athiest wake up

^lol...feel me...he told me to check the above comments and I stopped at the first two...
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by Kneesh

Religion is all fear . The thing people fear most is not knowing .
Now I consider myself a follower of Christ but what part is fear?
If you don't abide by this certain rule , you go to hell . Some unknowing people believe in things they don't know . They fear .

That's why religion was made , to put fear in everyone's hearts . No-one wants to live knowing that there is nothing after this .

All religion does is give you a purpose in this world . Otherwise , it causes chaos all across the books .
Originally Posted by EdZ OnE

what a failure of a thread. the link you sent us of miracles all have 404 errors. Did you yourself click those links before linking us to them? And half (most likely all) the youtube video is fake. Those animal skeletons with humanistic heads on them were made by somebody. hell he even sells them on ebay to this day
think this is it
I must admit, seeing the name of Allah in the eggplant has made me into a believer.
I now see the error of my ways.
There is only one true & righteous path..................... Eggplants!
^that doesn't explain nothing...I don't know if it was me but that head was moving and talking and ended with a you gonna tell me someonemade it?
It is hard for me to understand how logical people can believe in something so illogical.
Originally Posted by Kneesh

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by Kneesh

Religion is all fear . The thing people fear most is not knowing .
Now I consider myself a follower of Christ but what part is fear?
If you don't abide by this certain rule , you go to hell . Some unknowing people believe in things they don't know . They fear .

That's why religion was made , to put fear in everyone's hearts . No-one wants to live knowing that there is nothing after this .

All religion does is give you a purpose in this world . Otherwise , it causes chaos all across the books .

God is forgiving. We will be judged according to our heart. So you think we just live and die, thats it?

You can believe what you like. Wait do you consider spirituality = religion?
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

So I just prayed for an end to world hunger

No disrespect BUT it really pisses me off when people say *+#$ like that! God is not a @$#%%@! genie! Why should God help us when we dont even want to helpourselves. We dont need god to end world hunger... We could do it on our own, but we choose not to. There are too many greedy *!%!%+@+!!+@$ (i.e all the peoplewho help ruin our economy) in our world. If these greedy @+%@@%$@$**%@ would take some time out from being scum bags and use that energy in trying to end worldhunger, beleive me there would be a lot less hunger in this world.
Why have faith in something non existent ??
I just have faith in myself.
Something good happens when I'm in a +$*@+* up situation and people say "wow, you should thank god you're alright."
That @!+! there blows my mind.
Is it wrong to thank MYSELF for getting out of the situation on my own.
was this Preordained?

Atheist believing in themselves FTW!
Originally Posted by swyftdahoe

I don't believe that Jesus is the son of God. I believe he's one of history's few enlightened prophets that have witnessed the truth. He's no different than Mohammed. Or Buddha.

I believe in God. I just don't believe the way you believe. I don't believe the words and texts of men who have clearly manipulated and misconstrued the truth.

Organized religion is petty and stupid. A bunch of people trying to take ownership of the truth that belongs to everyone. Mofos.

Realest post in here.

How you guys can take the Bible as some form of sacred text is simply mind bottling.
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by swyftdahoe

I don't believe that Jesus is the son of God. I believe he's one of history's few enlightened prophets that have witnessed the truth. He's no different than Mohammed. Or Buddha.

I believe in God. I just don't believe the way you believe. I don't believe the words and texts of men who have clearly manipulated and misconstrued the truth.

Organized religion is petty and stupid. A bunch of people trying to take ownership of the truth that belongs to everyone. Mofos.

Realest post in here.

How you guys can take the Bible as some form of sacred text is simply mind bottling.
its mind boggling.
Originally Posted by CurtisCarter23

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

So I just prayed for an end to world hunger

No disrespect BUT it really pisses me off when people say *+#$ like that! God is not a @$#%%@! genie! Why should God help us when we dont even want to help ourselves. We dont need god to end world hunger... We could do it on our own, but we choose not to. There are too many greedy *!%!%+@+!!+@$ (i.e all the people who help ruin our economy) in our world. If these greedy @+%@@%$@$**%@ would take some time out from being scum bags and use that energy in trying to end world hunger, beleive me there would be a lot less hunger in this world.
God created greedy, You say all this like ending poverty and world hunger is easy or even possible. Either way youlook at it, it exists and is not easy to fix and could use divine intervention.

