athiest wake up

Originally Posted by KB8sandiego

For my fellow Christians in this thread...

Just a reminder...

Romans 14:1-7
1 Receive one who is weak in the faith, but not to disputes over doubtful things. 2 For one believes he may eat all things, but he who is weak eats only vegetables. 3Let not him who eats despise him who does not eat, and let not him who does not eat judge him who eats; for God has received him. 4Who are you to judge another's servant? To his own master he stands or falls. Indeed, he will be made to stand, for God is able to make him stand.
5 One person esteems one day above another; another esteems every day alike. Let each be fully convinced in his own mind. 6 He who observes the day, observes it to the Lord;[sup][a][/sup] and he who does not observe the day, to the Lord he does not observe it. He who eats, eats to the Lord, for he gives God thanks; and he who does not eat, to the Lord he does not eat, and gives God thanks. 7 For none of us lives to himself, and no one dies to himself.


I was told that it's in the Book of Revelations. I've heard it from different people on several occasions.
I know its going to be a lot of natural disasters. But fire? Did they say the world would burn or just it would be involved?
7The first angel sounded, and there followed hail and fire mingled with blood, and they were cast upon the earth: and the third part of trees was burnt up, and all green grass was burnt up.
I remember someone telling me the verse but I'm not completely sure if this is it.
Who are you to judge another's servant?
Are Jehovah's Witnesses supposed to follow this?
Originally Posted by Roc Boy Jada

7The first angel sounded, and there followed hail and fire mingled with blood, and they were cast upon the earth: and the third part of trees was burnt up, and all green grass was burnt up.
I remember someone telling me the verse but I'm not completely sure if this is it.
Who are you to judge another's servant?
Are Jehovah's Witnesses supposed to follow this?

Oh yeah. I think there are supposed to be some SERIOUS wildfires but we are having thosenow
. But for a third of them to burn

Yes they are. What exactly do they do?
They get the most
out of everyone. I have never had one knock on my door where I answered.
What exactly do they do?
The last one that approached me started off by telling me something about "OUR" savior. And most of them approach me with the samemindset, assuming that I have the same beliefs as them. Do they pick and choose who they think are believers of THEIR religion?

And that verse was from Revelation 8:7.
Originally Posted by Roc Boy Jada

What exactly do they do?
The last one that approached me started off by telling me something about "OUR" savior. And most of them approach me with the same mindset, assuming that I have the same beliefs as them. Do they pick and choose who they think are believers of THEIR religion?

And that verse was from Revelation 8:7.

No they go after EVERYONE. I knew a few but they weren't really into it. And yeah I remember Revelations. Honestly trying to do what I try to do is hard.Its hard hearing people shoot you down. Its hard to read the bible and be like "dang I have ways to go". Do you know how many times I've wantedto rip some NT'ers a new one for misc reasons
? A lot. Its also very hard being pretty much new to it all. Its a lot to learn and manage in day to daylife. But its something I have to do.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

But my question remains unanswered. I asked earlier if there is no God then how did we progress this much? If there is no God then where does the word or even the idea come from? Its like a baby being left to learn and grow in the wild to be raised with bears, how would that child ever know God. Its people on this planet now who don't about God so that signals to me that we couldn't have just BAM came up with all this that goes on in the world. Yeah saying there is no God works for modern and a piece of ancient civilization but who came up with the idea. Who questions what they never knew?

Look, Religion was born in a time where no one knew what was going on. Religion comes from the very beginning of our species. Religion was invented toexplain things that were unexplainable. God was created to explain why milk curdled, rainbows existed, waves crashed, birds soared, the sun stayed afloat.Religion was only an answer to quench that thirst for knowledge. So think about that. The religion you tout was created at a time when people were even moreignorant than now.

How did we progress this much? For the same reasons giraffes grew long necks and anteaters grew long snouts. Out of necessity.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by Roc Boy Jada

What exactly do they do?
The last one that approached me started off by telling me something about "OUR" savior. And most of them approach me with the same mindset, assuming that I have the same beliefs as them. Do they pick and choose who they think are believers of THEIR religion?

