athiest wake up

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Once again, you fail to READ my post.

Nothing wrong with believing that there is no God, where the dilemma is when people (you did earlier) Claim to KNOW there is no God.

I know there isn't a god. Why is that a dilemma?

No you don't. You believe there isn't, but wait you don't believe in anything...Paradox huh
nope. I know there isn't one. Why do you say I believe there isn't one? I know there isn't one. Without a doubt, 100%, there is no god. I know this.
Yo to dude who says he knows is very ignorant you got geniuses who say they dont know if theirs a God how can u be so sure or are u just sayinthats your story and your sticking to it? which is cool but dont act like you know cause if you knew everything from origins of dark matter to what was thefirst word ever spoken by man then dont act like you KNOW the answers to questions people of high astute dont have an answer for.
Originally Posted by shatterkneesinc

Originally Posted by Menacin Methods

I believe Islam is the truest religion. and i bear witness there is no god but Allah and prophet Muhammad(pbuh) is the last messenger for all of mankind
I believe Christianity was a true religion when prophet Jesus was sent to down to his people, but later on the church took christianity and twisted it for the worse.
I believe Judaism was a true religion until the people of israel did not except what prophet Moses was preaching.

Those who have read this will not have an excuse on the day of judgment when the non believers will be asked what did you believe in?

If Allah is all loving, he will forgive them.
Originally Posted by JDocs

Why is faith a good thing?

faith   [feyth] Show IPA Pronunciation
belief that is not based on proof: He had faith that the hypothesis would be substantiated by fact.
Originally Posted by 18key

Originally Posted by yankeesfan0130

Originally Posted by jeyel

if someone doesnt believe in God, why does that automatically damn them?

i believe in a God that judges people on their actions, not whether or not they claim to believe in Him.

and if my definition of God doesnt match up with yours, am I wrong?

let people express their beliefs (or lack thereof ) .. OP came off wrong by saying that athiests need to wake up

your supposed to belive in god as a duty.some people were never exposed to god so im trying to .nothing bad its for the good of them
What about those who were exposed to God. At a young age even, and lost all faith in the possibility of there being a higher power?
And how can you say what's good for people? You don't speak for God, so if it makes someone happier to not believe, how is it better if the DO believe.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by EdZ OnE

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by RKO2004

But my question remains unanswered. I asked earlier if there is no God then how did we progress this much? If there is no God then where does the word or even the idea come from? Its like a baby being left to learn and grow in the wild to be raised with bears, how would that child ever know God. Its people on this planet now who don't about God so that signals to me that we couldn't have just BAM came up with all this that goes on in the world. Yeah saying there is no God works for modern and a piece of ancient civilization but who came up with the idea. Who questions what they never knew?

Look, Religion was born in a time where no one knew what was going on. Religion comes from the very beginning of our species. Religion was invented to explain things that were unexplainable. God was created to explain why milk curdled, rainbows existed, waves crashed, birds soared, the sun stayed afloat. Religion was only an answer to quench that thirst for knowledge. So think about that. The religion you tout was created at a time when people were even more ignorant than now.

How did we progress this much? For the same reasons giraffes grew long necks and anteaters grew long snouts. Out of necessity.
OK. We'll just have to wait and see.
thats not a good enough answer. You're just side-stepping the convo and trying to end it. Do you not see any logic in this persons claims? He answered your question, now it's time to either refute it and give evidence as to why, or acknowledge his point.
I don't have to do anything. I have MY beliefs and He has HIS beliefs. I'm not changing mine for anybody. Just because you think he is winning because of "logic" is not the case. You just happen to agree with him. I believe there is a God. I'm not caught up in this worlds thoughts and beliefs that the universe just popped up one day.

Here's some logic I believe in...

John 1:1-3; 10; 14: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth."

Now of course my logic you will choose not to agree with but this is what I believe in. I don't go through life with the assumption babies can make themselves. They need a CREATOR. And car needs a creator. NT has creators. The NFL had creators. I will never be convinced we were just here and then came up with a bunch of stuff. We would have been too dumb to do so. Like I said before. Can a child self learn without being first taught the basics of life? No thats why we have parents and teachers. You can't just go being a rocket scientist without first knowing the basics and being taught the subject at hand.

EVERY species on this earth is reliant on being taught. We are no different. To think other wise is human ignorance displaying its self once again.

He or She without a creator stand and claim it and you will be a liar.

See, now what you did was side-step the point again. Where did i ask for you to change your belief? He answered YOUR question, now you either haveto refute it and give an explanation as to why or to acknowledge his point. In any case, LOGIC is the point! without logic, we might as well still be cave menwithout fire or the invention of a wheel. It doesnt matter whether his logic coincides with my point or not, if you were speaking with any amount of logic atall, more people would be believing you, but since you're NOT, well you've seen how the responses are. Which brings me to my next point:

I'm not caught up in this worlds thoughts and beliefs that the universe just popped up one day.

Doesnt the bible say that god created the world in a week, or something to that extent? According to scientific studies, the universe is BILLIONS if not,TRILLIONS of years old. Now how do those beliefs concur with your point of "this" worlds beliefs that the universe was created in a day? pretty bigdifference dont you think? a day and trillions of years? Onto your last point:

EVERY species on this earth is reliant on being taught. We are no different. To think other wise is human ignorance displaying its self once again.
Where did you think we came from? did god sit down and teach the earliest cave men about the principles and applications of fire? That circularobjects can retain a maximal force of pressure and it's uses are limitless? NOBODY taught us any of this, WE'VE learned this all by ourselves. Howabout people discovering new things in general? like the first nuclear physicists for example, if there weren't any before them, then how did they becometo be nuclear physicists? can you PLEASE help me with any or all of this? and please do not side-step teh argument again and come up with something new toargue about. let's stay on this same argument please. Either refute it with an explanation or acknowledge it, which one are you going to choose?

and please do not use "I dont have to answer anything to you", or any other girly remarks of the sort. Thank you
Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Once again, you fail to READ my post.

Nothing wrong with believing that there is no God, where the dilemma is when people (you did earlier) Claim to KNOW there is no God.

I know there isn't a god. Why is that a dilemma?

