Barack I don't get it

Dec 20, 2000
Another Barack topic, vent yeah get a blog what ever. I voted for him, and now I, and my mother may be out of jobs thanks to hisdefense cut my mom got a letter from her job saying her facility is going to be shut down sept 18th, and she'll be job less, and now me good old Jumpman247might be without a job after this month thanks to those good old budget cuts.

I mean I can't blame Obama for the recession, but I'm going to blame him for losing my job cutting funding to something so vital the security of ournation. I thought he was going to create jobs, not take them away

I guess I need to get into the medical field become a nurse or something since that's where all our money will be going if this universal health carepasses. Is there anyone else that has been affected by cutting funding to the F-22 raptor, and other projects being cut? Lockeed? BAE?
Originally Posted by milestailsprowe

What Defense cut? If shes in the army why isnt she just being transfered?

Not army, talking about cutting funding to government funded projects, such as the F-22 at Lockeed.
i voted for Barack but i think he's falling off, i mean i want to see him do well, but his approval rating are going down fast according to the new poles i saw on CNN
I'm sorry to hear that you and your mother are both losing your jobs, but as already stated, you can't expect too much of a improvement in such a quicktime. Unfortunately for our president however, I believe that many people were.Try thinking of things like this. It's a well known fact that the lastcabinet left our country in a terrible state upon their departure from office, leaving us to deal with the results of problems that they brought upon usthrough poor decision making, and that did nothing more than worsen as time went on. It's kind of like we were in deep, thick, quicksand and were sinkingever so slowly. Now look at the current cabinet as a team of "rescuers" so to speak, that and on the surface with a rope and trying to pull us out.Though eventually things will get better, we will continue to sink for a bit before they're able to start pulling us out of this hole, and back towards thelight.

Hopefully things will work out for you and your mother, but trust that you're not the only ones and that things will eventually get better.
Sorry about your job, but we already have more than enough F-22s, and they don't even work as well as we expected.

Also wasn't this a decision made within the military, not by Obama himself?
You should have voted for McCain if you wanted increased military spending. Remember, he planned on staying in Iraq for the next 100 years.

Regardless, I'm sorry to hear about your mother losing her job.
Originally Posted by jumpman247

Another Barack topic, vent yeah get a blog what ever. I voted for him, and now I, and my mother may be out of jobs thanks to his defense cut my mom got a letter from her job saying her facility is going to be shut down sept 18th, and she'll be job less, and now me good old Jumpman247 might be without a job after this month thanks to those good old budget cuts.

I mean I can't blame Obama for the recession, but I'm going to blame him for losing my job cutting funding to something so vital the security of our nation. I thought he was going to create jobs, not take them away

I guess I need to get into the medical field become a nurse or something since that's where all our money will be going if this universal health care passes. Is there anyone else that has been affected by cutting funding to the F-22 raptor, and other projects being cut? Lockeed? BAE?
Hold your head up..

Look on the bright side, at least you got more time to post videos.
Another naive voter. He said this throughout his campaign, frivolous government spending was going to end. Bringing up national security is a cute homage tothe scare tactics we saw with the last administration. If you cared to actually read 1 article budget from the F-22 is being shifted to the F-35. So thereshould be no lapse in national security because you are losing your job.
@ national security being affected by this

next time...don't just vote for the "cool" guy...understand what he's about and why you should vote for him. not saying obama was the wrongchoice or right choice. i'm just make it sound like you were completely blind sided by this.
The President has no real "POWER" and can't do anything for our economic,military or social situations. He is just there to comfort us and reassure us that one day the rain will stop and the sun will shine.

refer to this quote: "There is something behind the throne greater than the king himself..."

For an analogy try this:

Think of a woman going through child labor (our economy and civilians are the mother withstanding the pain) and the President as the Husband/Father holding thehand of the mother. Although he is there to console her (President convincing us, Change will come, but he isn't specific, it can be positive or negative)and hold her hand and she probably squeezes the life out of it. That pain the Husband is going through is nowhere near as painful as the pain the mother isgoing through. (however we might think we can relate to Obama more than other presidents because he is African-American/Came from the middle-class/Didn'treally have a father) At the end of the day, Obama has money, his family is straight and they're protected. Us on the other hand, have no security unlesswe have the money to pay for it and the only person who can get us out of our troubling trials and tribulations is ourselves because no one TRULY wants to helpanybody unless they're benefiting from it in someway. If they're expecting any more than a thank you for their efforts, they did it for self-interestand that is another example of our inescapable Human Nature.
Originally Posted by sneekerluvr

I'm sorry to hear that you and your mother are both losing your jobs, but as already stated, you can't expect too much of a improvement in such a quick time. Unfortunately for our president however, I believe that many people were.Try thinking of things like this. It's a well known fact that the last cabinet left our country in a terrible state upon their departure from office, leaving us to deal with the results of problems that they brought upon us through poor decision making, and that did nothing more than worsen as time went on. It's kind of like we were in deep, thick, quicksand and were sinking ever so slowly. Now look at the current cabinet as a team of "rescuers" so to speak, that and on the surface with a rope and trying to pull us out. Though eventually things will get better, we will continue to sink for a bit before they're able to start pulling us out of this hole, and back towards the light.

Hopefully things will work out for you and your mother, but trust that you're not the only ones and that things will eventually get better.

Smh you have no idea what you/re talking about do you? I bet you have on an obama tshirt right now don't you
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