Tell it to this poor little fella


Perhaps God doesn't listen to the prayers of people in certain parts of the world.....
I didn't read any of this... but I assume I am hearing "Why is God allowing this... and that... rape crime... starving.. blah blah."

The EARTH belongs to Satan. He is the ruler of earth and the reason for all these things. Our paradise was ruined when Adam and Eve were tempted and challengedGod, telling him that he was not fit to be a ruler over mankind.

So there ya go... do away with all the other %#! you guys are speaking on. No dis to your choice (or none) of religion, but there must be some higher power youbelieve in. Even if you go with that big bang bull hockey, why was there even a big bang to begin with? Nvm.. I am sure you guys covered all that. Butremember... this world is Corrupted due to Satan. He is the Master of Ceremonies for all the evils and displacement that we see in the world today.
Originally Posted by NeptuneBeats187

I didn't read any of this... but I assume I am hearing "Why is God allowing this... and that... rape crime... starving.. blah blah."

The EARTH belongs to Satan. He is the ruler of earth and the reason for all these things. Our paradise was ruined when Adam and Eve were tempted and challenged God, telling him that he was not fit to be a ruler over mankind.

So there ya go... do away with all the other %#! you guys are speaking on. No dis to your choice (or none) of religion, but there must be some higher power you believe in. Even if you go with that big bang bull hockey, why was there even a big bang to begin with? Nvm.. I am sure you guys covered all that. But remember... this world is Corrupted due to Satan. He is the Master of Ceremonies for all the evils and displacement that we see in the world today.

Yep blame it on Satan, the ultimate scape-goat. How convenient. I'm sure all the ills in the world have nothing to do with our innatedestructive and selfish nature as humans.
Originally Posted by NeptuneBeats187

I didn't read any of this... but I assume I am hearing "Why is God allowing this... and that... rape crime... starving.. blah blah."

The EARTH belongs to Satan. He is the ruler of earth and the reason for all these things. Our paradise was ruined when Adam and Eve were tempted and challenged God, telling him that he was not fit to be a ruler over mankind.

So there ya go... do away with all the other %#! you guys are speaking on. No dis to your choice (or none) of religion, but there must be some higher power you believe in. Even if you go with that big bang bull hockey, why was there even a big bang to begin with? Nvm.. I am sure you guys covered all that. But remember... this world is Corrupted due to Satan. He is the Master of Ceremonies for all the evils and displacement that we see in the world today.
Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by NeptuneBeats187

I didn't read any of this... but I assume I am hearing "Why is God allowing this... and that... rape crime... starving.. blah blah."

The EARTH belongs to Satan. He is the ruler of earth and the reason for all these things. Our paradise was ruined when Adam and Eve were tempted and challenged God, telling him that he was not fit to be a ruler over mankind.

So there ya go... do away with all the other %#! you guys are speaking on. No dis to your choice (or none) of religion, but there must be some higher power you believe in. Even if you go with that big bang bull hockey, why was there even a big bang to begin with? Nvm.. I am sure you guys covered all that. But remember... this world is Corrupted due to Satan. He is the Master of Ceremonies for all the evils and displacement that we see in the world today.