No you don't. You believe there isn't, but wait you don't believe in anything...Paradox huh
nope. I know there isn't one. Why do you say I believe there isn't one? I know there isn't one. Without a doubt, 100%, there is no god. I know this.


Once again, I will repeat this. Why do those that don't believe in god's existence have to prove to that he\she\it doesn't exist? Explain this to me. How are they supposed to prove something DOESN'T exist? If you told me you had a unicorn would you ask me to prove that you didn't? Wouldn't it be up to you to prove to me that you did have a unicorn? By the way, the existence of unicorns is closer to being a reality.

"Exceptional claims require exceptional evidence."- Christopher Hitchens

You are speaking of proving a negative, although it is more difficult, it is possible: very much so. I never claimed to KNOW god exists.
Originally Posted by CurtisCarter23

Originally Posted by 18key

Originally Posted by CurtisCarter23

Originally Posted by FeelMode

Look i was hardly just pulling info out of a hat, i dated a girl from Pakistan who is a devout muslim for a long time and at one point in my life i thought she was the chick i was going to spend the rest of my days with.

then i got the unpleasant opportunity of meeting her parents and seeing the hate in their eyes when they realized their daughter was in love with someone that did not share the same faith as they did.

You know what they told her? If she was to continue seeing me they would disown her, and guess what, they were dead serious.

So i do know a thing or two about the muslim faith and i also know more then a thing or two about religion completely blinding ones way of thinking.
What can i tell you, everyone knows that there are some people that are very set in there ways. Unfortunately for you, her parents had/have a preference for what kind of guy they want for their daughter and in this particular case it had to do with religion. Dont act like religious people are the only ones who judge people. Go ask people from every religion and nationality about what kind of person they would want for their child and they will ALL tell you they PREFER their "own kind." You think some "white, daddies little girl" can bring home a "minority" dude from the hood and the dad is going to be accepting? HELL *%**$%$ NO!

My whole point in this whole thread is that religion/religious people and god get blamed for every *%**$%$ thing. Im surprised god is not getting blamed for the recession! Listen... I dont try to get on here, push my religion on anyone and try to convert people to christianity, thats not my job. I just get real heated at atheists when they talk %%%+ because atheists are the biggest *%**$%$ hypocrites on this planet.

Woah woah woah now. What about the preists molesting little boys. Preachers commiting adultry. Religious men and women in general commiting adultry. Wouldn't it be hypocritical for a Christian to even be unaccepting of others for how they live? (Legit question btw)

How can atheist be so hypocritical when they have no holy commandments to follow? If by most hypocritical, you mean they have less moral structure, then I'm sorry you feel that way.
those are special cases of pieces of %$+$ human beings that take advantage of their status.

Thats not a legit question and you know it, so im not even going to respond to that. If you dont know that their is a big difference, you got problems.

When I talk about hypocrisy im talking about the fact that they say "their is no god" and try to push that message. That sounds kind of familiar to me!

Hmm you're right. I worded it wrong. Let me try again...
I'm not Christian, is it stated somewhere that you are supposed to be accepting of all people, regardless of their beliefs? I havent read the bible, I dontplan on reading it any time in the near future, so this more a question on the religion, not accusing the people of being hypocrits.

Yes some athiests push their beliefs, strongly too. I dont agree with what they do, just like I dont agree with Christians pushing their message strongly.It's up to a person to make their own choice, whether it's to follow the Christian religion, or to believe there in no god.
Originally Posted by EdZ OnE

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by EdZ OnE

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by RKO2004

But my question remains unanswered. I asked earlier if there is no God then how did we progress this much? If there is no God then where does the word or even the idea come from? Its like a baby being left to learn and grow in the wild to be raised with bears, how would that child ever know God. Its people on this planet now who don't about God so that signals to me that we couldn't have just BAM came up with all this that goes on in the world. Yeah saying there is no God works for modern and a piece of ancient civilization but who came up with the idea. Who questions what they never knew?

Look, Religion was born in a time where no one knew what was going on. Religion comes from the very beginning of our species. Religion was invented to explain things that were unexplainable. God was created to explain why milk curdled, rainbows existed, waves crashed, birds soared, the sun stayed afloat. Religion was only an answer to quench that thirst for knowledge. So think about that. The religion you tout was created at a time when people were even more ignorant than now.

How did we progress this much? For the same reasons giraffes grew long necks and anteaters grew long snouts. Out of necessity.
OK. We'll just have to wait and see.
thats not a good enough answer. You're just side-stepping the convo and trying to end it. Do you not see any logic in this persons claims? He answered your question, now it's time to either refute it and give evidence as to why, or acknowledge his point.
I don't have to do anything. I have MY beliefs and He has HIS beliefs. I'm not changing mine for anybody. Just because you think he is winning because of "logic" is not the case. You just happen to agree with him. I believe there is a God. I'm not caught up in this worlds thoughts and beliefs that the universe just popped up one day.

Here's some logic I believe in...

John 1:1-3; 10; 14: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth."

Now of course my logic you will choose not to agree with but this is what I believe in. I don't go through life with the assumption babies can make themselves. They need a CREATOR. And car needs a creator. NT has creators. The NFL had creators. I will never be convinced we were just here and then came up with a bunch of stuff. We would have been too dumb to do so. Like I said before. Can a child self learn without being first taught the basics of life? No thats why we have parents and teachers. You can't just go being a rocket scientist without first knowing the basics and being taught the subject at hand.

EVERY species on this earth is reliant on being taught. We are no different. To think other wise is human ignorance displaying its self once again.

He or She without a creator stand and claim it and you will be a liar.
See, now what you did was side-step the point again. Where did i ask for you to change your belief? He answered YOUR question, now you either have to refute it and give an explanation as to why or to acknowledge his point. In any case, LOGIC is the point! without logic, we might as well still be cave men without fire or the invention of a wheel. It doesnt matter whether his logic coincides with my point or not, if you were speaking with any amount of logic at all, more people would be believing you, but since you're NOT, well you've seen how the responses are. Which brings me to my next point:

I'm not caught up in this worlds thoughts and beliefs that the universe just popped up one day.

