athiest wake up

Originally Posted by NeptuneBeats187

Originally Posted by sn00pee

Originally Posted by NeptuneBeats187

lol @ the ultimate scape-goat. Well, we wouldn't be that way as Humans if we submitted to temptation by him, causing us to lose our Paradise, according to scriptures. I am just giving you a by the book answer. We have an Omnipotent, all knowing God... so one may challenge why God would put us through all of this if he could forsee everything that was already going to occur right? So, why put us through all this hell on earth anyway, and waste our time? That was the biggest question really, that I asked myself. Life is a gift, and we have the power to controll are hearts. Our hearts are free, and we have the power to have a change of heart on a certain things that God has granted us to be able to make. I am still digging to get a better answer for this ...but yeah.
all-knowing is all-knowing. Its like santa claus. He already knows if your naughty or nice. If you plan to be nice, he knows. If you plan to do naughty things, he knows. No matter what you do, whatever you try to change, its already been seen by God. Therein lies the God paradox
Right. I am pretty sure he knows that we know this due to it being in scriptures. I am not really a religious person at all, but I am sure this would have to come up in studies like a million times you know? I suppose at the end of the day it all ties into faith.
people can't hide behind faith forever...



religion is one of those things you can never argue about. no one is going to convince an atheist to believe in God through the internet and vice versa

this just needs to be locked up
Originally Posted by sn00pee

Originally Posted by NeptuneBeats187

Originally Posted by sn00pee

Originally Posted by NeptuneBeats187

lol @ the ultimate scape-goat. Well, we wouldn't be that way as Humans if we submitted to temptation by him, causing us to lose our Paradise, according to scriptures. I am just giving you a by the book answer. We have an Omnipotent, all knowing God... so one may challenge why God would put us through all of this if he could forsee everything that was already going to occur right? So, why put us through all this hell on earth anyway, and waste our time? That was the biggest question really, that I asked myself. Life is a gift, and we have the power to controll are hearts. Our hearts are free, and we have the power to have a change of heart on a certain things that God has granted us to be able to make. I am still digging to get a better answer for this ...but yeah.
all-knowing is all-knowing. Its like santa claus. He already knows if your naughty or nice. If you plan to be nice, he knows. If you plan to do naughty things, he knows. No matter what you do, whatever you try to change, its already been seen by God. Therein lies the God paradox
Right. I am pretty sure he knows that we know this due to it being in scriptures. I am not really a religious person at all, but I am sure this would have to come up in studies like a million times you know? I suppose at the end of the day it all ties into faith.
people can't hide behind faith forever...
They've been doing it for a long time, and it doesn't really look like it'll be slowing down anytime soon. I have my own personalreasons for believing in a higher power. I have experienced some unexplainable acts, seen a miracle, and a demon or 2 inside a few people. I don't go tochurch on Sundays though, I don't really feel you should HAVE to go if God is everywhere.





I would be pretty excited, especially if they looked like us. As long as they came in peace and offered us knowledge
Originally Posted by NeptuneBeats187

Originally Posted by sn00pee

Originally Posted by NeptuneBeats187

Originally Posted by sn00pee

Originally Posted by NeptuneBeats187

lol @ the ultimate scape-goat. Well, we wouldn't be that way as Humans if we submitted to temptation by him, causing us to lose our Paradise, according to scriptures. I am just giving you a by the book answer. We have an Omnipotent, all knowing God... so one may challenge why God would put us through all of this if he could forsee everything that was already going to occur right? So, why put us through all this hell on earth anyway, and waste our time? That was the biggest question really, that I asked myself. Life is a gift, and we have the power to controll are hearts. Our hearts are free, and we have the power to have a change of heart on a certain things that God has granted us to be able to make. I am still digging to get a better answer for this ...but yeah.
all-knowing is all-knowing. Its like santa claus. He already knows if your naughty or nice. If you plan to be nice, he knows. If you plan to do naughty things, he knows. No matter what you do, whatever you try to change, its already been seen by God. Therein lies the God paradox
Right. I am pretty sure he knows that we know this due to it being in scriptures. I am not really a religious person at all, but I am sure this would have to come up in studies like a million times you know? I suppose at the end of the day it all ties into faith.
people can't hide behind faith forever...
They've been doing it for a long time, and it doesn't really look like it'll be slowing down anytime soon. I have my own personal reasons for believing in a higher power. I have experienced some unexplainable acts, seen a miracle, and a demon or 2 inside a few people. I don't go to church on Sundays though, I don't really feel you should HAVE to go if God is everywhere.





