Bachelor Pad.

Any of y'all live in a crib alone? As a non-married man, is it smart to buy a 2-3 bedroom home? Or a 1-2 bedroom condo? Seeing that it's just gonna be yourself? (And maybe shorty come through every now n then)

*in the event that the condo and the home cost the same*
Depends in your area + state.

In New Jersey property tax is a *****, you pay water in and out not to mention home owners insurance and other things.

I would never want to own a house up here, condo all the way, and as my area is on the uprise a condo would be a good investment.
you gotta pay home owners insurance on a condo too.

Your water is just thrown into HOA when you're in a condo which can be an extra 300-400 a month.

My duplex water bill is $90 for two months.
Any of y'all live in a crib alone? As a non-married man, is it smart to buy a 2-3 bedroom home? Or a 1-2 bedroom condo? Seeing that it's just gonna be yourself? (And maybe shorty come through every now n then)

*in the event that the condo and the home cost the same*

you said it yourself, bigger is better if u can afford. an extra room is always better.
Here is my take. As I was younger I wanted to be near the city and have a condo, smaller, but easy access to bars and downtown. Value is important. Keep in mind, unless you are in a prime area condos do not increase in value like houses do. Also there are fewer singles looking to buy than families. So resale is important to me.
Any of y'all live in a crib alone? As a non-married man, is it smart to buy a 2-3 bedroom home? Or a 1-2 bedroom condo? Seeing that it's just gonna be yourself? (And maybe shorty come through every now n then)

*in the event that the condo and the home cost the same*

are you looking for a home or a condo in NY? if so, where?
Any of y'all live in a crib alone? As a non-married man, is it smart to buy a 2-3 bedroom home? Or a 1-2 bedroom condo? Seeing that it's just gonna be yourself? (And maybe shorty come through every now n then)

*in the event that the condo and the home cost the same*

Yea I don't see a problem with it honestly..if your funds can support it. I live in a 3 bedroom 2.5 bathroom townhouse now. Just purchased a 3 bedroom 3.5 bathroom condo, close to 1000 more sqft. it's just me. I am going to get a puppy though.
Any of y'all live in a crib alone? As a non-married man, is it smart to buy a 2-3 bedroom home? Or a 1-2 bedroom condo? Seeing that it's just gonna be yourself? (And maybe shorty come through every now n then)

*in the event that the condo and the home cost the same*

always better to get more rooms. Situations can change say you do have a family the more room the better. Also, think of resale value. Single families typically always resale more than townhomes/condos.
So I'm getting closer to move in date and I'm starting tot feel serious anxiety. There seems to be sooooo much to do, so much to buy it's overwhelming. More so than that, I just went to a good friend of mine house warming on Saturday. He and his gf who are getting married in 2 months just got an apartment, 2 bedroom in Astoria queens and are paying $2200 a month. When they told me that I was floored cause that's a crazy price to pay for rent in Queens. But a 2 bedroom is nice.

My apt I'm buying is a 1 bedroom, not a big place, but it's going to be mine, and my gf looks like she'll be moving in by the end of the year.

My concern (albeit probably irrational) is that it'll be too small for get togethers of more than 10 people...the 1 bedroom situation makes it for friends to not be able to crash, and moreso, there is no dining room so finding a place for dinners is going to be tricky.

It's always been my goal to move out of mom's house and have a place of my own, but now that it's getting close I'm starting to have serious anxiety about everything.
So I'm getting closer to move in date and I'm starting tot feel serious anxiety. There seems to be sooooo much to do, so much to buy it's overwhelming. More so than that, I just went to a good friend of mine house warming on Saturday. He and his gf who are getting married in 2 months just got an apartment, 2 bedroom in Astoria queens and are paying $2200 a month. When they told me that I was floored cause that's a crazy price to pay for rent in Queens. But a 2 bedroom is nice.

My apt I'm buying is a 1 bedroom, not a big place, but it's going to be mine, and my gf looks like she'll be moving in by the end of the year.

My concern (albeit probably irrational) is that it'll be too small for get togethers of more than 10 people...the 1 bedroom situation makes it for friends to not be able to crash, and moreso, there is no dining room so finding a place for dinners is going to be tricky.

