"Batman: The Dark Knight Returns" appreciation post

Well done, both parts 1 and 2.  Probably the best animation movie I've seen.  Year One was a shocking disappointment, it just didn't have great flow to it.  But this one was flat out awesome.
will def be checking this out. the graphic novel was dope.

i have to say tho, just from watching the trailer, these batman cartoons don't feel the same without mark hamil and kevin conroy.

I must say, I was skeptical at first but Weller definitely does an amazing job here. :smokin
i liked them both...

no way batman lasts that long in a fight with superman...either way both movies were great..

i like this darker batman more than the other animated movies...
In the end, Superman didn't really want to kill Bats, just kind of stop him so the US Govt leaves him alone, they are still great friends.

Also agree that if they left out Superman, the ending wouldn't be the same at all and I'd be very mad if they changed that much from the novel.
In the end, Superman didn't really want to kill Bats, just kind of stop him so the US Govt leaves him alone, they are still great friends.
Exactly.  Superman always shows restraint.  Bats doesn't, thus the anti-hero nature of the character.
Exactly.  Superman always shows restraint.  Bats doesn't, thus the anti-hero nature of the character.
not this superman...

he was destroying whole aircraft carriers full of russian sailors..lol..

i had to do a doubletake, im not the biggest superman fan, but i dont recall him flat out killing people like he did here..

like i said, its a cartoon..so i wasnt really tripping..overall i enjoyed it..will watch again
I'm actually conflicted as to which one is better. I loved Under the Red Hood because of the emotional story telling. The scene with Joker, Jason Todd, and the crobar was ridiculous.

I was with you man but the carnival scene was just too epic!
yeah, superman could just punch his head off if we ignore the plot

Supes was weak for the fight too though.

But he definitely was showing restraint, because once Bats lost his helmet he was a laser glare away from being ended...

But ultimately Superman was the antagonist...imean he ripped Green Arrows whole arm out its socket

The violence was shocking though. Wasn't expecting to see all that...but then again this is a grownup animated film...
Supes was weak for the fight too though.

But he definitely was showing restraint, because once Bats lost his helmet he was a laser glare away from being ended...

But ultimately Superman was the antagonist...imean he ripped Green Arrows whole arm out its socket

The violence was shocking though. Wasn't expecting to see all that...but then again this is a grownup animated film...

Damn right I wasn't expecting any of it. The DARK night definitely returned.
The joker made this movie for me. Dude is the best villain hands down. "can I keep this mug?". The whole rampage scene was crazy! Dude gave absolutely no dambs.
watching part 2 now

Retired Outta Shape Catwoman tho?? 
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watching part 2 now:pimp:

Retired Outta Shape Catwoman tho?? :smh: :x

:lol: when i seen that, I was :smh:

my friend told me that he first thought

the "old fat lady" at the beginning of the movie was batgirl/ barbara gordon :lol:
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