I would be pretty excited, especially if they looked like us. As long as they came in peace and offered us knowledge

alright say they land and take people up with them in a reason like the movie the day the earth stood still so they can wash the planet away off the humansonly returning those who shall stay positive
Originally Posted by NothingBefore





If they land? You talking %@%% with propellers?

I'd wife a pretty one then fly to the club and make my old chick jealous.
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by swyftdahoe

I don't believe that Jesus is the son of God. I believe he's one of history's few enlightened prophets that have witnessed the truth. He's no different than Mohammed. Or Buddha.

I believe in God. I just don't believe the way you believe. I don't believe the words and texts of men who have clearly manipulated and misconstrued the truth.

Organized religion is petty and stupid. A bunch of people trying to take ownership of the truth that belongs to everyone. Mofos.

Realest post in here.
I agree .

I have never trusted those "prophets". Half of those dudes that translated the bible went to jail . They were all corrupted . They put fear intopeoples lives . Why should we trust them ?

The people in the Jesus days were mostly clueless . I believe that he was a regular man , but a good one . He taught people morals . I believe that peoplelooked at him as their savior after that . I really don't believe anything more . They just exaggerated .

I believe he just died . Everything IMO is just a myth because of "faith", or "hope" that he will come back .
Originally Posted by ridikuloz

OP sounds like those dudes that go pray in church everyday after school.

If you're a decent person who respects others and doesnt force you beliefs on everyone you come across, and want to do your own thing each day, I seenothing wrong with that....
Wake the hell up people. There are signs of God's existence everywhere. I mean had got not invented lightning, man would have never discovered electricity!Wake up.

Oh, I found a Nike sneaker with Allah's name written on it. It is a true miracle!

Historically speaking Islam was one of the last religions created. You got Hinduism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The latter two copied and stole fromJudaism. So how can you say that one religion is better or true and tell people to follow it when they are nothing but copies of each other. I mean HELLOOOO!All three religions that were made from one another share the same damn holy site. Come on with this crap man. Op, YOU wake up!
If "God" is one of us, why did he create dinosaurs before us and let them rule the earth for millions of years? Was there a "dinosaur God"before our "God"?

Where do plants go when they die? Do they have to believe? What about worms? Deer? Maggots?

"God" is the sun.
Originally Posted by tree4twenty

If "God" is one of us, why did he create dinosaurs before us and let them rule the earth for millions of years? Was there a "dinosaur God" before our "God"?

Where do plants go when they die? Do they have to believe? What about worms? Deer? Maggots?

"God" is the sun.
Who said He was one of us? He created us in his image(the og peaceful us) but thats about all I know. And there is only 1 God. And I find it funnyyou asked us why He did or may not have done something like we just had a meeting with him. Plants don't have souls. For that matter I don't thinkanimals have souls either. No God is not the sun. You can worship that heat ball if you want but it has an expiration date.

And where do you all think we got our laws and morals from? What made us decide that killing someone was wrong? What made us decide that stealing was wrong?I'm sorry if I anger you but it just doesn't make one lick of sense. So your saying something happened as the result of not God but scientifict event,right? Bang the universe pops up and everything starts to form. That bang caused the earth to be created along with the creatures who inhabit it. And quitesome time later we are where we are? Who even made the word God? Who came up with the idea? Who came up with science itself? How can you come up with an idealike that if NO ONE had anykind of prior knowledge? I mean do you really believe that we learned all of this on our own?