Doesnt the bible say that god created the world in a week, or something to that extent? According to scientific studies, the universe is BILLIONS if not, TRILLIONS of years old. Now how do those beliefs concur with your point of "this" worlds beliefs that the universe was created in a day? pretty big difference dont you think? a day and trillions of years? Onto your last point:

EVERY species on this earth is reliant on being taught. We are no different. To think other wise is human ignorance displaying its self once again.
Where did you think we came from? did god sit down and teach the earliest cave men about the principles and applications of fire? That circular objects can retain a maximal force of pressure and it's uses are limitless? NOBODY taught us any of this, WE'VE learned this all by ourselves. How about people discovering new things in general? like the first nuclear physicists for example, if there weren't any before them, then how did they become to be nuclear physicists? can you PLEASE help me with any or all of this? and please do not side-step teh argument again and come up with something new to argue about. let's stay on this same argument please. Either refute it with an explanation or acknowledge it, which one are you going to choose?

and please do not use "I dont have to answer anything to you", or any other girly remarks of the sort. Thank you

OK. I never said my beliefs were the first or the last. You assuming did that. I said I believe the bible is the word ofGod and that Jesus is our lord and savior. My only goal is to live right and help others get to where I want to go because I really do care for you all. Whatexactly did I side step again?

When I said made I mean the universe just having a random event out of NOWHERE that leads to everything we see and knownow. Yes it took God 7 days.

Look bro, no one is side stepping your arguments. Stop with that. Believe me the last thing I fear to debate is someone over the net. Now on to what you said.If you knew what I believe then you would already have your answer for what I believe. When slaves arrived here they knew NOTHING about America. But they weretaught over time. Self discover can only come if you know basic knowledge. Like I said before, I'm pretty much done trying to debate with you all.That's why I said to end this, lets wait and see what pops off or what doesn't.

One last question. So what happens if prophecies from the bible or another holy book come true? Then what will you believe? Will you remain atheist or will youchange your direction in life? How do you feel about the predictions from thousands of years ago? The rise of sin and the state of the world getting worse andworse. How about the talk of a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT? I heard a couple months ago China and a few other countries brought it up. How about physical currencybeing eliminated? Saw a video on Yahoo talking about the flaws of pennies. How about "the mark"? All of our information and currency on a micro chipthat I'm sure we won't be able to do basic living without.

Better yet don't answer any of that. Just do you, fall back and pay attention. I guess a woman's cycle also is a random thing. Hilarious.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Maybe they exalted all their chances and warnings when people repeatedly tried telling them. If your kids completely disown you until they realize they need you to help them get a house, what are you going to do? Just up and accept them for basically hating you their entire life? And lets say you have helped your other kids hate you and disown you? Break your heart wouldn't it?

Don't expect to do wrong all your life and then be bailed out when you realize what you hated, what you disrespected, what you discouraged others from is there waiting on you to answer for your life. I hope you turn around before then.
There's a limit to the amount of times you're forgiven for your sins?
Originally Posted by Roc Boy Jada

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Maybe they exalted all their chances and warnings when people repeatedly tried telling them. If your kids completely disown you until they realize they need you to help them get a house, what are you going to do? Just up and accept them for basically hating you their entire life? And lets say you have helped your other kids hate you and disown you? Break your heart wouldn't it?

Don't expect to do wrong all your life and then be bailed out when you realize what you hated, what you disrespected, what you discouraged others from is there waiting on you to answer for your life. I hope you turn around before then.
There's a limit to the amount of times you're forgiven for your sins?

I didn't say that because I don't know. What I was responding to was the guy saying can't God just forgive us when we are up for judgment.
Originally Posted by 18key

Originally Posted by CurtisCarter23

Originally Posted by 18key

Originally Posted by CurtisCarter23

Originally Posted by FeelMode

Look i was hardly just pulling info out of a hat, i dated a girl from Pakistan who is a devout muslim for a long time and at one point in my life i thought she was the chick i was going to spend the rest of my days with.

then i got the unpleasant opportunity of meeting her parents and seeing the hate in their eyes when they realized their daughter was in love with someone that did not share the same faith as they did.

You know what they told her? If she was to continue seeing me they would disown her, and guess what, they were dead serious.

So i do know a thing or two about the muslim faith and i also know more then a thing or two about religion completely blinding ones way of thinking.
What can i tell you, everyone knows that there are some people that are very set in there ways. Unfortunately for you, her parents had/have a preference for what kind of guy they want for their daughter and in this particular case it had to do with religion. Dont act like religious people are the only ones who judge people. Go ask people from every religion and nationality about what kind of person they would want for their child and they will ALL tell you they PREFER their "own kind." You think some "white, daddies little girl" can bring home a "minority" dude from the hood and the dad is going to be accepting? HELL *%**$%$ NO!

My whole point in this whole thread is that religion/religious people and god get blamed for every *%**$%$ thing. Im surprised god is not getting blamed for the recession! Listen... I dont try to get on here, push my religion on anyone and try to convert people to christianity, thats not my job. I just get real heated at atheists when they talk %%%+ because atheists are the biggest *%**$%$ hypocrites on this planet.

Woah woah woah now. What about the preists molesting little boys. Preachers commiting adultry. Religious men and women in general commiting adultry. Wouldn't it be hypocritical for a Christian to even be unaccepting of others for how they live? (Legit question btw)

How can atheist be so hypocritical when they have no holy commandments to follow? If by most hypocritical, you mean they have less moral structure, then I'm sorry you feel that way.
those are special cases of pieces of %$+$ human beings that take advantage of their status.

Thats not a legit question and you know it, so im not even going to respond to that. If you dont know that their is a big difference, you got problems.

When I talk about hypocrisy im talking about the fact that they say "their is no god" and try to push that message. That sounds kind of familiar to me!

Hmm you're right. I worded it wrong. Let me try again...
I'm not Christian, is it stated somewhere that you are supposed to be accepting of all people, regardless of their beliefs? I havent read the bible, I dont plan on reading it any time in the near future, so this more a question on the religion, not accusing the people of being hypocrits.

