Banned Family Guy scene vol. Seth MacFarlane = Lame

Originally Posted by hic57999

I think this is
Family Guy? Talking about the Simpsons not being funny anymore?

Family Guy has been garbage for awhile now.
Originally Posted by gumbottombandit

"white kid with the baggy cloths who's talking like he's black"

i am appalled and will be writing my congressman about this.
i dont get how its offensive/ will someone explain to me. i dont ever pay attention to the news and stuff so if its something like that what the hell is wrongwith this? haha
Am I the only one who didnt find a single thing offensive about that clip?

Anyone who gets mad at that clip needs a sense of humor.

Sorry but if anything this has made me a BIGGER fan.

Stewie ethering society
The deleted scene wasn't offensive. Soprano's line was good but that's about it...

Good shot at the simpsons though, maybe it will kick the rivalry back off
Originally Posted by jessie48484848

i dont get how its offensive/ will someone explain to me. i dont ever pay attention to the news and stuff so if its something like that what the hell is wrong with this? haha
It was because of the violence. Everything else was acceptable but the violence was over the top compared to other episodes.

Im surprised they let the Stewie shooting Lois scene air
some people just don't have a sense of humor
tired.gif guy ishilarious
I really don't see the problem with this.

But I guess I'm the Simpsons guy because I still love that show.
Originally Posted by e22s

some people just don't have a sense of humor
tired.gif guy is hilarious
You sense of humor sucks if you think Family Guy is still hilarious. It was funny, hell it was more than funny, but the last 2 seasons have beenputrid. What part of watching Prince/Michael Jackson (don't remember who it was) shoot his crotch for 15 seconds with a machine gun make you laugh?
Originally Posted by Dr Spaceman

Somebody get this lil angry %$% !!@@@ some poom poom already. I know atleast one of yall dudes go to his school and gets it in.

Son who are you? How am I angry? I found it trashy.
What's the point of going around searching
for videos of Family Guy if you don't like the damn thing anyway?

Am I the only one who goes to WSHH?

are you an O'Reilly lover
Actually, I'm a conservative who hates O'Reilly.
Originally Posted by RellNye

What's the point of going around searching
for videos of Family Guy if you don't like the damn thing anyway?

Am I the only one who goes to WSHH?


But why would you watch a video of something you know you don't like.
That just doesn't make sense to me
"oh, I hate Family Guy but I'll watch this video anyways so I can get
all pissed off about how ******ed I think the show is"
Originally Posted by IHaveMyOwnOpinion

Originally Posted by RellNye

What's the point of going around searching
for videos of Family Guy if you don't like the damn thing anyway?

Am I the only one who goes to WSHH?

But why would you watch a video of something you know you don't like.
That just doesn't make sense to me
"oh, I hate Family Guy but I'll watch this video anyways so I can get
all pissed off about how ******ed I think the show is"

I wanted to see why it was banned from TV. What does me not liking something have to do w/ that?
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