We can't even make logical desicions as is when it comes to simple stuff. What in the world makes you think we don't have a God? Because bad stuffhappens? Because babies die? And even when we give you guys an answer you laugh and degrade our beliefs. I've come to the conclusion that you justdon't want to believe in anything. But thats not true. You believe in science. Sense God hasn't presented himself before you, you replaced him withsomething else. That something else being Science. Sceince is your God. Plain and simple. Science books are your holy books. Science class is your church. Andfor the hardcore non-believers replace science with yourself since you praise yourself.

Your just like us. You just put your belief and faith into somethingwe don't. We are all the same.
Once again, if 'god' is omnipresent you should be able to prove to me that he exists. So this is what I ask of the faithful here. Those that believeshould have no problem doing any of this:

Pray for something tonight If prayer is your communication with the big guy, pray for somethingtangible. Tomorrow I want TAGGED pics. So many times in the bible Jesus mentions God answering prayers. How's that working out for you? What would yousay your prayer batting average is? And if your prayers aren't being answered, when will they be?

Notice how many gods you don't believe in Richard Dawkins said "We are allatheists about most of the gods that humanity has ever believed in. Some of us just go one god further." The historian Stephen Henry Roberts said "Icontend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you willunderstand why I dismiss yours." The only difference in my rejecting your god as opposed to you rejecting every other god is that mine isn't done inthe name of god, but logic.

If god has a 'plan' for you, why do you go to the doctor? If your outcome ispredetermined, what do you envision changing by treating whatever ails you?

Would you surrender your money as easily as you surrender your reason? If our ability to reason iswhat distinguishes us from the rest of mammals, what distinguishes you?

If there is a god, why did he make me an atheist? Huge mistake there.

Try something...let's flip coins Alright, say a quick 'prayer' to Lord Zomhan that thecoin will land on (duck)tails 20 times straight. I would be surprised if after 8 or 9 flips it didn't land on heads one time. Lord Zomhan didn't doanything for you. We can prove this with statistical information. You can ask Zomhan's faithful to try it and they would find the same results. You canpray on each flip and it doesn't deviate from the laws of probability. Now pray to Jesus or allah or whatever you believe in. You will have the sameresults and this works. Probability is the same for both. Your prayers to Jesus don't effect the rules of probability any more than your prayers to Zomhan.I would guess that you probably rolled your eyes when I mentioned Zomhan's effect on the coin flip. Rightfully so too. But, I also guarantee yourationalized why Jesus didn't effect your flips. "Jesus doesn't answer such ridiculous prayers." boundries in the bible though.
You can worship that heat ball if you want but it has an expiration date.

1) I don't worship the sun, but ancient civilizations did.
2) Those same ancient civilizations wrote scriptures that people in todays world pray to.
3) The expiration date isnt on the sun - It is our expiration date. Once the sun burns out, everything on earth dies.
4) I have never knocked anyones beliefs just as I don't expect people to knock my beliefs, but, then again, you don't see me knocking on doors, puttingatheists fliers on cars and starting threads with the intent of trying to convert people while calling them ignorant at the same time.

The truth about religion - NOBODY knows what happens after life, NOBODY knows if there is aGod. I just never understood how people can preach something that has never been proved and never will. And yes, I think the same about evolution and the bigbang theory. I believe in the big bang theory, but. at the same time I think it shouldnt be "preached" about because it cant be proved.

It is a never ending arguement that NOBODY can win, therefor it is pointless to even talk about it. I just like asking people who have different beliefsquestions about their thoughts and views - Hence my question about other living beings.

But, for good measure, while I am on my death bed, I will pray to God and ask for forgivness because God forgives everyone.
lobotomybeats I have a task for you. Tonight I wantyou to ask God to reveal himself to you. Don't expect him to bust in your room like the kool-aid man either. Just ask him to reveal himself to you and meanit.

God didn't make you an atheist. Your freedom of choice made you one.

What distinguishes me from what?

I never said our outcome is predetermined. We all live the way we choose. We can live under our own law or God's law. You make that choice.