[color= rgb(0, 0, 255)]Yes some athiests push their beliefs, strongly too. I dont agree with what they do, just like I dont agree with Christians pushing their message strongly. It's up to a person to make their own choice, whether it's to follow the Christian religion, or to believe there in no god.[/color]
I think its more of accepting/not accepting someone because parents probably have a certain type of person inmind for their child. Im sure they accept them as human beings and respect them, but they just arent the one for their child for whatever reason.

[color= rgb(0, 0, 255)]We are in total agreement on that! Thats why I dont try to push my beliefs on people, I believe what Ibelieve, and you the same.[/color]
I was wondering based on one of your post from earlier on; I forgot to bring it up:
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by Roc Boy Jada

Okay, if God did it, why doesn't a miracle occur when tragic events happen in the world we live in today?

Where's the savior?
Not erasing anymore of our mistakes. What type of life would it be if God stepped in all the time to stop bad things from happening? He has laid down his laws. It is up to us to follow them. Those who don't in this life will be punished for it in the next. Those that live a life of a true believer will reign with Christ, our King.

When you have children, will you always step in and stop them from doing what you told them not to? Will you clean up all their mistakes?In gymnastics does a gymnast's coach catch them them when they fall during practice? Maybe the first few times but after a while He/She has to let go and let flow. In gymnastics when its competition time, the gymnast should be well prepared. The gymnast performs alone and is judged according to his/her performance. The terrorist from 9/11 will pay for their actions. They already payed by taken their gift from God but they will pay again. Everyone will have to answer for their sins and wrong doings. You, me and everyone. I pray He is merciful on us
Originally Posted by Roc Boy Jada

I was wondering based on one of your post from earlier on; I forgot to bring it up:
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by Roc Boy Jada

Okay, if God did it, why doesn't a miracle occur when tragic events happen in the world we live in today?

Where's the savior?
Not erasing anymore of our mistakes. What type of life would it be if God stepped in all the time to stop bad things from happening? He has laid down his laws. It is up to us to follow them. Those who don't in this life will be punished for it in the next. Those that live a life of a true believer will reign with Christ, our King.

When you have children, will you always step in and stop them from doing what you told them not to? Will you clean up all their mistakes?In gymnastics does a gymnast's coach catch them them when they fall during practice? Maybe the first few times but after a while He/She has to let go and let flow. In gymnastics when its competition time, the gymnast should be well prepared. The gymnast performs alone and is judged according to his/her performance. The terrorist from 9/11 will pay for their actions. They already payed by taken their gift from God but they will pay again. Everyone will have to answer for their sins and wrong doings. You, me and everyone. I pray He is merciful on us

Oh I had a error there

Yeah He already did the main job. What are you looking for? Its up to us to listen to his words and go to him now. He has reached out to us in a big way.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by EdZ OnE

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by EdZ OnE

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by RKO2004

But my question remains unanswered. I asked earlier if there is no God then how did we progress this much? If there is no God then where does the word or even the idea come from? Its like a baby being left to learn and grow in the wild to be raised with bears, how would that child ever know God. Its people on this planet now who don't about God so that signals to me that we couldn't have just BAM came up with all this that goes on in the world. Yeah saying there is no God works for modern and a piece of ancient civilization but who came up with the idea. Who questions what they never knew?

Look, Religion was born in a time where no one knew what was going on. Religion comes from the very beginning of our species. Religion was invented to explain things that were unexplainable. God was created to explain why milk curdled, rainbows existed, waves crashed, birds soared, the sun stayed afloat. Religion was only an answer to quench that thirst for knowledge. So think about that. The religion you tout was created at a time when people were even more ignorant than now.

How did we progress this much? For the same reasons giraffes grew long necks and anteaters grew long snouts. Out of necessity.
OK. We'll just have to wait and see.
thats not a good enough answer. You're just side-stepping the convo and trying to end it. Do you not see any logic in this persons claims? He answered your question, now it's time to either refute it and give evidence as to why, or acknowledge his point.
I don't have to do anything. I have MY beliefs and He has HIS beliefs. I'm not changing mine for anybody. Just because you think he is winning because of "logic" is not the case. You just happen to agree with him. I believe there is a God. I'm not caught up in this worlds thoughts and beliefs that the universe just popped up one day.

Here's some logic I believe in...

John 1:1-3; 10; 14: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth."

Now of course my logic you will choose not to agree with but this is what I believe in. I don't go through life with the assumption babies can make themselves. They need a CREATOR. And car needs a creator. NT has creators. The NFL had creators. I will never be convinced we were just here and then came up with a bunch of stuff. We would have been too dumb to do so. Like I said before. Can a child self learn without being first taught the basics of life? No thats why we have parents and teachers. You can't just go being a rocket scientist without first knowing the basics and being taught the subject at hand.

EVERY species on this earth is reliant on being taught. We are no different. To think other wise is human ignorance displaying its self once again.

He or She without a creator stand and claim it and you will be a liar.
See, now what you did was side-step the point again. Where did i ask for you to change your belief? He answered YOUR question, now you either have to refute it and give an explanation as to why or to acknowledge his point. In any case, LOGIC is the point! without logic, we might as well still be cave men without fire or the invention of a wheel. It doesnt matter whether his logic coincides with my point or not, if you were speaking with any amount of logic at all, more people would be believing you, but since you're NOT, well you've seen how the responses are. Which brings me to my next point:

I'm not caught up in this worlds thoughts and beliefs that the universe just popped up one day.

Doesnt the bible say that god created the world in a week, or something to that extent? According to scientific studies, the universe is BILLIONS if not, TRILLIONS of years old. Now how do those beliefs concur with your point of "this" worlds beliefs that the universe was created in a day? pretty big difference dont you think? a day and trillions of years? Onto your last point:

EVERY species on this earth is reliant on being taught. We are no different. To think other wise is human ignorance displaying its self once again.
Where did you think we came from? did god sit down and teach the earliest cave men about the principles and applications of fire? That circular objects can retain a maximal force of pressure and it's uses are limitless? NOBODY taught us any of this, WE'VE learned this all by ourselves. How about people discovering new things in general? like the first nuclear physicists for example, if there weren't any before them, then how did they become to be nuclear physicists? can you PLEASE help me with any or all of this? and please do not side-step teh argument again and come up with something new to argue about. let's stay on this same argument please. Either refute it with an explanation or acknowledge it, which one are you going to choose?

and please do not use "I dont have to answer anything to you", or any other girly remarks of the sort. Thank you

OK. I never said my beliefs were the first or the last. You assuming did that. I said I believe the bible is the word of God and that Jesus is our lord and savior. My only goal is to live right and help others get to where I want to go because I really do care for you all. What exactly did I side step again?

