Battlefield: 3 -Official Thread- Be Advised: We are Mission Launch -

Originally Posted by 0renthalJames

About to start. 12th you going to get a question in? I'm trying to think of a good Q but honestly their trailers and leaked footage has answered just about everything I was thinking.

-The Juice

*When does the #%$%%*+ beta start?

*Will there be battlerecorder?

*Will there be killcams? If so like BC2? or CoD style?

*Character customization?

*How has 3d spotting been tweaked?

*How high is the ceiling e& out of bounds for Helis & Jets?

*Where is the 360 footage?

*Where is the Console MP footage?

*CommoRose on Consoles?

*What are the flight controls for Helis & Jets?
That #*%$ was lame as hell ... *%%$#*$ waste of time.. im pissed cause i stayed up for that. Theyre going to do this tommorow & the 20th at the same time i believe. But im not staying up for that again lol Im out...
^ Were there any good questions, though?

Originally Posted by Yankeephan87

you guys getting this for console right?

Yup. There's an NT PSN ID/XBOX GT/PC/Steam ID list a couple of pages back so you can join NT fam online when the game comes out.
Originally Posted by CherryJ23

Battlefield 3 - NT Fam/"Clan"
Post NT username along with iD or GT. Copy & Paste only. Dont quote. Please Keep this post together.

NT PlayStation 3
*WitnessMyCalm21 - Decembersown21
*ricerocket1 - reichd3rd
*zk1MPLS - zk1mpls
*derrty6232 - BURRack_Obama
*ChicagoKid23 - Donut1908/TheAlmightyDonut
*CherryJ23 - HTowns_own23
*Proshares - Bigbobbs87

NT Xbox 360
*WitnessMyCalm21 - The12thMonth
*ricerocket1 - reichd3rd
-The Juice - HangLo Saxon
*derrty6232 - BobFromMarketng
mikejs210 - mikejs210
im that one - roger e3
ReDd Spyder - NYC D NiC3 718
sneaky - fackin retro
Joe Billionaire - J Killionaire

Cwrite78 - xwaarmachine (same steam name)
Carver - JoeeBrap(steam/origin)
mp3911 - xnil21x on origin, nil21 on steam
SladeWilson - 100MANSLAYER - on BC2 ive killed 100 men in 100 dif rounds , one time i killed 216 people

BTW, no split-screen co-op?
New Information - Aug18th
Courtesy of

-3d spotting info from yesterday is wrong. It is still there for infantry but it is tweaked. The symbols are alot smaller and only are there as long as the spotted soldier is in sight. If he runs to cover the spot is gone (no more wallhack spotting that is).
The tester thinks its a good compromise from what he saw. Its not unfair but promotes teamplay in a hectic enviroment where u cant watch the minimap every second.

-The micro UAV is a recon gadget it can mark enemies for the team and recon the map. No weapons were mentioned for it
-the EOD bot is a engi gadget (as I said in the other thread :tongue:) you can spot enemies with it like with the uav but also logically disarm mines and ARM and DISARM mcom stations!

-C4 and claymores are support class gadgets. This is a tough one but I guess DICE has something in mind for this decision and has thought about the possible abuse since support has also ammo packs. We will see.

-sniper has the motion sensor again

-the "in vehicle spawning" is there as told in other threads. You can spawn in a vehicle if a teammate (not squadmate) is driving it. According to DICE it should prevent the common situation that some players take a transport and drive away without waiting for the rest of the team 
(personal remark: well in the ol 1942 days the players were actually waiting, thats what you get when cod players move over to our community)

Originally Posted by Demize99

So, a soldier in direct Line of Sight that is spotted will have a 3d red marker. If he moves behind cover or concealment, including vegetation, the 3d red marker will disappear. He will always be on the minimap. Vehicles are always fully 3D spotted, and LOS does not apply since they are larger more important targets with less threats (and it plain did not work to have jets flying around who couldn't see the tank you spotted for him to take out).

This lets you essentially "nudge" your buddy to tell him about a target, or point out a sniper on a hill you see but cannot engage (with your shotgun for example). But it prevents players from using 3D spotting as a wall hack.

Additionally, the primary motivator for the change is that 3D spots that you cannot see are not threats. We noticed that players would focus on 3D spots over everything else, meaning they would ignore people in line of sight. It's far less confusing when the 3D spot on a soldier can only be seen if you can see the soldier.

