batman trilogy >..............

Real Godfather fans know not to speak of part 3 as an actual part of the "series"
Let's forget that movie even existed..

then y is every saying godfather trilogy is better if none of you guys dont even like the last one
Real Godfather fans know not to speak of part 3 as an actual part of the "series"
Let's forget that movie even existed..

then y is every saying godfather trilogy is better if none of you guys dont even like the last one

cause most of them haven't even seen most these films...just going off by hearsay
Godfather 3 wasnt that bad IMO. The way Joey Zasa killed the bosses was one of the killings in Mafia movie history.

The Batman is trilogy is probably right behind the Godfather. I could never get into Lord of the rings or Star Wars so I cant speak on those.
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GodFather Trilogy was better then the Batman IMO...Both were great by the way but can't even step in the same gym as Episodes 4, 5, and 6 (The Best Trilogy ever)
Spiderman 2 > TDK > Ironman 2 when it comes to superhero movies.... Y'all can have fun with that wack *** Avengers
Spiderman 2 > TDK > Ironman 2 when it comes to superhero movies.... Y'all can have fun with that wack *** Avengers

IRONMAN 2 WAS TERRRRRRRRRRRIBLE, it goes in the category with Blade Trinity and Batman and Robin
Spiderman 2 > TDK > Ironman 2 when it comes to superhero movies.... Y'all can have fun with that wack *** Avengers

So you're gonna throw Iron Man 2 in there as one of the greatest superhero movies and then call The Avengers wack.......... cmon b.

Iron Man 2 wasn't even as good as the first one.
Regarding the topic Godfather > Nolan's Batman universe and I love batman...

Dude who said LOTR over Batman needs to go drink an entire plastic bottle 1/5th
And as far as trilogies go, it would have to be:

1. LOTR Trilogy and then 2. Christopher Nolan's Batman Trilogy.
why do i even try.
i am sorry i made this thread. every one got a diff opinion.
so c u later
LOTR TRILOGY>>>>************

indiana jones is next

star wars originals are 3rd

So underrated, but 2nd is pushing it to me. I know the Pirates of the Caribbean series is more than 3 movies, but where does it fit to you guys?
It didnt have a weak link movie to me as BTTF and original star wars.

edit: i forgot the jones movie that came out a few years ago. :x
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Spiderman 2 > TDK > Ironman 2 when it comes to superhero movies.... Y'all can have fun with that wack *** Avengers
Do you really think Doc Oc did a better job than Heath Ledgers joker??? The pencil trick, The bank robbery, Blowing up the hospital, Setting fire to the pile of cash??? This is a wilder statement than OP's
Spiderman 2 > TDK > Ironman 2 when it comes to superhero movies.... Y'all can have fun with that wack *** Avengers

Do you really think Doc Oc did a better job than Heath Ledgers joker??? The pencil trick, The bank robbery, Blowing up the hospital, Setting fire to the pile of cash??? This is a wilder statement than OP's

not really the same thing man. Different things are expected from a great Spider-man movie than a great Batman movie. Spider-man 2 is generally looked at as an all time great comic book movie.
Do you really think Doc Oc did a better job than Heath Ledgers joker??? The pencil trick, The bank robbery, Blowing up the hospital, Setting fire to the pile of cash??? This is a wilder statement than OP's

as for superhero movies imo its

TDK > Avengers > Spiderman 2 >Spiderman 1 > BB> Captain america> etc

I havent seen amazing spiderman, and I have to wait a few months and see TDKR again to see how I still feel about it. For example, I loved Iron man when i first saw it, now I despise it
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