When I said made I mean the universe just having a random event out of NOWHERE that leads to everything we see and know now. Yes it took God 7 days.

Look bro, no one is side stepping your arguments. Stop with that. Believe me the last thing I fear to debate is someone over the net. Now on to what you said. If you knew what I believe then you would already have your answer for what I believe. When slaves arrived here they knew NOTHING about America. But they were taught over time. Self discover can only come if you know basic knowledge. Like I said before, I'm pretty much done trying to debate with you all. That's why I said to end this, lets wait and see what pops off or what doesn't.

One last question. So what happens if prophecies from the bible or another holy book come true? Then what will you believe? Will you remain atheist or will you change your direction in life? How do you feel about the predictions from thousands of years ago? The rise of sin and the state of the world getting worse and worse. How about the talk of a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT? I heard a couple months ago China and a few other countries brought it up. How about physical currency being eliminated? Saw a video on Yahoo talking about the flaws of pennies. How about "the mark"? All of our information and currency on a micro chip that I'm sure we won't be able to do basic living without.

Better yet don't answer any of that. Just do you, fall back and pay attention. I guess a woman's cycle also is a random thing. Hilarious.

So you're telling me to not reply and fall back? what would that do? This is a thread for debate, if I "fell back" then what wouldthe point of this be.

Well that's the thing, I don't know the things that you know, that's what I'm trying to figure out here.Why don't you tell us so we can not have mindless arguments and toss all that irrelevancy aside. So let's say cave people explored fire, where did theyget the basic knowledge of that? Well you prob don't believe in cave people, where do you believe fire camefrom? And what exactly are you waiting for to "pop off?"

Can you tell me where it says in the bible about physical currency being eliminated or everything being in a microchip?What if the prophecies in another holy book were coming true? would you immediately convert to that religion? As for me, I will remain an atheist until clearevidence shows up and convinces me without a doubt that one religion is the "true" religion. All that prophecy is nonsense, every religion that has aprophecy is based on chance. An author of so and so will make a thousand predictions and a hundred will be right, that does not contribute to a religionsworth. There's this lady (there was a thread about her somewhere on NT) who made a hundred predictions for 2009, some are obvious, some not so, but chancesare, she'll have some of them right. Does that mean that she's psychic?

Who said it was? Well, based on what you believe, a woman was created from a pair of ribs
. In all seriousness, what do youbelieve of the many different drafts of the bible (rewrites based on who conquered who at the time), why jesus' teen years are missing from the bible, the"whitification of power" (phrase I just made up where everyone who had power was shown as white or light skinned [egyptians, jesus, etc.]). And basedon an earlier response, you said you thought of the bible as literal. Does this also imply that the story of goliath, adam and eve, soddom and gomorrah areliteral representations based on your views?
- I'm a muslim

-skimmed through the thread

-from the first post of this thread, it's been trash.

can someone lock this up please. it's an embarrassment to my religion. dudes here have no idea what they're talking about trying to preach islam. andthis is NOT the right place to do it, and even if u wanted to try here...the approach is totally wrong.
Originally Posted by EdZ OnE

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by EdZ OnE

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by EdZ OnE

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by RKO2004

But my question remains unanswered. I asked earlier if there is no God then how did we progress this much? If there is no God then where does the word or even the idea come from? Its like a baby being left to learn and grow in the wild to be raised with bears, how would that child ever know God. Its people on this planet now who don't about God so that signals to me that we couldn't have just BAM came up with all this that goes on in the world. Yeah saying there is no God works for modern and a piece of ancient civilization but who came up with the idea. Who questions what they never knew?

Look, Religion was born in a time where no one knew what was going on. Religion comes from the very beginning of our species. Religion was invented to explain things that were unexplainable. God was created to explain why milk curdled, rainbows existed, waves crashed, birds soared, the sun stayed afloat. Religion was only an answer to quench that thirst for knowledge. So think about that. The religion you tout was created at a time when people were even more ignorant than now.

How did we progress this much? For the same reasons giraffes grew long necks and anteaters grew long snouts. Out of necessity.
OK. We'll just have to wait and see.
thats not a good enough answer. You're just side-stepping the convo and trying to end it. Do you not see any logic in this persons claims? He answered your question, now it's time to either refute it and give evidence as to why, or acknowledge his point.
I don't have to do anything. I have MY beliefs and He has HIS beliefs. I'm not changing mine for anybody. Just because you think he is winning because of "logic" is not the case. You just happen to agree with him. I believe there is a God. I'm not caught up in this worlds thoughts and beliefs that the universe just popped up one day.

Here's some logic I believe in...

John 1:1-3; 10; 14: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth."

Now of course my logic you will choose not to agree with but this is what I believe in. I don't go through life with the assumption babies can make themselves. They need a CREATOR. And car needs a creator. NT has creators. The NFL had creators. I will never be convinced we were just here and then came up with a bunch of stuff. We would have been too dumb to do so. Like I said before. Can a child self learn without being first taught the basics of life? No thats why we have parents and teachers. You can't just go being a rocket scientist without first knowing the basics and being taught the subject at hand.

EVERY species on this earth is reliant on being taught. We are no different. To think other wise is human ignorance displaying its self once again.

He or She without a creator stand and claim it and you will be a liar.
See, now what you did was side-step the point again. Where did i ask for you to change your belief? He answered YOUR question, now you either have to refute it and give an explanation as to why or to acknowledge his point. In any case, LOGIC is the point! without logic, we might as well still be cave men without fire or the invention of a wheel. It doesnt matter whether his logic coincides with my point or not, if you were speaking with any amount of logic at all, more people would be believing you, but since you're NOT, well you've seen how the responses are. Which brings me to my next point:

I'm not caught up in this worlds thoughts and beliefs that the universe just popped up one day.