It's always been my goal to move out of mom's house and have a place of my own, but now that it's getting close I'm starting to have serious anxiety about everything.

this is a normal feeling. Do not worry. First of all do you frequently hold events with over 10 frineds? say you and your girl included would be 8 other people or 4 other couples. do you hang out with that many people? also there are many pieces of furniture that can double as a dining table and decorative piece when not in use. Dont let the jitters of closing scare you. Always think about the pluses of the situation and like you said its your own and you are probably getting it for a better price than your friends are getting thier rental.
So I'm getting closer to move in date and I'm starting tot feel serious anxiety. There seems to be sooooo much to do, so much to buy it's overwhelming. More so than that, I just went to a good friend of mine house warming on Saturday. He and his gf who are getting married in 2 months just got an apartment, 2 bedroom in Astoria queens and are paying $2200 a month. When they told me that I was floored cause that's a crazy price to pay for rent in Queens. But a 2 bedroom is nice.

My apt I'm buying is a 1 bedroom, not a big place, but it's going to be mine, and my gf looks like she'll be moving in by the end of the year.

My concern (albeit probably irrational) is that it'll be too small for get togethers of more than 10 people...the 1 bedroom situation makes it for friends to not be able to crash, and moreso, there is no dining room so finding a place for dinners is going to be tricky.

It's always been my goal to move out of mom's house and have a place of my own, but now that it's getting close I'm starting to have serious anxiety about everything.

Think of it as YOUR place, you're the one paying for it and living in it. You're not busting your *** getting an apt. to please your friends coming over or staying over. Unless you're hosting dinner parties every other week, don't sweat it, invest in what You can comfortably afford.

Also, invest in a Double Decker Queen sized air mattress for your guests. Those are much more comfortable than a pull out couch, futon, etc. And the fact that its a double decker puts it a little high up, so guests don't have the feeling that they're sleeping on the floor.

Then again, I am 27 and its still accepted amongst my friends staying over to crash on the air mattress. Maybe if I were older and I had older family, relatives, friends, and out of towners who wanted to stay over - it might not be as good of a look.
this is a normal feeling. Do not worry. First of all do you frequently hold events with over 10 frineds? say you and your girl included would be 8 other people or 4 other couples. do you hang out with that many people? also there are many pieces of furniture that can double as a dining table and decorative piece when not in use. Dont let the jitters of closing scare you. Always think about the pluses of the situation and like you said its your own and you are probably getting it for a better price than your friends are getting thier rental.

our circle is fairly small, honestly my biggest parties have been my annual super bowl party of about 10-16 people, and a few summer nights with that many people as well. Never exceeding that number though.

I am getting it for a much better price than their rental, significantly cheaper, but I also put $30k down.

And I know it's mine and that's a big deal, these are just the thoughts have have been sitting on my brain non stop
Any of y'all live in a crib alone? As a non-married man, is it smart to buy a 2-3 bedroom home? Or a 1-2 bedroom condo? Seeing that it's just gonna be yourself? (And maybe shorty come through every now n then)

*in the event that the condo and the home cost the same*
Always keep in mind that a bigger place means more space to clean and maintain. A 3br spot may sound full of possibilities for a single guy (guestroom, office, media room, etc.) but you should step back and ask yourself if you are willing to maintain all of that by yourself. Plus, and not to sound like a ****, but more rooms means more opportunity for others to crash and possibly live with you.

After college I was determined to avoid the roommate situation at all costs. If its only me, I only need 1br. Maybe a den too if I find one for the right price. It'll mainly be an office but I'd try to set it up so a friend from out of town could crash if needed.
Biggest mistake, in any habitation decision, is doing it for others.

BBQs, dinners, parties...all cost money. Then you gotta clean that **** up.
Biggest mistake, in any habitation decision, is doing it for others.

BBQs, dinners, parties...all cost money. Then you gotta clean that **** up.

Quick story: When I got engaged my wife moved in with me. She talked me into moving out of my 1 bedroom apt and into a 2 bedroom. Her reasoning was because of guest and having a place for people to crash. Worst mistake ever. The place was a beast to keep clean. We ended up hosting parties once every few months and we still have that rent over our heads. (About $500 more than my 1 bedroom) My suggestion is to buy what you can afford in the best neighborhood with the best resale value. You won't be there forever. Do whats right for your pockets and living situation. Unless someone is paying rent, you don't need a second bdrm.

I've been in my townhome for 4 months. I still need a ton of things. Take your time and do it right. Your taste will change as well. Doing it over time is cheaper and allows you to grow into the home.
Yea that's definitely sound advice.

Perhaps I'm thinking this way because, having a place of my own I will feel like I have the ability to have people over on weekends, during football season on the 65 inch tv etc. So the idea of having space is just enticing but you are right. It's about you and what you can afford.

I'm usually good with this stuff and don't care about other people's opinions, but I will want to be a good host when people come over and make sure they are comfortable.
Yea that's definitely sound advice.