And that verse was from Revelation 8:7.

No they go after EVERYONE. I knew a few but they weren't really into it. And yeah I remember Revelations. Honestly trying to do what I try to do is hard.Its hard hearing people shoot you down. Its hard to read the bible and be like "dang I have ways to go". Do you know how many times I've wanted to rip some NT'ers a new one for misc reasons
? A lot. Its also very hard being pretty much new to it all. Its a lot to learn and manage in day to day life. But its something I have to do.

the saddest part about that statement is that in the grand scheme of things you are taking steps back. You are actually inviting old wisdoms with little or noworth into your life. It's like trying to treat mania with a lobotomy.
As people are quick to say their is no god because there is no proof. Where is your proof that he doesnt exist?
People need to stop caring about others mind set. if you agree with your ideals, then be good with it and not worry about others.
Originally Posted by RetroBaller

As people are quick to say their is no god because there is no proof. Where is your proof that he doesnt exist?
Once again, how do you prove something doesn't exist? Let's say you tell me you can lift 400lbs. I doubt that. Would you tell me"prove to me I can't lift 400lbs?" Think about it. The ones making the ludicrous claims are the ones that have the burden of proof, not thosesaying the unproven needs to be proven.

"Exceptional claims require exceptional evidence."
Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by RKO2004

But my question remains unanswered. I asked earlier if there is no God then how did we progress this much? If there is no God then where does the word or even the idea come from? Its like a baby being left to learn and grow in the wild to be raised with bears, how would that child ever know God. Its people on this planet now who don't about God so that signals to me that we couldn't have just BAM came up with all this that goes on in the world. Yeah saying there is no God works for modern and a piece of ancient civilization but who came up with the idea. Who questions what they never knew?

Look, Religion was born in a time where no one knew what was going on. Religion comes from the very beginning of our species. Religion was invented to explain things that were unexplainable. God was created to explain why milk curdled, rainbows existed, waves crashed, birds soared, the sun stayed afloat. Religion was only an answer to quench that thirst for knowledge. So think about that. The religion you tout was created at a time when people were even more ignorant than now.

How did we progress this much? For the same reasons giraffes grew long necks and anteaters grew long snouts. Out of necessity.
OK. We'll just have to wait and see.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by RKO2004

But my question remains unanswered. I asked earlier if there is no God then how did we progress this much? If there is no God then where does the word or even the idea come from? Its like a baby being left to learn and grow in the wild to be raised with bears, how would that child ever know God. Its people on this planet now who don't about God so that signals to me that we couldn't have just BAM came up with all this that goes on in the world. Yeah saying there is no God works for modern and a piece of ancient civilization but who came up with the idea. Who questions what they never knew?

Look, Religion was born in a time where no one knew what was going on. Religion comes from the very beginning of our species. Religion was invented to explain things that were unexplainable. God was created to explain why milk curdled, rainbows existed, waves crashed, birds soared, the sun stayed afloat. Religion was only an answer to quench that thirst for knowledge. So think about that. The religion you tout was created at a time when people were even more ignorant than now.

How did we progress this much? For the same reasons giraffes grew long necks and anteaters grew long snouts. Out of necessity.
OK. We'll just have to wait and see.
thats not a good enough answer. You're just side-stepping the convo and trying to end it. Do you not see any logic in this persons claims? Heanswered your question, now it's time to either refute it and give evidence as to why, or acknowledge his point.
Originally Posted by EdZ OnE

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by RKO2004

But my question remains unanswered. I asked earlier if there is no God then how did we progress this much? If there is no God then where does the word or even the idea come from? Its like a baby being left to learn and grow in the wild to be raised with bears, how would that child ever know God. Its people on this planet now who don't about God so that signals to me that we couldn't have just BAM came up with all this that goes on in the world. Yeah saying there is no God works for modern and a piece of ancient civilization but who came up with the idea. Who questions what they never knew?

