AT THE DRIVE IN Reunion???????

Dec 21, 2007
heres what cedric said in an interview when asked about a possible ATDI reunion
I don't know what to say about that really. We've been making amends with a lot of the members and having some really good talks with them. And we've been trying to get our financial business in order because a lot of people have been ripping off that band really far as the business side goes. I wouldn't mind it. Y'know, it might happen, we just have to iron out a lot of personal things. A lot of it we've dealt with already and I've apologised for a lot of things I've said and the way it ended...we'll see what happens.
i hope it happens.
yeah i dont see it happening anytime soon especially since TMV got a new album coming out later this month. but i hope it does eventually happen cause idreally like to see them live again.
Yea I doubt it.

And honestly I don't think it would even be that great.

I feel like they were perfect in their time and because of that the Mars Volta was created.

Now im just waiting for TMV to dismantle, their last two efforts were trash. Id like to see Cedric and Omar make music still.
Originally Posted by TimCity2000

this would be awesome.

for what it's worth, i think ATDI>Sparta>TMV
Word? i think TMV>ATDI>Sparta. I loved ATDI and thats how i first heard about Cedric and Omar and the mars volta, But De-Loused and Francesthe Mute are just masterpieces in music (imo), Relationship of Command is one of the greatest albums i have ever heard but DITC and FTM just was so mindblowing. But i would love to see ATDI live before i die, hopefully with the same exact energy they had before disbanding.
Originally Posted by JOSH4523

I loved ATDI and thats how i first heard about Cedric and Omar and the mars volta, But De-Loused and Frances the Mute are just masterpieces in music (imo),

It would be dope if they did a reunion though.
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