Avatar Movie..Whos going to watch it?

damn now i need to see this, already folks at my job talking about it
sully's swag must've been times infinity when he flew in with that big %*! bird. had the natives bowing down and instant forgiveness from the princess.
Originally Posted by emmanuelabor



I saw it in 3D, and I was geeked about all that, but if I'd been watching this in a normal situation, I woulda fell asleep. I didnt feel there was anything epic about this movie at all. The story has been done before, and done MUCH better.
I can agree with that but this movie is about the visuals which are 10 years ahead of its time. There's nothing visually on par with the CGand motion capture.
Originally Posted by HAM CITY

Originally Posted by swyftdahoe

Originally Posted by AusZero

this movie was horrible, yeah the special effects were cool but you cant look past how bad the story was, it was bad on a mega shark versus giant octopus level. Like 6 legged creatures? Really? Beside insects you know where that happens in nature? Deformations, because there is no advantage to six over four legs. And what was with the the missiles and guns? Its 150 years in the future and they can travel to other solar systems but still use bullets. Not to mention wouldn't the Marines just come back later and decimate the indigenous population. God knows how many times governments have spun stories in our favor in order to seize land or power. Is eywa going to send more dragons and hammer head rhinos to fend off more fire power or a nuclear assault? James Cameron did the whole environment/ otherworldly creatures thing 20 years ago with the Abyss and it was 10 times better than this. 3d and CGI looked dope but it didn't make up for the glaring faults in the plot. Yes I'm mad I spent $10 on this movie.
lol What? Your gripe starts with 6 legged creatures being unnatural?
Has to be sarcasm
It's like dude wanted a Discovery Channel documentary or something

Movie is a classic, and probably Cameron's best film to date. The storyline wasn't totally original, but it was unique enough to make it a great film.I can't see this not being nominated for an Oscar, especially with some of the movies that came out this year. It is definitely up there with InglouriousBasterds, District 9, and The Hurt Locker. Still need to see Up in the Air, and I don't know if I'll ever watch Precious since it just looks oddepressing and I can't do those kind of movies.

Originally Posted by AusZero

this movie was horrible, yeah the special effects were cool but you cant look past how bad the story was, it was bad on a mega shark versus giant octopus level. Like 6 legged creatures? Really? Beside insects you know where that happens in nature? Deformations, because there is no advantage to six over four legs. And what was with the the missiles and guns? Its 150 years in the future and they can travel to other solar systems but still use bullets. Not to mention wouldn't the Marines just come back later and decimate the indigenous population. God knows how many times governments have spun stories in our favor in order to seize land or power. Is eywa going to send more dragons and hammer head rhinos to fend off more fire power or a nuclear assault? James Cameron did the whole environment/ otherworldly creatures thing 20 years ago with the Abyss and it was 10 times better than this. 3d and CGI looked dope but it didn't make up for the glaring faults in the plot. Yes I'm mad I spent $10 on this

So what did you think of spiderman?
I watched it today, I liked it a lot. The themes reminded me a lot of Native Americans being portrayed with the Navii (sp?), and also corporate greed, andsomehow during the movie I thought of the Iraq War as well. Simple story, but it's very effective and the it's told well. Great movie.
Originally Posted by recycledpaper

sully's swag must've been times infinity when he flew in with that big %*! bird. had the natives bowing down and instant forgiveness from the princess.

QFT, that one blue guy who hated him was like "
dude really got the bird
But to the movie, all I can say is wow. I was so blown away by all the special effects, and the 3D was just incredible. Story line was so predictable though,but it's whatever. Oh and that blue girl really got on my nerves, #@$#@ voice was so damn annoying
the film was ok. Like some have aid it didn't try to do to much. which helped the film in the end, as much as I hated Titanic objectively I don't knowid it's as good. Personally my top 5 film this year, I haven't seen hurt locker yet though.
Great movie.
I sort of wish I hadn't seen it in 3D first... gave me a bit of a headache when things are all out of focus sometimes.

Anyone think that Parker had a bootleg Ari Gold personality? Funny thing is I believe that actor was in an episode of Entourage.
Originally Posted by purplenurple1414

Great movie.
I sort of wish I hadn't seen it in 3D first... gave me a bit of a headache when things are all out of focus sometimes.

Anyone think that Parker had a bootleg Ari Gold personality? Funny thing is I believe that actor was in an episode of Entourage.

Thought I was the only one.
Originally Posted by HybridSoldier23

Originally Posted by emmanuelabor



I saw it in 3D, and I was geeked about all that, but if I'd been watching this in a normal situation, I woulda fell asleep. I didnt feel there was anything epic about this movie at all. The story has been done before, and done MUCH better.
I can agree with that but this movie is about the visuals which are 10 years ahead of its time. There's nothing visually on par with the CG and motion capture.

its hard for me to dispute that cause it was my 1st 3D experience. Like I said, that was awesome....most incredible thing I've ever seen, but the movieitself, was no where near epic. Freiends that have seen other 3D movies before said this was easily the best 3D they'd ever seen, so Im glad this was my1st go round, but without the 3D, this movie wouldnt have anybody talking.
Originally Posted by Regal Black

I'm planning to see this later today in 3D. Can't wait

I saw it in a regular theater, I am going to see it again in IMAX/3D
GOAT? Epic? Lol.

Other than the visuals, this movie has nothing else to offer. We all know it whether we want to admit it or not.

The large robot knife rests my case.
Prolly the best 3D movie i've ever seen

But forreal a lot of 3D movies are just horrible...like final destination or the one with the fishes that is suppose to come out...i would never see thatgarbage if it wasn't for 3D
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