Look, Religion was born in a time where no one knew what was going on. Religion comes from the very beginning of our species. Religion was invented to explain things that were unexplainable. God was created to explain why milk curdled, rainbows existed, waves crashed, birds soared, the sun stayed afloat. Religion was only an answer to quench that thirst for knowledge. So think about that. The religion you tout was created at a time when people were even more ignorant than now.

How did we progress this much? For the same reasons giraffes grew long necks and anteaters grew long snouts. Out of necessity.
OK. We'll just have to wait and see.
thats not a good enough answer. You're just side-stepping the convo and trying to end it. Do you not see any logic in this persons claims? He answered your question, now it's time to either refute it and give evidence as to why, or acknowledge his point.
I don't have to do anything. I have MY beliefs and He has HIS beliefs. I'm not changing mine for anybody. Just because you think he iswinning because of "logic" is not the case. You just happen to agree with him. I believe there is a God. I'm not caught up in this worldsthoughts and beliefs that the universe just popped up one day.

Here's some logic I believe in...

John 1:1-3; 10; 14: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth."

Now of course my logic you will choose not to agree with but this is what I believe in. I don't go through life with the assumption babies can makethemselves. They need a CREATOR. And car needs a creator. NT has creators. The NFL had creators. I will never be convinced we were just here and then came upwith a bunch of stuff. We would have been too dumb to do so. Like I said before. Can a child self learn without being first taught the basics of life? No thatswhy we have parents and teachers. You can't just go being a rocket scientist without first knowing the basics and being taught the subject at hand.

EVERY species on this earth is reliant on being taught. We are no different. To think other wise is human ignorance displaying its self once again.

He or She without a creator stand and claim it and you will be a liar.
There's something there. Could be god or a talking banana for all I know. Our universe is basically a petri dish to something else though. Bet on it.
Originally Posted by ScottHallWithAPick

How old are you yankees fan. Your typing and how soft you appear makes me believe 14

and oh yea SneakerHeathen isnt gonna like this. Didnt he say in a thread a few weeks back"Muslims would never send someone to hell for not believing in god"

Never said that. I actually never liked that organized religionbasically stated that all non-believers (good people or not) were destined for Hell. I can't fathom a good person going to Hell for not conforming to aparticular religion. Thats what I stated, get your info straight.

Keep my name out of your thoughts, thanks. While you're at it get off my @(#*#...Go watch some vintage WCW clips or something.
Look, Religion was born in a time where no one knew what was going on. Religion comes from the very beginning of our species.
Yeah when God created us.

God was created to explain why milk curdled, rainbows existed, waves crashed, birds soared, the sun stayed afloat.
He is the reason for those.

So think about that. The religion you tout was created at a time when people were even more ignorant than now.
I follow the word of God and Christ. Simple as that.

How did we progress this much? For the same reasons giraffes grew long necks and anteaters grew long snouts. Out of necessity.
Everything you see has a creator. Your mother and father brought you into this world. Sony makes Playstation. Think about how our oxygen is made?Do you really believe its by chance? Our atmosphere. It protects us from the sun, falling objects and etc. Is that by chance? Is gravity by chance?

Nothing+Nothing = Nothing.
0+0= 0.
Male+Male= No child.
Female+Female= No child.
Humans+Disobeying God's Law= Current state of the world.
Originally Posted by RetroBaller

As people are quick to say their is no god because there is no proof. Where is your proof that he doesnt exist?
People need to stop caring about others mind set. if you agree with your ideals, then be good with it and not worry about others.
I'm not saying that He does/does not exist but can you blame them for using that logic?

If there's no proof that a crime was committed, should that mean that a crime was committed?
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Look, Religion was born in a time where no one knew what was going on. Religion comes from the very beginning of our species.
Yeah when God created us.

God was created to explain why milk curdled, rainbows existed, waves crashed, birds soared, the sun stayed afloat.
He is the reason for those.

So think about that. The religion you tout was created at a time when people were even more ignorant than now.
I follow the word of God and Christ. Simple as that.