Yep blame it on Satan, the ultimate scape-goat. How convenient. I'm sure all the ills in the world have nothing to do with our innate destructive and selfish nature as humans.

lol @ the ultimate scape-goat. Well, we wouldn't be that way as Humans if we didn't submitted to temptation by him, causing us to lose our Paradise,according to scriptures. I am just giving you a by the book answer. We have an Omnipotent, all knowing God... so one may challenge why God would put usthrough all of this if he could forsee everything that was already going to occur right? So, why put us through all this hell on earth anyway, and waste ourtime? That was the biggest question really, that I asked myself. Life is a gift, and we have the power to controll are hearts. Our hearts are free, and wehave the power to have a change of heart on a certain things that God has granted us to be able to make. I am still digging to get a better answer for this...but yeah.
Originally Posted by sn00pee

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by swyftdahoe

I don't believe that Jesus is the son of God. I believe he's one of history's few enlightened prophets that have witnessed the truth. He's no different than Mohammed. Or Buddha.

I believe in God. I just don't believe the way you believe. I don't believe the words and texts of men who have clearly manipulated and misconstrued the truth.

Organized religion is petty and stupid. A bunch of people trying to take ownership of the truth that belongs to everyone. Mofos.

Realest post in here.

How you guys can take the Bible as some form of sacred text is simply mind bottling.
its mind boggling.

nah i meant mind bottling. they are stuck in this little fantasy world and refuse to see or look because reality might contradict their holy bible
Originally Posted by NeptuneBeats187

lol @ the ultimate scape-goat. Well, we wouldn't be that way as Humans if we submitted to temptation by him, causing us to lose our Paradise, according to scriptures. I am just giving you a by the book answer. We have an Omnipotent, all knowing God... so one may challenge why God would put us through all of this if he could forsee everything that was already going to occur right? So, why put us through all this hell on earth anyway, and waste our time? That was the biggest question really, that I asked myself. Life is a gift, and we have the power to controll are hearts. Our hearts are free, and we have the power to have a change of heart on a certain things that God has granted us to be able to make. I am still digging to get a better answer for this ...but yeah.
all-knowing is all-knowing. Its like santa claus. He already knows if your naughty or nice. If you plan to be nice, he knows. If you plan to donaughty things, he knows. No matter what you do, whatever you try to change, its already been seen by God. Therein lies the God paradox

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

nah i meant mind bottling. they are stuck in this little fantasy world and refuse to see or look because reality might contradict their holy bible
you aint got ta lie craig, you aint got ta lie.
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by sn00pee

Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by swyftdahoe

I don't believe that Jesus is the son of God. I believe he's one of history's few enlightened prophets that have witnessed the truth. He's no different than Mohammed. Or Buddha.

I believe in God. I just don't believe the way you believe. I don't believe the words and texts of men who have clearly manipulated and misconstrued the truth.

Organized religion is petty and stupid. A bunch of people trying to take ownership of the truth that belongs to everyone. Mofos.

Realest post in here.

How you guys can take the Bible as some form of sacred text is simply mind bottling.
its mind boggling.

nah i meant mind bottling. they are stuck in this little fantasy world and refuse to see or look because reality might contradict their holy bible
I know right...anything they disagree with is "the devil" word to:

People often mistake paradox's with unexplainable affirmations.

This film "walking life" changed my life.
Originally Posted by sn00pee

Originally Posted by NeptuneBeats187

lol @ the ultimate scape-goat. Well, we wouldn't be that way as Humans if we submitted to temptation by him, causing us to lose our Paradise, according to scriptures. I am just giving you a by the book answer. We have an Omnipotent, all knowing God... so one may challenge why God would put us through all of this if he could forsee everything that was already going to occur right? So, why put us through all this hell on earth anyway, and waste our time? That was the biggest question really, that I asked myself. Life is a gift, and we have the power to controll are hearts. Our hearts are free, and we have the power to have a change of heart on a certain things that God has granted us to be able to make. I am still digging to get a better answer for this ...but yeah.
all-knowing is all-knowing. Its like santa claus. He already knows if your naughty or nice. If you plan to be nice, he knows. If you plan to do naughty things, he knows. No matter what you do, whatever you try to change, its already been seen by God. Therein lies the God paradox
Right. I am pretty sure he knows that we know this due to it being in scriptures. I am not really a religious person at all, but I am sure thiswould have to come up in studies like a million times you know? I suppose at the end of the day it all ties into faith.
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