Yes God answers prayers but He doesn't always answer them according to what we want or think. Would you want God to grant a prayer from one of your enemiesto kill you or your family? So be careful what you ask for

I only pray for things that matter to me. Family, friends and strength. I don't pray for cable or the newest cell phone. That's not how I roll. I prayfor opportunity and thus far I've gotten those four things. As a matter of fact I didn't even study the bible or anything for real prior to last year.I had a dream and I heard a loud voice saying "like a thief in the night". Keep in mind I didn't even touch a bible hardly EVER and I didn'thear those words spoken in a long time. In the dream I was standing in a crowd or behind it. It looked like a fire was on stage or something. I looked to theright and saw hooded figures and past them was a bright light. If you watch wrestling think of the Undertakers entrance when he has the druids. That's whatthey reminded me of. I went to the light of course and then woke up. Take that how you want.

I wont do the coin stuff and etc. But I will pray for you and assist you if you ever do come around. Like I said, I challenge you to ask God tonight to revealhimself to you and mean it. He may not do it tonight or tomorrow, who knows, but He will if you TRULY want him to.

But, for good measure, while I am on my death bed, I will pray to God and ask for forgivness because God forgives everyone.
You may want to do that well ahead of time.

OK what do you all think about things that were written thousands of years ago coming to past?
Well... a lot of people are trying to prove us believers wrong. Obviously we are not deacons or ministers of anykind. I just don't see how you can see lifeas just ...'one-fold' so to speak. You live, and you die. Is that what you really want? If you had physical proof of there being a greater power thatexisted, and that there was an eternal paradise for you to go to when you die.. would you be believers? Or still reluctant? How many of you have tried tobelieve? I mean, I guess in a way it's the 'cool' thing to do not to believe in God, but as you get older.. and death comes closer and closer, itmay become something you could think about.

Moms is gone, pops is gone. And what about your children/ grandchildren? I would think you'd want them to be in a better place... but if they are dead,they are just dead in your eyes. Anyway, once you start thinking of dying, and you are no longer able to do the things with your own power... will you stillnot give it a chance? I mean, what's the worst that could happen? Billions and Billions of people are here for a reason besides science, but you refuse tobelieve. You have your own mind, own heart, own decisions. Hopefully one day some things will change ;D
Originally Posted by RKO2004

lobotomybeats I have a task for you. Tonight I want you to ask God to reveal himself to you. Don't expect him to bust in your room like the kool-aid man either. Just ask him to reveal himself to you and mean it.

God didn't make you an atheist. Your freedom of choice made you one.

I never said our outcome is predetermined. We all live the way we choose. We can live under our own law or God's law. You make that choice.

Yes God answers prayers but He doesn't always answer them according to what we want or think. Would you want God to grant a prayer from one of your enemies to kill you or your family? So be careful what you ask for

I only pray for things that matter to me. Family, friends and strength. I don't pray for cable or the newest cell phone. That's not how I roll. I pray for opportunity and thus far I've gotten those four things. As a matter of fact I didn't even study the bible or anything for real prior to last year. I had a dream and I heard a loud voice saying "like a thief in the night". Keep in mind I didn't even touch a bible hardly EVER and I didn't hear those words spoken in a long time. In the dream I was standing in a crowd or behind it. It looked like a fire was on stage or something. I looked to the right and saw hooded figures and past them was a bright light. If you watch wrestling think of the Undertakers entrance when he has the druids. That's what they reminded me of. I went to the light of course and then woke up. Take that how you want.
First off...I directed my statements to the faithful. Not just you. Keepthat in mind. However, I am more than sure that god would love to have you as a spokesman..

The obvious thing to point out here is that this cannot happen. How can I truly "mean it" when I don't believe it? I quit writing to Santa forgifts, I now tell people what I want when they ask me.

What I am saying is that if God is so great why would he 'invent' someone capable of contradictory thought? Myown existence would be his failure.

I never said that was aimed at you. It was aimed at those that say "everyone dies. when your born god knows whenyour going to die.this life is a test" a la the OP. However, I did notice that you kind of echoed his sentiment when you said "I think God has manydifferent ways we can go in our life. Some may lead to death and others may lead to something else"

Where is your proof about what prayers god answers or doesn't?
[h3]John 14:12-14 (New International Version)[/h3]
12I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have beendoing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. 13And I will do whateveryou ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father. 14You may ask me for anything in myname, and I will do it.
Amazing, I have those same things with nary a prayer. Time saved. You pray for the thingsI have without praying. It's like the skinny girl who can eat all the crappy food of a fat person without a worry.