Doesnt the bible say that god created the world in a week, or something to that extent? According to scientific studies, the universe is BILLIONS if not, TRILLIONS of years old. Now how do those beliefs concur with your point of "this" worlds beliefs that the universe was created in a day? pretty big difference dont you think? a day and trillions of years? Onto your last point:

EVERY species on this earth is reliant on being taught. We are no different. To think other wise is human ignorance displaying its self once again.
Where did you think we came from? did god sit down and teach the earliest cave men about the principles and applications of fire? That circular objects can retain a maximal force of pressure and it's uses are limitless? NOBODY taught us any of this, WE'VE learned this all by ourselves. How about people discovering new things in general? like the first nuclear physicists for example, if there weren't any before them, then how did they become to be nuclear physicists? can you PLEASE help me with any or all of this? and please do not side-step teh argument again and come up with something new to argue about. let's stay on this same argument please. Either refute it with an explanation or acknowledge it, which one are you going to choose?

and please do not use "I dont have to answer anything to you", or any other girly remarks of the sort. Thank you

OK. I never said my beliefs were the first or the last. You assuming did that. I said I believe the bible is the word of God and that Jesus is our lord and savior. My only goal is to live right and help others get to where I want to go because I really do care for you all. What exactly did I side step again?

When I said made I mean the universe just having a random event out of NOWHERE that leads to everything we see and know now. Yes it took God 7 days.

Look bro, no one is side stepping your arguments. Stop with that. Believe me the last thing I fear to debate is someone over the net. Now on to what you said. If you knew what I believe then you would already have your answer for what I believe. When slaves arrived here they knew NOTHING about America. But they were taught over time. Self discover can only come if you know basic knowledge. Like I said before, I'm pretty much done trying to debate with you all. That's why I said to end this, lets wait and see what pops off or what doesn't.

One last question. So what happens if prophecies from the bible or another holy book come true? Then what will you believe? Will you remain atheist or will you change your direction in life? How do you feel about the predictions from thousands of years ago? The rise of sin and the state of the world getting worse and worse. How about the talk of a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT? I heard a couple months ago China and a few other countries brought it up. How about physical currency being eliminated? Saw a video on Yahoo talking about the flaws of pennies. How about "the mark"? All of our information and currency on a micro chip that I'm sure we won't be able to do basic living without.

Better yet don't answer any of that. Just do you, fall back and pay attention. I guess a woman's cycle also is a random thing. Hilarious.

So you're telling me to not reply and fall back? what would that do? This is a thread for debate, if I "fell back" then what would the point of this be.

Well that's the thing, I don't know the things that you know, that's what I'm trying to figure out here. Why don't you tell us so we can not have mindless arguments and toss all that irrelevancy aside. So let's say cave people explored fire, where did they get the basic knowledge of that? Well you prob don't believe in cave people, where do you believe fire came from? And what exactly are you waiting for to "pop off?"

Can you tell me where it says in the bible about physical currency being eliminated or everything being in a microchip? What if the prophecies in another holy book were coming true? would you immediately convert to that religion? As for me, I will remain an atheist until clear evidence shows up and convinces me without a doubt that one religion is the "true" religion. All that prophecy is nonsense, every religion that has a prophecy is based on chance. An author of so and so will make a thousand predictions and a hundred will be right, that does not contribute to a religions worth. There's this lady (there was a thread about her somewhere on NT) who made a hundred predictions for 2009, some are obvious, some not so, but chances are, she'll have some of them right. Does that mean that she's psychic?

Who said it was? Well, based on what you believe, a woman was created from a pair of ribs
. In all seriousness, what do you believe of the many different drafts of the bible (rewrites based on who conquered who at the time), why jesus' teen years are missing from the bible, the "whitification of power" (phrase I just made up where everyone who had power was shown as white or light skinned [egyptians, jesus, etc.]). And based on an earlier response, you said you thought of the bible as literal. Does this also imply that the story of goliath, adam and eve, soddom and gomorrah are literal representations based on your views?

I said don't reply because I thought it was a open and close type of thing where if left open ended could go on forever. I thought you werejust here to crap on me like the others so thats why I said forget it.

As far as cave people I don't know about that one. Cave people are the ones we "evolved" from right? Asfor fire I believe it may have been something we had pre-knowledge of or we as humans stumbled on too. When I said "Pop off" it was referred to whatmay and may not happen. If you would like to know what I think is going to pop off then I will tell you.

My belief on what is to come is a one world government and one world economy. Actually I don't know why you keepsaying "other" religions. I believe with majority of the ones we have they came from one central idea but they branched off for some reason. Thatswhy I say I'm a follower of Christ instead of puttuing a label of which religion I am on me. I believe Jesus is my lord and savior and I read the bible butI know that these relgions are branches too a bigger tree. Muslim belief is actually very close to Christianity. Their end time beliefs are pretty close toours from what a NT'er posted a while back.

But my end time theory is this... In the bible it states the object will be implanted in the hand or forehead. The onlything we really have that goes with that are microchips. They actually have people using them now for medical reasons. They put them in their upper amr nowthough. You ever heard of Real I.D.? They will be using a RFID tag. The card will replace your I.D. and social secruity card but I think it covers more. Backon to the subject, some companies are working towards making some that can carry all that plus your money. So eventually that could very well lead to acashless society. I can go on and on about that but I don't want to hold you up. And no that does no make her predictions right.

Who said it was? Well, based on what you believe, a woman was created from a pair of ribs
. In all seriousness, what do you believe of the many different drafts of the bible (rewrites based on who conquered who at the time), why jesus' teen years are missing from the bible, the "whitification of power" (phrase I just made up where everyone who had power was shown as white or light skinned [egyptians, jesus, etc.]). And based on an earlier response, you said you thought of the bible as literal. Does this also imply that the story of goliath, adam and eve, soddom and gomorrah are literal representations based on your views?

