Azealia Banks Vs. Iggy Azalea tension grows, Iggy Responds to Banks

wait why is she talking about making more money than lupe when none of her albums topped 30k in sales

all of lupes albums have hit six figures

dudes need to just block her on twitter and we will never hear from her again, its not like shes going to make the news with her music
The thing with that is, seeking validation from outside the culture. So what if ET says Iggy is the best rapper out? They're not an authority. And real consumers of hip-hop don't look to them. Sure other people do, but they're not of the culture either. They weren't deciding between Jean Grae and Iggy, if not Iggy, they're not looking for the dope rap ****. They'll just consume nothing. It's not between Iggy and Banks, it's between Iggy and nothing. Those people get what comes across their plate.

As I understand it, she made a catchy tune. Fine. It happens. But talent wins. It really always wins. You can be hot for a moment, but people will move once that moment is over. And it will be somebody else. That's going to always be the case ...white or black. But the artists who have managed to stay around for decades, they're all really good at this. Em is here because he was/is really good. Asher isn't because he wasn't. He's exactly where he should be now.

And I know The Grammys are supposed to be this serious thing, but historically, they get it wrong. All the time. There's a certain level of acclaim you have to have to even be nominated. They're not looking for the best album. It's a popularity contest. Because, honestly, they have to justify airing that ****. And nobody wants to see the best artists on the red carpet. They want to see the most popular ones. Those two things should be in concert, but...mostly, they're just not. All subjective, I suppose.

I wish someone would pull together a real awards show for music. Not just black music, but one that takes black music more into account and isn't about how popular an artist is. One that tries to get it right, across the board. Not some BET award/Soul Train ****, because those are biased too...for balance. But there just needs to be something else that's serious. Or nothing.
haters gonna hate. Let ol girl get her money while it lasts
she'd probably put her period blood in the spaghetti sauce or something if she found out you cheated on her, shorty is lowkey psycho
"when she on her rag never let her fry the ragu"
today on Jeopardy the answer to one of the questions was Iggy Azalea but the guy answered Azealia Banks 

i would have liked to see both their reactions to that

iggy's remix to i have a dream :pimp: :pimp: :pimp:
iggy really changing the landscape :pimp: :pimp: :pimp:

why ti allows this chick to still be on twitter/do interviews is beyond me. fall back like biebs for a little bit and restructure.
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Iggy wouldn't have been able to even be an American rapper 10 years ago. I don't know what the hell has happened to the rap game.
Iggy wouldn't have been able to even be an American rapper 10 years ago. I don't know what the hell has happened to the rap game.
It's that change she said she's bringing bruh

@ the radio station thinking they deserved any type of loyalty or respect
Iggy wouldn't have been able to even be an American rapper 10 years ago. I don't know what the hell has happened to the rap game.

She absolutely would have. What would stop her? Vanilla White existed, Marky Mark existed.

the only difference between now and 10 years ago is that hip hop is the dominant form of youth culture today and because of that you could have an Australian who wants to be a rapper.
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