batman trilogy >..............

the prestige is a very underrated movie

Surprisingly I've never seen this. I am about to DL this right now.

And to give Batman credit, it is better then a lot of other trilogies out there now. It's just not the best.

And I just googled best trilogies ever and someone put the Bourne Trilogy. Is this true? I've only see the first one and never thought much of it but I might have to give the other ones a see.
Batman begins was nowhere near the level of TDK and TDKR so right there, theres no competition. Ill still take LOTR over Nolans batmans. BTTF and Star wars each had that weak 3rd movie IMO. But you need to chill with the godfather stuff dude

ummmmm which was the weak Star Wars?

A New Hope :smokin
Empire Strikes Back :smokin :smokin :smokin
Return of the Jedi :smokin :smokin

all super dope
even if it wasnt your favorite, a "joke" is really strong. I mean its your opinion, so I respect it, but it was definitely my favorite

my problem is mainly with the story.
1. Luke going off alone for a few months and becoming an adequate jedi out of the blue.
2. Randomly leaving Han with jaba for months, only to do some stupid plan that gets leia caught, instead of just having the rebel alliance go in and get 1 of the alliance heros
4. The Empire leaving the same weakspot in the death star and not having the majority of their troops on Endor
5. how the emperor was handled

To clarify, what is the criteria we are using to judge these films?
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LOTR TRILOGY>>>>************

indiana jones is next

star wars originals are 3rd

So underrated, but 2nd is pushing it to me. I know the Pirates of the Caribbean series is more than 3 movies, but where does it fit to you guys?
LOTR is the best trilogy movie ever... about to become the best quadrilogy too because that Hobbit movie is looking good too.

The Batman series I would put 2nd behind the LOTR trilogy... the first one wasn't that good.

Gotfather 1 & 2 were masterpieces, while part 3 was a piece of ****.

I'd give BTTF a nod too, but the third and last one wasn't as good as the first two.
my problem is mainly with the story.
1. Luke going off alone for a few months and becoming an adequate jedi out of the blue.
2. Randomly leaving Han with jaba for months, only to do some stupid plan that gets leia caught, instead of just having the rebel alliance go in and get 1 of the alliance heros
4. The Empire leaving the same weakspot in the death star and not having the majority of their troops on Endor
5. how the emperor was handled

I agree. Jedi was a weak followup to Empire and was a major letdown

Godfather was never a trilogy.

This. I never saw the 3rd one because everyone trashes it and I only think about the first 2 whenever Godfather is mentioned

When I think about trilogies it seems like the 2nd movie is usually the best and the 3rd can't live up to it....Godfather, Back to the Future, LOTR, Star Wars, Nolan's Batman, Beverly Hills Cop
So underrated, but 2nd is pushing it to me. I know the Pirates of the Caribbean series is more than 3 movies, but where does it fit to you guys?

Out of the discussion.

The movies weren't terrible or anything but weren't great enough to be mentioned as a great trilogy
So underrated, but 2nd is pushing it to me. I know the Pirates of the Caribbean series is more than 3 movies, but where does it fit to you guys?

1 was very good. 2 was passable. 3 was pushing it. I cant put it very high

I gotta go with my personal favorites

Star Wars ( hated Jedi, but the first 2 were so strong)
Star wars prequels ( I actually didnt find them that bad. The lightsaber fighting was :smokin also awesome visuals. Acting was on par with the originals, people just dont want to admit it)

Indiana Jones ( didnt like temple)
BTTF ( hated 3)
Nolans batmans ( the only 1 I absolutely loved was TDK. I think TDKR is just the hot thing at the moment)
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So underrated, but 2nd is pushing it to me. I know the Pirates of the Caribbean series is more than 3 movies, but where does it fit to you guys?

Out of the discussion.

The movies weren't terrible or anything but weren't great enough to be mentioned as a great trilogy

fair enough, I'm not a fan of any of them, but I know they have a huge following
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