I don't know or care what complexing Jesus was. But since He was in the middle east I would assume his skin was on the darker side but thats a discussionfor another debate. Yes I do believe those things took place. Do you have a girlfriend? I'm not trying to put you on the spot but I was wondering becausehave you ever hug your girl and tried to get closer to her? It may sound like I'm reaching but it really made me think
. Pertaining to Goliath, He may have just been a Big Show built dude or bigger.And didn't some researches find traces of Soddom and Gomorrah?
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by EdZ OnE

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by EdZ OnE

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by EdZ OnE

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by RKO2004

But my question remains unanswered. I asked earlier if there is no God then how did we progress this much? If there is no God then where does the word or even the idea come from? Its like a baby being left to learn and grow in the wild to be raised with bears, how would that child ever know God. Its people on this planet now who don't about God so that signals to me that we couldn't have just BAM came up with all this that goes on in the world. Yeah saying there is no God works for modern and a piece of ancient civilization but who came up with the idea. Who questions what they never knew?

Look, Religion was born in a time where no one knew what was going on. Religion comes from the very beginning of our species. Religion was invented to explain things that were unexplainable. God was created to explain why milk curdled, rainbows existed, waves crashed, birds soared, the sun stayed afloat. Religion was only an answer to quench that thirst for knowledge. So think about that. The religion you tout was created at a time when people were even more ignorant than now.

How did we progress this much? For the same reasons giraffes grew long necks and anteaters grew long snouts. Out of necessity.
OK. We'll just have to wait and see.
thats not a good enough answer. You're just side-stepping the convo and trying to end it. Do you not see any logic in this persons claims? He answered your question, now it's time to either refute it and give evidence as to why, or acknowledge his point.
I don't have to do anything. I have MY beliefs and He has HIS beliefs. I'm not changing mine for anybody. Just because you think he is winning because of "logic" is not the case. You just happen to agree with him. I believe there is a God. I'm not caught up in this worlds thoughts and beliefs that the universe just popped up one day.

Here's some logic I believe in...

John 1:1-3; 10; 14: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth."

Now of course my logic you will choose not to agree with but this is what I believe in. I don't go through life with the assumption babies can make themselves. They need a CREATOR. And car needs a creator. NT has creators. The NFL had creators. I will never be convinced we were just here and then came up with a bunch of stuff. We would have been too dumb to do so. Like I said before. Can a child self learn without being first taught the basics of life? No thats why we have parents and teachers. You can't just go being a rocket scientist without first knowing the basics and being taught the subject at hand.

EVERY species on this earth is reliant on being taught. We are no different. To think other wise is human ignorance displaying its self once again.

He or She without a creator stand and claim it and you will be a liar.
See, now what you did was side-step the point again. Where did i ask for you to change your belief? He answered YOUR question, now you either have to refute it and give an explanation as to why or to acknowledge his point. In any case, LOGIC is the point! without logic, we might as well still be cave men without fire or the invention of a wheel. It doesnt matter whether his logic coincides with my point or not, if you were speaking with any amount of logic at all, more people would be believing you, but since you're NOT, well you've seen how the responses are. Which brings me to my next point:

I'm not caught up in this worlds thoughts and beliefs that the universe just popped up one day.

Doesnt the bible say that god created the world in a week, or something to that extent? According to scientific studies, the universe is BILLIONS if not, TRILLIONS of years old. Now how do those beliefs concur with your point of "this" worlds beliefs that the universe was created in a day? pretty big difference dont you think? a day and trillions of years? Onto your last point:

EVERY species on this earth is reliant on being taught. We are no different. To think other wise is human ignorance displaying its self once again.
Where did you think we came from? did god sit down and teach the earliest cave men about the principles and applications of fire? That circular objects can retain a maximal force of pressure and it's uses are limitless? NOBODY taught us any of this, WE'VE learned this all by ourselves. How about people discovering new things in general? like the first nuclear physicists for example, if there weren't any before them, then how did they become to be nuclear physicists? can you PLEASE help me with any or all of this? and please do not side-step teh argument again and come up with something new to argue about. let's stay on this same argument please. Either refute it with an explanation or acknowledge it, which one are you going to choose?

and please do not use "I dont have to answer anything to you", or any other girly remarks of the sort. Thank you

OK. I never said my beliefs were the first or the last. You assuming did that. I said I believe the bible is the word of God and that Jesus is our lord and savior. My only goal is to live right and help others get to where I want to go because I really do care for you all. What exactly did I side step again?

When I said made I mean the universe just having a random event out of NOWHERE that leads to everything we see and know now. Yes it took God 7 days.

Look bro, no one is side stepping your arguments. Stop with that. Believe me the last thing I fear to debate is someone over the net. Now on to what you said. If you knew what I believe then you would already have your answer for what I believe. When slaves arrived here they knew NOTHING about America. But they were taught over time. Self discover can only come if you know basic knowledge. Like I said before, I'm pretty much done trying to debate with you all. That's why I said to end this, lets wait and see what pops off or what doesn't.

One last question. So what happens if prophecies from the bible or another holy book come true? Then what will you believe? Will you remain atheist or will you change your direction in life? How do you feel about the predictions from thousands of years ago? The rise of sin and the state of the world getting worse and worse. How about the talk of a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT? I heard a couple months ago China and a few other countries brought it up. How about physical currency being eliminated? Saw a video on Yahoo talking about the flaws of pennies. How about "the mark"? All of our information and currency on a micro chip that I'm sure we won't be able to do basic living without.

Better yet don't answer any of that. Just do you, fall back and pay attention. I guess a woman's cycle also is a random thing. Hilarious.

So you're telling me to not reply and fall back? what would that do? This is a thread for debate, if I "fell back" then what would the point of this be.

Well that's the thing, I don't know the things that you know, that's what I'm trying to figure out here. Why don't you tell us so we can not have mindless arguments and toss all that irrelevancy aside. So let's say cave people explored fire, where did they get the basic knowledge of that? Well you prob don't believe in cave people, where do you believe fire came from? And what exactly are you waiting for to "pop off?"