Perhaps I'm thinking this way because, having a place of my own I will feel like I have the ability to have people over on weekends, during football season on the 65 inch tv etc. So the idea of having space is just enticing but you are right. It's about you and what you can afford.

I'm usually good with this stuff and don't care about other people's opinions, but I will want to be a good host when people come over and make sure they are comfortable.

the fact you have your own spot is good enough of a host! So yeah youre making a good and sound financial choice becoming an owner. remember apartment space is dry in the city so you will always be a leg up. Like I tell prospective cleints you will always have a place to go no matter the situation. so goodluck!
Yea that's definitely sound advice.

Perhaps I'm thinking this way because, having a place of my own I will feel like I have the ability to have people over on weekends, during football season on the 65 inch tv etc. So the idea of having space is just enticing but you are right. It's about you and what you can afford.

I'm usually good with this stuff and don't care about other people's opinions, but I will want to be a good host when people come over and make sure they are comfortable.
Have people come by all you's when you're footing the bill when it becomes an issue.

My circle is 26 years strong so they bring their own beer and chips and I'll supply pizza and wings.

I have a big backyard so at first I was all for hosting things but then that meat bill was eating away at my savings.
I'm going thru the same thing now, I really only need a one bedroom, put I'm leaning towards a two, just for family visiting, and just having a extra room, possibly for a office. My last place was a two bedroom, and I never used the spare room. I'll probably get a two just because I don't want people sleeping on my couch
I can't count your $, but look at it this way.

Ex: Difference between a 1 and 2 bedroom is $350 per month. 350x12=$4200 per year. 2 family visit x 3 days $480 per trip. Hotels are 160 per night. Now friends crashing is a variable based on your social group. So my thinking is this, who fronts the cost for someone else's convenience? If you can afford to do it I say GO!
Too much Judge Judy stuff going on here. If you wanna involve someone, be smart about it. Keep in mind, she is your GF, not wife.

If you wanna social, then think of a bigger place. Its as simple as that. But money talks. So if, you cant buy a mansion, or a house, then compromise.

A pad is supposed to be for YOU!!
Yea that's definitely sound advice.

Perhaps I'm thinking this way because, having a place of my own I will feel like I have the ability to have people over on weekends, during football season on the 65 inch tv etc. So the idea of having space is just enticing but you are right. It's about you and what you can afford.

I'm usually good with this stuff and don't care about other people's opinions, but I will want to be a good host when people come over and make sure they are comfortable.

dont worry too much about others, if i cant do a 60 inch, i wont do it sinply cuz i wanna impress. focus ob urself, and thingz will naturally follow. u want ur vibe and home to rub off on people, and itll come when you are natural about it. be comfortable in ur own skin, and own home.
So I'm getting closer to move in date and I'm starting tot feel serious anxiety. There seems to be sooooo much to do, so much to buy it's overwhelming. More so than that, I just went to a good friend of mine house warming on Saturday. He and his gf who are getting married in 2 months just got an apartment, 2 bedroom in Astoria queens and are paying $2200 a month. When they told me that I was floored cause that's a crazy price to pay for rent in Queens. But a 2 bedroom is nice.

My apt I'm buying is a 1 bedroom, not a big place, but it's going to be mine, and my gf looks like she'll be moving in by the end of the year.

My concern (albeit probably irrational) is that it'll be too small for get togethers of more than 10 people...the 1 bedroom situation makes it for friends to not be able to crash, and moreso, there is no dining room so finding a place for dinners is going to be tricky.

It's always been my goal to move out of mom's house and have a place of my own, but now that it's getting close I'm starting to have serious anxiety about everything.

2 BR in Astoria (Queens) for $2200 is the going rate since it's closer to the city. That's normal and nothing crazy. Go further away from the city in Queens and rent will get you under $2000.

our circle is fairly small, honestly my biggest parties have been my annual super bowl party of about 10-16 people, and a few summer nights with that many people as well. Never exceeding that number though.

I am getting it for a much better price than their rental, significantly cheaper, but I also put $30k down.

And I know it's mine and that's a big deal, these are just the thoughts have have been sitting on my brain non stop

sounds like you bought a 1BR co-op for $150k. where is it located? granted your monthly mortgage is cheaper than your friends $2200 monthly rent, you are out of $30K and they aren't. Your friends who are getting married are most likely splitting that rent. When your gf moves in, will she be paying part of your mortgage?

As for hosting parties, that gets old and tiring especially when you have to clean up afterwards.
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