Barack I don't get it

Originally Posted by FlyJr22

The President has no real "POWER" and can't do anything for our economic, military or social situations. He is just there to comfort us and reassure us that one day the rain will stop and the sun will shine.

refer to this quote: "There is something behind the throne greater than the king himself..."

For an analogy try this:

Think of a woman going through child labor (our economy and civilians are the mother withstanding the pain) and the President as the Husband/Father holding the hand of the mother. Although he is there to console her (President convincing us, Change will come, but he isn't specific, it can be positive or negative) and hold her hand and she probably squeezes the life out of it. That pain the Husband is going through is nowhere near as painful as the pain the mother is going through. (however we might think we can relate to Obama more than other presidents because he is African-American/Came from the middle-class/Didn't really have a father) At the end of the day, Obama has money, his family is straight and they're protected. Us on the other hand, have no security unless we have the money to pay for it and the only person who can get us out of our troubling trials and tribulations is ourselves because no one TRULY wants to help anybody unless they're benefiting from it in someway. If they're expecting any more than a thank you for their efforts, they did it for self-interest and that is another example of our inescapable Human Nature.

funny how quotes like this are getting dropped now, but when bush was around they wer enowhere in sight ... %%*! yall
Originally Posted by Emmanuel Goldstein

Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

The more and more we get into dude's tenure the more I realize Barack isn't going to change %@++.
i tried to tell yall ... smh
Yea, but the difference is you wanted to support the Republican party

America has two parties, one for the rich (democrats) and one for the religous nuts and crazies (republicans). This country's goverment sucks. I almostwish somehow Palin would have became President because there would have at least been chance of an uprising.
The rest of us tried to warn you. We saw this coming BEFORE he was even elected. No complaining now, ya'll made your bed, now lay in it.
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Yea, but the difference is you wanted to support the Republican party

America has two parties, one for the rich (democrats) and one for the religous nuts and crazies (republicans). This country's goverment sucks. I almost wish somehow Palin would have became President because there would have at least been chance of an uprising.

there was only one thing i was SURE of when going to the polls ... obama had no experience ... sometimes you have to take the lesser of two evils ... notsaying for sure that mccain would have done horrible, but in my opinion he would have been better than obama for the simple fact that he is an old timeconservative for the most part ... i knew from jump street when obama won and pelosi and the dems got their almost certain majority, nothing good will happenuntil '12 ... and if obama somehow gets elected again, '16 ...

Raise your hand if you didn't vote for Obama

*Raises Hand*


The rest of us tried to warn you. We saw this coming BEFORE he was even elected. No complaining now, ya'll made your bed, now lay in it.
i feel like im in michael jacksons house, cuz im forced to lay in the bed ... ... ... too soon, low blow ... sorry
So because OP lost his job due to a decision made by the senate and obama.We should all blame obama. the fact that F-22's are too expensive, ineffective inthe war we are currently fighting, and a more effective F-35 is being built should all be disregarded.
Emmanuel Goldstein wrote:

there was only one thing i was SURE of when going to the polls ... obama had no experience ... sometimes you have to take the lesser of two evils ... not saying for sure that mccain would have done horrible, but in my opinion he would have been better than obama for the simple fact that he is an old time conservative for the most part ... i knew from jump street when obama won and pelosi and the dems got their almost certain majority, nothing good will happen until '12 ... and if obama somehow gets elected again, '16 ...

McCain may not have made it 4 years with his health and Palin couldn't even finish one term as governor.
Originally Posted by cguy610

Emmanuel Goldstein wrote:

there was only one thing i was SURE of when going to the polls ... obama had no experience ...
McCain may not have made it 4 years with his health and Palin couldn't even finish one term as governor.
you tell me whats wrong here ...
Sorry to hear my dude, but, there's no point in spending 1.5B on these F-22 jets, when we're facing two wars, and a faltering economy. That's whythat bill was struck down.
until those jets are needed when another terrorist attack happens because of the weakened national defense under this administration ...
Originally Posted by Emmanuel Goldstein

Originally Posted by FlyJr22

The President has no real "POWER" and can't do anything for our economic, military or social situations. He is just there to comfort us and reassure us that one day the rain will stop and the sun will shine.

refer to this quote: "There is something behind the throne greater than the king himself..."

For an analogy try this:

Think of a woman going through child labor (our economy and civilians are the mother withstanding the pain) and the President as the Husband/Father holding the hand of the mother. Although he is there to console her (President convincing us, Change will come, but he isn't specific, it can be positive or negative) and hold her hand and she probably squeezes the life out of it. That pain the Husband is going through is nowhere near as painful as the pain the mother is going through. (however we might think we can relate to Obama more than other presidents because he is African-American/Came from the middle-class/Didn't really have a father) At the end of the day, Obama has money, his family is straight and they're protected. Us on the other hand, have no security unless we have the money to pay for it and the only person who can get us out of our troubling trials and tribulations is ourselves because no one TRULY wants to help anybody unless they're benefiting from it in someway. If they're expecting any more than a thank you for their efforts, they did it for self-interest and that is another example of our inescapable Human Nature.

funny how quotes like this are getting dropped now, but when bush was around they wer enowhere in sight ... %%*! yall
I'm sorry I was BANNED! and I didn't feel like getting a new account till recently, I feel likethis about everything in this world not just's about Numbers not men, nor women and the lies both tell. It'sabout finding out the truth for yourself and then trying to make sense of it, which is a waste of time because the Universe and the laws that govern it do notmake sense to the human mind as it is

but oh yea I forgot to say sorry about your mom's situation you should try to give her as much support as you can and get out there and get on your grindso she DOESN'T NEED to work ya dig!
sorry to hear about you and your mom, fam. keep your head up.

but i think this post will open up a huge can of worms now.

Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Originally Posted by Emmanuel Goldstein

Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

The more and more we get into dude's tenure the more I realize Barack isn't going to change %@++.
i tried to tell yall ... smh
Yea, but the difference is you wanted to support the Republican party

America has two parties, one for the rich (democrats) and one for the religous nuts and crazies (republicans). This country's goverment sucks. I almost wish somehow Palin would have became President because there would have at least been chance of an uprising.
You voted for him but did you ever read on his stance on the military or Iraq, I guess most people did vote because of his color and not his political stanceson our life.
Originally Posted by Emmanuel Goldstein

you tell me whats wrong here ...
McCain didn't have experience either. He showed he was incapable of running a focused political campaign.

The only real experience is having done the job already.

But I can still get with your "experience" argument and say that Bush had "experience" and we all saw how well that turned out.

Anyways, you voted for Palin, and still believe that it was the better choice even though she quit as governor. Obviously you have very little common senseand I'm done here.
When will we realize that Barack has signed more bills and ultimately more debt. Barack is not for change nor will any other president be. Change will onlycome when we realize that the system we are in is not reliable by any means. People in this world are starving slavery is higher than ever but we tend to donothing about it but view as sheep. This whole black white thing lets be a little realistic. Barack Obama is white and black probably more white if anythingplus dude looks just like Mr.Bush.!!!!!

Give Why Take
Originally Posted by J Burner

The rest of us tried to warn you. We saw this coming BEFORE he was even elected. No complaining now, ya'll made your bed, now lay in it.
Stop it ...

Like voting for Bush and/or McCain/Palin was a great idea .

The nerve of you _'s .
Originally Posted by cguy610

Originally Posted by Emmanuel Goldstein

you tell me whats wrong here ...
McCain didn't have experience either. He showed he was incapable of running a focused political campaign.

The only real experience is having done the job already.

But I can still get with your "experience" argument and say that Bush had "experience" and we all saw how well that turned out.

Anyways, you voted for Palin, and still believe that it was the better choice even though she quit as governor. Obviously you have very little common sense and I'm done here.
im not even trying to fry you or anything so dont take this the wrong way but you are SEVERELY misinformed ... i dont even care anymore ive cometo accept that we are %*#$%! as a nation, but to continue to back a dude like obama is just laughable ...

mccain didnt run a focused campaign? people crucified him because of bush from jump street, he did whatever he could to win and still came up short ... thepalin selection was an obvious ploy to get female voters, but in all honesty, from what i knew of biden and what ive watched over the past 6 months
the guy is getting shut out of anything important left and right from obamascabinet ... he cant make one speech without having his words retracted and covered up the next day by the press secretary ... youre telling me palin would havedone a worse job than biden? he hasnt done anything ... and here we go again, in a convo about obamas experience it somehow comes back to "well look atbush"
, youre right no need to argue anymore, im done here ...
Originally Posted by Emmanuel Goldstein

Originally Posted by cguy610

Originally Posted by Emmanuel Goldstein

you tell me whats wrong here ...
McCain didn't have experience either. He showed he was incapable of running a focused political campaign.

The only real experience is having done the job already.

But I can still get with your "experience" argument and say that Bush had "experience" and we all saw how well that turned out.

Anyways, you voted for Palin, and still believe that it was the better choice even though she quit as governor. Obviously you have very little common sense and I'm done here.
im not even trying to fry you or anything so dont take this the wrong way but you are SEVERELY misinformed ... i dont even care anymore ive come to accept that we are %*#$%! as a nation, but to continue to back a dude like obama is just laughable ...

mccain didnt run a focused campaign? people crucified him because of bush from jump street, he did whatever he could to win and still came up short ... the palin selection was an obvious ploy to get female voters, but in all honesty, from what i knew of biden and what ive watched over the past 6 months
the guy is getting shut out of anything important left and right from obamas cabinet ... he cant make one speech without having his words retracted and covered up the next day by the press secretary ... youre telling me palin would have done a worse job than biden? he hasnt done anything ... and here we go again, in a convo about obamas experience it somehow comes back to "well look at bush"
, youre right no need to argue anymore, im done here ...

I guess your going to ignore every post dealing with the topic of this thread, and just spout obama hatred.
Originally Posted by Emmanuel Goldstein

until those jets are needed when another terrorist attack happens because of the weakened national defense under this administration ...
we have too many of those jets and they are ineffective in the wars we are currently fighting. John Mccain was in favor of getting rid of the newf-22s
yea obama promised a lot of things and i think hes trying to fix all the mess that bush left so cut him some slack
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