It's funny you mentioned dreams. Last night I dreamed I was building a tree house with my ex-girlfriend's uncle.It doesn't mean I should do that today. Honestly, your shtick carried more weight before you likened any of your experiences to that of theUndertaker's druids.

Edit: I just noticed that this post looks like a gay pride flag. Please pray that my post doesn't go to hell.
OK what do you all think about things that were written thousands of years ago coming to past?

I watched the show about decoding the Old Testament and I found the findings to be astonishing! Some of the pages said things like:

Twin towers, Airplane, Twice, Muslim.
John Lee, Washington, Days of fear, Right finger, Left hand.
Watergate, But who is he, President, But he will be kicked out.
Trench coat mafia, Eric, Dylan, In cold blood, April.
His name is, Timothy, Day 19, McVeigh, In the morning, He ambushed, He pounced.

But the page that got me shook said:

2012, Comet, Earth Annihilated.

Scientists set out to prove that the code was false, but, they ended up proving it was legit!

I find this to be amazing, but, it was written by man. Did these men have the God on their side telling them what to write? I have no idea, and neither doesanyone else. Without knowing who/what wrote them and why, we cant automatically assume that God played a part in it.

Person A - Assumes God played a part in these writings.
Person B - Assumes aliens played a part.
Person C - Assumes people like Nostradamus could see into the future.
Person D - Assumes that people from the future sent back messages to try and stop chaos.

All of them a FAR fetched, so, how can A tell C he is wrong, B tell D he is wrong etc, etc.... It just goes in a big circle. Hell, with ONLY 4 choices, oddsare, you chose the wrong answer. (IF one of those scenarios was the real answer of course) Why? Because there is no proof that any of those scenarios is realand your chances are 1:4. That list could go on and on, so only 4 choices is great odds compared to what it could be.

Im not really sure what I honestly believe when it comes to something like this. One thing is for sure though - Humans have been on a big decline for a verylong time and it is getting worse and worse. Humans are getting dumber. We have machines and computers that do everything for us. Basically, what I am tryingto say is back then, people were doing astronomy without telescopes, building pyramids that have 2 million 2 ton blocks without even a pully, and it seems thatpeople were predicting the future unlike now. Humans in todays world look back thousands of years at some of things that people did back then and say "Howon earth did they do this/figure these things out? We just figured this out 25 years ago, but, somehow they already knew that."

Something was different about human back then. Maybe they used more of their brain than we do now. I highly doubt it, but, there goes another scenario - PersonE.....

What is your take on the predictions?

You have your own mind, own heart, own decisions.


Well... a lot of people are trying to prove us believers wrong.
As I said, it is one big never ending circle because as you are typing that, you are saying that we are wrong when the matterof the fact is: NONE of us have any proof that we are right, therefor, we are all right.

(How do you post a video on the bottom of a post? It keeps placing it on top.)

Originally Posted by NothingBefore





Aliens are people from the future coming back to visit
Here is part 1/5 of the show that I was talking about. If you havent seen it, I suggest you watch it.

(Watch all 5 parts though)
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by swyftdahoe

I don't believe that Jesus is the son of God. I believe he's one of history's few enlightened prophets that have witnessed the truth. He's no different than Mohammed. Or Buddha.

I believe in God. I just don't believe the way you believe. I don't believe the words and texts of men who have clearly manipulated and misconstrued the truth.

Organized religion is petty and stupid. A bunch of people trying to take ownership of the truth that belongs to everyone. Mofos.

Realest post in here.

How you guys can take the Bible as some form of sacred text is simply mind bottling.

I believe in Jesus but I dont believe the bible word for word however why do many secular historians find many actions in the Bible to be treu to many examplesso do your own research

Im not hear to try to convert people but athesism is a religion also you BELIEVE nothing exist. However I do believe the bible shouldnt be quoted word for wordits been translated so many times of course things will get distorted.

In for the record God isnt a person so quit with comparing him to humans he/she/it created everything
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