Originally Posted by horchata kid

Samoa..looks like the colors of a samoa girl scout cookie.


Those things are too damn hyper. My bf's sister has one. The other day I went to their house and she keeps the dog in a room so it has space to run around.And I looked into the room over the baricade set up to keep her in and she started jumping like a maniac. Landed in her food bowl spilling her food every wherethen sat in her water bowl. They're defiitely not as cute when they get bigger though.
Brazil baby is right. She definitely hit it wen she said my sisters dog is too damn hyper. She is cute as hell though, but you will have chewing problems. Sheeats everything in the house.
we have a yorkie ... well my wife convinced me to buy one for her. I'm getting a man's dog when I get back to the states in April. But it is very hyperlike people have said and it does think it is a rottweiler. They're not too hard to train and yes they do like to chew on things. Not furniture but like mydaughter's toys when she leaves them around and my ipod cord. But she kinda got out of that phase now. You got a good deal though. $650. We paid 600British Pounds which was about $1200 when we bought her. Good luck with it though. Oh ... my daughter named the dog Lia and she wants to trade for yours.
Alright....everyones thinking it. I'll say it........Small dogs and male owners FTL
Very cute, my girl's yorkie is two now. His name is Timbit, but you wouldn't understand what where the name came from unless you're Canadian.
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