Avatar Movie..Whos going to watch it?

I thought it was great actually.

I knew the CGI and special effects were going to be off the wall...but I was surprised by how good the storyline was. Also, Cameron did a good job by notchoosing well known actors that might distract you from the actual story. Sure, there were a few familiar faces, but none of the main characters had ever ownedlead roles in previous movies I believe, which was nice.

Also, this dude from Dodgeball was in it

AMAZING MOVIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is like a go see it Now!!! Like, get out of bed and break into the movie theater and see it in 3D!

I can't even imagine what this is like in Imax. I'll be seeing this twice.

James Cameron changed the game.
movie was good, the second half was excellent but the first 2 quarters I almost fell asleep at times, the visuals were great from the start but the real actionwith missles where you see the CGI really kick in didnt come till the end, so it the beginning was way too cliche to me, man in wild, man finds girl, manlearns to survive, man fights, everything was too scripted. although it was nessecary(sp) for the plot itself to watch the character develop but an hour and ahalf of hunting and learning to fly got me SUPER bored

good movie overall though, give it a 8.5 or 9 because of visuals
Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

movie was good, the second half was excellent but the first 2 quarters I almost fell asleep at times, the visuals were great from the start but the real action with missles where you see the CGI really kick in didnt come till the end, so it the beginning was way too cliche to me, man in wild, man finds girl, man learns to survive, man fights, everything was too scripted. although it was nessecary(sp) for the plot itself to watch the character develop but an hour and a half of hunting and learning to fly got me SUPER bored

good movie overall though, give it a 8.5 or 9 because of visuals
You kinda have a point there about the beginning. However, the love story wouldn't have worked and it would have seemed too forced and phonyif they didn't spend all that time together.

I've seen alot of movies where it's like hold up, you love this person and you just met her an hour ago, "Come on now".
--Movie was dope. Highly recommended. 3D is a better bet if watching it.
--Epic story, the dialogue was cheesy at times but its James frikkin Cameron.
--The visuals were stunning. I cant think of another movie with better CGI.

--Wont be an Oscar champ like Titanic, except maybe in all the tech categories like effects, sound, etc...
Originally Posted by LonelyBoySole

I hate the commercials.. looks mad gay!!!

But everyone is sayin its great... WTH!?
not only are they saying great but epic also, I got no idea what this movie is about but i have been seeing and hearing about it EVERYWHERE. Imight have to read up on it and check it out
visuals were amazing....dialogue and story could have definitely been better, i mean it was pretty weak
Originally Posted by chiva1908

not me, I dont do or watch anything that has to do with video games...

good thing it has nothing to do with a video game
just got back from peeping the 4:30 am. story line was iight but the visuals were crazy
def worth the $20. you gotta see it in imax 3d
I normally HATE fantasy type movies...ie Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings (hated them)....but the visuals in this are worth the $10. Definitely see it in 3d.
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