Can you tell me where it says in the bible about physical currency being eliminated or everything being in a microchip? What if the prophecies in another holy book were coming true? would you immediately convert to that religion? As for me, I will remain an atheist until clear evidence shows up and convinces me without a doubt that one religion is the "true" religion. All that prophecy is nonsense, every religion that has a prophecy is based on chance. An author of so and so will make a thousand predictions and a hundred will be right, that does not contribute to a religions worth. There's this lady (there was a thread about her somewhere on NT) who made a hundred predictions for 2009, some are obvious, some not so, but chances are, she'll have some of them right. Does that mean that she's psychic?

Who said it was? Well, based on what you believe, a woman was created from a pair of ribs
. In all seriousness, what do you believe of the many different drafts of the bible (rewrites based on who conquered who at the time), why jesus' teen years are missing from the bible, the "whitification of power" (phrase I just made up where everyone who had power was shown as white or light skinned [egyptians, jesus, etc.]). And based on an earlier response, you said you thought of the bible as literal. Does this also imply that the story of goliath, adam and eve, soddom and gomorrah are literal representations based on your views?

I said don't reply because I thought it was a open and close type of thing where if left open ended could go on forever. I thought you were just here to crap on me like the others so thats why I said forget it.

As far as cave people I don't know about that one. Cave people are the ones we "evolved" from right? As for fire I believe it may have been something we had pre-knowledge of or we as humans stumbled on too. When I said "Pop off" it was referred to what may and may not happen. If you would like to know what I think is going to pop off then I will tell you.

My belief on what is to come is a one world government and one world economy. Actually I don't know why you keep saying "other" religions. I believe with majority of the ones we have they came from one central idea but they branched off for some reason. Thats why I say I'm a follower of Christ instead of puttuing a label of which religion I am on me. I believe Jesus is my lord and savior and I read the bible but I know that these relgions are branches too a bigger tree. Muslim belief is actually very close to Christianity. Their end time beliefs are pretty close to ours from what a NT'er posted a while back.

But my end time theory is this... In the bible it states the object will be implanted in the hand or forehead. The only thing we really have that goes with that are microchips. They actually have people using them now for medical reasons. They put them in their upper amr now though. You ever heard of Real I.D.? They will be using a RFID tag. The card will replace your I.D. and social secruity card but I think it covers more. Back on to the subject, some companies are working towards making some that can carry all that plus your money. So eventually that could very well lead to a cashless society. I can go on and on about that but I don't want to hold you up. And no that does no make her predictions right.

Who said it was? Well, based on what you believe, a woman was created from a pair of ribs
. In all seriousness, what do you believe of the many different drafts of the bible (rewrites based on who conquered who at the time), why jesus' teen years are missing from the bible, the "whitification of power" (phrase I just made up where everyone who had power was shown as white or light skinned [egyptians, jesus, etc.]). And based on an earlier response, you said you thought of the bible as literal. Does this also imply that the story of goliath, adam and eve, soddom and gomorrah are literal representations based on your views?

I don't know or care what complexing Jesus was. But since He was in the middle east I would assume his skin was on the darker side but thats a discussion for another debate. Yes I do believe those things took place. Do you have a girlfriend? I'm not trying to put you on the spot but I was wondering because have you ever hug your girl and tried to get closer to her? It may sound like I'm reaching but it really made me think
. Pertaining to Goliath, He may have just been a Big Show built dude or bigger. And didn't some researches find traces of Soddom and Gomorrah?

Well, this basically can go on forever. Usually when I try and have a serious religious conversation with other people, they usually get angry and just try andforce their way through the convo by trying to talk over me until I stopped askin questions. Intelligent conversations FTW

About cave people, you don't believe in them, is that correct? If I'm not mistaken, you believe in adam and eveand these two theories conflict eachother. And if we had stumbled upon fire, we would have no idea of how to make it. At the same time, if we hadpre-knowledge, who taught us?

Even though you say you are a follower of christ and palce no albel on him, you read the bible, which would mean that youare most likely of the christian faith, am I right? All the other stuff about RFID chips I already know about, but that belongs in another thread.

Yes I do have a girlfriend, but hugging her doesn't make me want to put her in my body
. From what I understand, they might have found sodom and gomorrah but that itwas most likely destroyed by a natural event. Since you do take the bible literally, then you do believe in the story of the two angels, pillar of salt, etc.?

Yes I do have a girlfriend, but hugging her doesn't make me want to put her in my body
. From what I understand, they might have found sodom and gomorrah but that it was most likely destroyed by a natural event. Since you do take the bible literally, then you do believe in the story of the two angels, pillar of salt, etc.?
Man not like that but you never want to let her go. Two angles as in the ones the towns people were after and pillar as in when God told her notto look back?

Even though you say you are a follower of christ and palce no albel on him, you read the bible, which would mean that you are most likely of the christian faith, am I right? All the other stuff about RFID chips I already know about, but that belongs in another thread.
Yeah I would be closer to it. You can call me one, but I still think we are either the og or a branch on a bigger tree. And no my dude the RFID isperfect for this thread.. How do you feel about those?
About cave people, you don't believe in them, is that correct? If I'm not mistaken, you believe in adam and eve and these two theories conflict eachother. And if we had stumbled upon fire, we would have no idea of how to make it. At the same time, if we had pre-knowledge, who taught us?
Stumbled on as we were fooling around a started one or we had pre-knowledge from God. Yeah cave people conflicts. I gotta read the first partagain to analyze something though.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by demcovici

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by demcovici

Mods should just lock this.
Why? There is no rules violation going on.
Because this thread became a waste of time, and it isn't going anywhere.
You never know dude. Someone might break down and e-cry.
Haha, I lol'd.

But serious though, you aren't changing your faith, he isn't changing his beliefs, you know?
Originally Posted by demcovici

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by demcovici

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by demcovici

Mods should just lock this.
Why? There is no rules violation going on.
Because this thread became a waste of time, and it isn't going anywhere.
You never know dude. Someone might break down and e-cry.
Haha, I lol'd.

But serious though, you aren't changing your faith, he isn't changing his beliefs, you know?
Yeah I feel you.

Mods lock this up until the next time...

April 2nd 8 P.M.: RKO2004 v.s. NT. B-B-B-Be there or be SQUARED!
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