How did we progress this much? For the same reasons giraffes grew long necks and anteaters grew long snouts. Out of necessity.
Everything you see has a creator. Your mother and father brought you into this world. Sony makes Playstation. Think about how our oxygen is made? Do you really believe its by chance? Our atmosphere. It protects us from the sun, falling objects and etc. Is that by chance? Is gravity by chance?

Nothing+Nothing = Nothing.
0+0= 0.
Male+Male= No child.
Female+Female= No child.
Humans+Disobeying God's Law= Current state of the world.

Yo Im Christian but you be willin man like u feel u have all the answers it makes it seem like you following your religion blindly.
Originally Posted by the north west

Thank god I am Buddhist and don't have to deal with this crap
Buddhist believe in reincarnation right?
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Look, Religion was born in a time where no one knew what was going on. Religion comes from the very beginning of our species.
Yeah when God created us.

God was created to explain why milk curdled, rainbows existed, waves crashed, birds soared, the sun stayed afloat.
He is the reason for those.

So think about that. The religion you tout was created at a time when people were even more ignorant than now.
I follow the word of God and Christ. Simple as that.

How did we progress this much? For the same reasons giraffes grew long necks and anteaters grew long snouts. Out of necessity.
Everything you see has a creator. Your mother and father brought you into this world. Sony makes Playstation. Think about how our oxygen is made? Do you really believe its by chance? Our atmosphere. It protects us from the sun, falling objects and etc. Is that by chance? Is gravity by chance?

Nothing+Nothing = Nothing.
0+0= 0.
Male+Male= No child.
Female+Female= No child.
Humans+Disobeying God's Law= Current state of the world.

Yo Im Christian but you be willin man like u feel u have all the answers it makes it seem like you following your religion blindly.
I don't have all the answers. Never not once stated that. Just because I'm Believe in God/Christ and the word of God means I follow itblindly? I'm using logic just like them. I believe everything we see has a creator. In what I posted would you call me a liar for what I believe?
Originally Posted by Roc Boy Jada

Originally Posted by RetroBaller

As people are quick to say their is no god because there is no proof. Where is your proof that he doesnt exist?
People need to stop caring about others mind set. if you agree with your ideals, then be good with it and not worry about others.
I'm not saying that He does/does not exist but can you blame them for using that logic?

If there's no proof that a crime was committed, should that mean that a crime was committed?

And even if there is proof the crime might never have been believed to be commited
Originally Posted by the north west

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by the north west

Thank god I am Buddhist and don't have to deal with this crap
Buddhist believe in reincarnation right?
OK. So do you all study other religions or do you take things from them?

Oh and asu334 I wasn't going at you with anger or anything so don't get thewrong impression. I just have a lot of faith. I'm not perfect but I believe God has the answer to every question.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Look, Religion was born in a time where no one knew what was going on. Religion comes from the very beginning of our species.
Yeah when God created us.

God was created to explain why milk curdled, rainbows existed, waves crashed, birds soared, the sun stayed afloat.
He is the reason for those.

So think about that. The religion you tout was created at a time when people were even more ignorant than now.
I follow the word of God and Christ. Simple as that.

How did we progress this much? For the same reasons giraffes grew long necks and anteaters grew long snouts. Out of necessity.
Everything you see has a creator. Your mother and father brought you into this world. Sony makes Playstation. Think about how our oxygen is made? Do you really believe its by chance? Our atmosphere. It protects us from the sun, falling objects and etc. Is that by chance? Is gravity by chance?

Nothing+Nothing = Nothing.
0+0= 0.
Male+Male= No child.
Female+Female= No child.
Humans+Disobeying God's Law= Current state of the world.

Preach man preach.
Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by the north west

Originally Posted by RKO2004

Originally Posted by the north west

Thank god I am Buddhist and don't have to deal with this crap
Buddhist believe in reincarnation right?
OK. So do you all study other religions or do you take things from them?
why would I want to study other religions or take things from them when I am Buddhist
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