Aware me of this #selfiegame :rollin

I would post the one where the girl had the phone in her butt but I feel I will get warned.
It's not a weird way of thinking on it, though.

Look, I'm not trying to derail the thread at all - or make a big deal out of something, but these people are idiotic for this kind of stuff - and the people who find this funny are cheering them on.

I don't know about some of you, but I was raised a little different. I was raised knowing that character goes a long way in life, and it speaks volumes on people. Let's say you came home and caught your son or daughter hanging from a door (wut), or caught them in the shower with a bunch of fake trees and dressed in camo taking pictures in awkward'd be fine with that?

These people are influenced by other folks that will point and laugh at them and in turn these people get nothing back :lol: - like you're making yourself look like a damn fool, but getting nothing but retweets and LULZ in return. For what?

Man look - if my father was alive, and he caught me doing something like this in the bathroom - and if he asked me why and what I was doing; and I told him it was a game - so people can laugh at me...I'd end up dead with my "selfie" on my tombstone.

Some of you people need to stop condoning stupidity, and stop making it seem like it's okay. Yeah, it's 2014. Yeah, social networks are the cool thing right now. But there's a limit when it comes to this ****. Stop condoning stupidity.

I agree with ya man., but i'm also 29 yrs old

The thing is for me personally I know good and well if I was under 25 i'll be joining in on the "fun" as well. I praise god I was born in 1984 and when I was in college most video cams were way to expensive and big to document all the dumb ish I did. (I did post the tap tap pull video around this time tho lol)

I used to call 911 from various dorm rooms and hang up or tell them I was dying, I used to pull the fire alarm at 3:00am every other week in different dorms, I used to vandalize the kitchen areas with ketchup packet grenades, and destroy school property on the regular.

Sure some of these people might look back and think they were so stupid for joining in an online fad just for lulz, but at the end of the day, as long as they aren't hurting anyone....#KanyeShrug. this crap is beyond stupid tho

oh yeah, forgot to add, they are funny in the respect that they are essentially making fun of the whole selfie craze in general.
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"oh yeah, forgot to add, they are funny in the respect that they are essentially making fun of the whole selfie craze in general."

I thought that was the whole point
"oh yeah, forgot to add, they are funny in the respect that they are essentially making fun of the whole selfie craze in general."

I thought that was the whole point

Yea I know im saying tho the backlash is due to folks hating people doing stupid stuff just for lulz and attention. Im sure most people get the sarcasm but others are just jumping on the bandwagon not knowing the ogs were making fun of selfies
people taking it way too seriously.

dumb kids gon' dumb kid, bruh.

young people been making fools of themselves for the sake of attention from their peers since way before social media.

we're just more aware of it now because the lines are much more blurred between the "adult world" and the "young people world".

i highly doubt it's happening more, though.

remember, there was a time where being young and obsessed with the approval of your peers would have you fighting in a war or getting murdered for whistling at a white woman.
Is funny to laugh at idiots, I'm not laughing with these fools, I'm laughing at them, like the lengths they go to for this :rofl:
Dudes talking about their fathers murdering them for taking selfie parodies. The @#$# ? Your life must have been miserable growing up, AT
To those complaining about this just don't click on the thread. It's as simple as that.
Maybe this will explain the wizardry. Looks like theres another door behind the one he's on.
View media item 725228

Sorry but this one even makes less sense.

Why are there, supposedly, two doors on the same hinge?

The situation is even more implausible if you consider the depth of most inside doors.


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I think the other door is separate. There's a hallway there.

So then where's the hallway in the og picture (see page 8)?

If by some craziness, there are in fact two doors, and he's laying on both of them while taking the selfie, then shouldn't there be open/empty space leading out to the hallway?

Instead we have a wall with crown molding? Sure, he could've got his photoshop on, but let's keep it real--ol' boy does not look to me like the type to do all of that...:lol:

Both pics got me rustled as **** though...:lol:

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lol either way its not that cereal. yall getting upset that people getting upset at this
I can't find any wizardry in those door pictures. In the first picture, you can see the tile floor of the hallway.

The camera is at a weird angle, giving it a weird perception thing.
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