 
All of this has helped a lot. I can't explain how talking to a group of people, some of whom I have never met, online has shown me there's much to live for and appreciate. NT is full of lulz, but it is also filled with genuine people that are willing to help another person in need. This give me hope not only for my situation, but for man kind as well. I thank all of you who have contributed and have offered to help. Dudes are actually willing to give me money. God damn, how real is this? I have so much love for this site and am thankful for the day I stumbled upon it 7 years ago.

Once again, I appreciate it NT. I really do.
Around this time last year I got pretty low too.  I feel some of your pain bro.  Even now, I usually go to sleep sad every night.  It feels like I have a hole somewhere in me that nothing can fill.  I go about my daily life smiling and laughing with people...and for a while I feel ok...but when I go to bed, it's usually the same story that one hour before I sleep.  Just feeling empty.  Alone. 

Anyway, stay up

Cruised through the thread real quick....  Someone already mentioned it... but keep yourself busy somehow.  It helps. 
Originally Posted by 4wrestling

If they are really your friends, it won't matter if you haven't talked to them in months. Go talk to them.
I feel like if they really were, some of em shoulda reached out to you, too.
keep ya head up fan, glad to see another blink fan here on the board. literally listening to waggy as i type this
Stay up bro. I feel you my past couple years have been rough from almost dying to dealing with jail and court and all that BS. I say focus on school if you can. That's what helps me. It just takes my mind off all the other crap. Sorry about your girl. I know that feel too. Just try and keep busy. That's all I can do really and it helps. I just focus on work and school.

I'm like you in the aspect I never talk to my boys. I kick it with them alot but I never talk to them about my problems. I just keep to myself I'm not trying to drag anyone down.

You'll get through it with time man. It might suck for a while but you'll see better days.
sometimes the easiest way is out but the strong can make it through to enjoy the good life can offer in time.

..this is what i tell myself

and i chief
 to keep a smile on a get close-up to my lost ones
Try to see a therapist dog seriously. Even if it doesn't live up to your expectations, at least it will be a change, or something different that could kick you in a positive direction. Also, try your best not to distance yourself from people. Being around people helps bigtime. It can help keep your mind off of the negative in your life, even if its talking to the old lady neighbor who you can't stand most days.
nothin good with losin a family member. but honestly, the memory of my old man is what motivates me. look for things that motivate you and cling to those, it will certainly help you in the long run......good luck fam
Blink! Wudap bo! Were still in the same city, right? Hit me up sometime and we can kick it man. I'm not heavy into drinking and I dont mess with substances, so I be on some regular @@*$. lol.. I'm also broke, so we prolly on the same page as far as places to hang out.

hmu man.
"you think you got it bad? someone always has it worst."i just use this as encouragement to keep me going.
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