Athlete that you hated the most while they played for your fav team?

like Slava Medvedenko pissing Sheed off, in which case he proceeded to own him on the offensive end.

i dont think sheed was much of a factor like he could have been that series

he was in early foul trouble for like the whole series

mainly because of shaq

Also, Kobe didn't demand a trade. Jerry Buss made the decision to trade Shaq,

yea i dont think he said it exactly like that

but i remember reading reports from around that time and the deal was that kobe said him or shaq has to go

I mean either way we know he kinda forced shaq out cuz he knew managment was gonna pick him cuz shaq was gettin old

and he even forced phil out

phil was def. fed up after that season

but I'm glad to see a kobe fan who makes intelligent points

we need more people like you around here

Thanks man, I really understand your point of view though, I couldnt believe they traded away a dynasty!

Also, I understand that you either Love Kobe, or you Hate Kobe, there is no in-between
derek fisher
bob sura
troy murphy after he turned into a little girl
mike dunleavy jr
eduardo najera
eric dampier
adonal foyle...yeah I said it
I cant stand craig austrie myself, always seem to lose the lead when he comes in

Couldnt stand Corliss Williamson on the pistons and despised Miguel Cairo while he was on the Yanks and cant take Kyle Farnsworth now
I don't know if u can call him an athlete since he doesn't have an athletic bone in his body but i would have to say

Jason "Stonehands" Collins
Antoine Wright
Chris "a side of Big Macs please" Childs

Currently though, there really isn't anybody on the current Nets roster that I don't like. I want Swift to return, Diop, even Mo Ager.
Carlos Beltran. How do you haver runner on second and third, bottom of the 9th, 0-2 count and you don't even get the bat off your shoulder. I love watchinghim in the field though.
Kerry Collins
Jay schoder
Barry Sims
Warren Sapp
Robert gallery
Andrew Walter
Marcus Allen
Originally Posted by DiPlOMaT007

I Hate johhny damon on the yankees ever since he got there
Truth, dude is a mere shadow of what he was with the sox and teams before that
Originally Posted by NotoriousLAR

Originally Posted by DiPlOMaT007

I Hate johhny damon on the yankees ever since he got there
Truth, dude is a mere shadow of what he was with the sox and teams before that

Y'all are a rare breed. i went to a yanks-sox series in the bronx the year he jumped ship....sat right in center field. the love for this dude wasnuts...i didn't get it.

My list of hated players on my teams:
David Wells
Eric Gagne

Drew Hall (Allen, I know you feel me on that one)
Jeremiah Rivers (Allen, I know you disagree with that one
Glen Murray (Boston Bruins for you hockey challenged folks...and yeah I'm aware 90% of NT doesn't consider hockey a sport)
Reche Caldwell

That's about it really...
Drew Hall (Allen, I know you feel me on that one)
Jeremiah Rivers (Allen, I know you disagree with that one
...rumor has it Lil Doc might be on his way out
...we'll see. I like his defense

Add Wesley Wilson for me.

other teams..

Joe Borowski
Casey Blake

Eddy Curry
Stephon Marbury

Jarius Jackson
James Aldridge
David Grimes

Kyle Brady
John Abraham
SantaRosaWarriorFan, I haven't seen you post in hella long
. Oh and back off that Bob Sura hate, hewas my favorite Warrior at one point in time


Mike Dunleavy, Jr.
Derek Fisher
Troy Murphy
Mickael Pietrus
Cherokee Parks
Todd Fuller
Marc Jackson

SF Giants:
Armando Benitez
Ray Durham
Randy Winn
AJ Pierzynski
Kirk Rueter

Kenny Rogers
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