Aware me of this #selfiegame :rollin

Sorry but this one even makes less sense.

Why are there, supposedly, two doors on the same hinge?

The situation is even more implausible if you consider the depth of most inside doors.



Except that there's clearly a wall behind that second door (not the one with the red figure drawn on top). Look closely. See the triangle; the inside of the triangle is the back wall.

Thus, there's absolutely no way, no where, and no space for that second door to swing open to the outside as you've drawn it in your diagram. Which is to say, then, that the second door can only open into the room, which brings us back to square one.

If you look at it closely, you'll see that he is on the inside door, n the part of the door behind him is actually in the hallway. That is a door to another room. If we could see the floor, there would be better depth perception.

 at actually discussing the presence of doors tho
 HOUSTON  – A new popular trend that goes by the name “Selfie Game 2014″ has claimed the life of young Oscar Reyes, On January 2nd Oscar Reyes snapped a photo of himself in a Sponge Bob costume and uploaded it to Facebook the photo generated over 200 likes, Friends of Oscar say that amount of likes motivated him to try and snap a picture he described to friends as “Crazy Af (as ****)” . Investigators say he was in his mothers restroom on January 3rd around 2AM when he fell off the door and injured his head he died from excessive bleeding. A Facebook page has been created to remember young Oscar Reyes.
I give it til Tuesday before lebron joins in
we've got dudes hating and others pulling out calculators to breakdown pictures
Few more

Some of these selfless are hilarious, while some get stale 

The creative pics are 

Still think these selfless are da greatest 

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