Batman: Arkham Origins thread, Cold cold heart DLC April 2014

I'm waitin until Black Friday to scoop this up like I did w/ Arkham City. I'd like the bouns stuff for pre-order but I'm not pressed. So as of now, 2K14, AO, AC4:BF, and COD (maybe) on my list for Black Friday
Where can I order to collectors edition? Will it be available at Gamestops?
From what I last checked, GameStop (online) and Bestbuy (online) are no longer selling the Collectors edition and Amazon is selling it through third party vendors. They're starting at $214.56. You'd have to go in person to find out. Gamestop is only required to hold onto new releases for 48 hours I believe. If someone hasn't picked up their copy by the third day, I believe it's fair game.
Sometimes they restock on the collectors edition on amazon. I do wonder if they would have a Black Friday sale on it :nerd:
Sorry if posted since it came out last week but Arkham Origins for IOS is out and free.

Man I preordered this a while back with $5 down. Now this **** is coming out tomorrow and I still only put $5 down. Do not feel like paying 60 or 100 for the collectors edition right now smh
Surprised reviews haven't rolled out yet.

Was expecting them to start dropping today since the game comes out tomorrow.

Guess they'll start poppin up in the morning.
They don't want anything leaking before the game is out :lol: part of the reason it's dropping at the same time across the globe.
Photos were posted on a different forum I frequent.

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Really hoping this is the case included with the collectors edition. No word on whether this is the bestbuy incentive or UK steel case. They could be the same thing for all I know. That being said...What a beauty !! :nthat: Once again, these are not my photos.

Edit: has been confirmed that is the steel case included in the UK collectors edition!!

Here are some photos of the statue. All from the same member of another site.

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The suit gets ruined throughout the game again
Midnight release was pretty cool. Met a few folks advertising their comic store. One guy was dressed in a full Joker outfit and his female coworker was in a batgirl outfit. Tried chatting her up until some random guy barged into the conversation talking about Wonder Woman being a potentially great stripper...can't make this up :smh:. Needless to say, she ran away pretty quick whenever that guy was around.

Anyways onto the Collector's Edition. FYI, this box is pretty damn big.
View media item 629251The box itself comes with a slipcase.

Some of the goodies inside the box

The Joker statue is encased within the styrofoam (which actually has the Batman logo designed into it. Thought that was pretty cool)

View media item 629270Overall, the quality on the Joker statue isn't that great. Feels pretty cheap, and the tvs are real blurry when they're illuminated. Hard to see any of the features of the assassins on any of the screens. I'm not too upset cause it still looks pretty badass on my bookshelf and the amount of extras that come in this CE is pretty awesome. I'm excited for my UK statue to show up but this version can definitely hold its own.

EDIT: Forgot to mention one little thing, the compartment right next to the battery compartment opens up as well (refer to last picture in the last spoiler). It holds some kind of surprise in it. Little black plastic baggy that literally says "Spoiler! Do not open until you have completed the game". I don't want to ruin the surprise for myself or you guys so we'll have to wait and see what it holds.
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The suit gets ruined throughout the game again:smh:

That is my all time favorite feature of this series!

When I first notice in the original Asylum that his cape got tore up by Croc and Scarecrow etc. my jaw dropped.
Thats exactly the kind of attention to detail that really pulls me into a game and makes it feel like an epic when you make it through to the end

Whats that grey honeycomb thing?
Thanks for great pics
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