-TV missile from BF2 back again
-Team deathmatch details: 4v4 on a small portion of the map metro or caspian border. the team to reach 50 kills first wins the round. To imagine the size: for metro the TDM area is where the last 2 mcom stations are in the rush mode
-you can unlock weapons for MP mode by playing coop
-unlimited ammo for vehicles but zh1no apparently not happy with this (maybe get changed in the future)

UPDATE with post from DEMIZE on TDM and motion sensors:

First, the 4 on 4 TDM setup is for Gamescom's lounge specifically. The full game will support 24 players in TDM by Design. In theory we could go bigger on PC of course, but we wanted to focus on a tight infantry TDM game. There are no vehicles in TDM.

Second, on Motion Sensors. First, you cannot throw them like the motion balls in BC2. You deploy them, they are larger (and easier to see) than BC2, they can be destroyed, they beep when they detect movement. A recon soldier can only have 1 deployed at a time. You can crouch or prone and move past a motion sensor without setting it off. Motion sensors will only show you briefly on the minimap (approximately 0.5sec).

You can, therefor, easily walk into range of a sensor, get detected, crouch, sneak away and either destroy the beacon or move and ambush anyone nearby who goes to investigate your position.

Battlefield 3 to be on multiple-discs on Xbox 360?

Battlefield 3 has landed big time here in Cologne, Germany for the biggest video games trade-show on earth, Gamescom.

We’ve already seen new co-op gameplay, hands-on with 64 player online (on the PC) and been blown away with the graphical difference between the console and PC versions.

We also got a chance to speak to Karl Magnusson who’s the General Manager of DICE about the size of the game.

Simply put, we asked: Will the game be coming to Xbox 360 on one disc?
No Comment

Now, lets be honest, that’s not a definite ‘no’, but on the other hand, you wouldn’t say no comment if there wasn’t something going on that we shouldn’t no about.

Discuss in the comments!
Originally Posted by WitnessMyCalm21

-you can unlock weapons for MP mode by playing coop
idk how I feel about that. Most of my friends are 360 netflix users, occasional COD players, or PS3 players. I only personally know 2 people who are going to get BF3 and idk if they'll actually play it.

basically what I am saying is....I am forever alone

Also went to my Gamestop today and they had a chart showing how many preorders for MW3 and BF3 here was the breakdown:

MW3                      BF3
360 - 43                   34
PS3 - 22                  11

Dudes at GS was like, "We stoneface every costumer who asks to preorder MW3 and we always suggest BF3 instead."

-The Juice
word i dont wanna play co-op to unlock guns for mp

get some nt friends juice...95% of my xbox friends are from nt
and i hate those judging gamestop employees...let me buy what i want and no i dont want to pre-order RAGE 
Originally Posted by 0renthalJames

Was going to go to sleep...but I guess not 
I've been watching Battlefield 3 clips on youtube all day. My girl came home and suprised me with Papa Johns double layer pizza and a note that said she preordered BF3 for me earlier today. Swear I love that girl 

-The Juice
Gotta love em 
.. Mine was gonna pre-order it for me since she sees me watching videos on it all the time
.. but told her I been had it pre-ordered already 

I did tell her to buy me a 580 though.. she probably won't but
Originally Posted by 0renthalJames

Originally Posted by WitnessMyCalm21

I only personally know 2 people who are going to get BF3 and idk if they'll actually play it.

Dudes at GS was like, "We stoneface every costumer who asks to preorder MW3 and we always suggest BF3 instead."

-The Juice
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]I know a Total of 0 that are getting it. I've been hypin the shi- outta this game. "Naw man that COD is gon be on hit"......... iight dude. [/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]lol. I'll be seeing a lot of you guys, you can be my new xbox friends. [/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)].[/color]
Originally Posted by 0renthalJames

Originally Posted by WitnessMyCalm21

-you can unlock weapons for MP mode by playing coop
idk how I feel about that. -The Juice
Im sure they wrote it wrong/in the wrong context.. Cause boosting could be a problem... & im sure DICE would realize that so im assuming they meant that you can unlock the same MP guns for Co-Op & use them in Co-Op to get accustom to them before going into ranked MP games.. 
Originally Posted by Carver

Originally Posted by 0renthalJames

Was going to go to sleep...but I guess not 
I've been watching Battlefield 3 clips on youtube all day. My girl came home and suprised me with Papa Johns double layer pizza and a note that said she preordered BF3 for me earlier today. Swear I love that girl 

-The Juice
Gotta love em 
.. Mine was gonna pre-order it for me since she sees me watching videos on it all the time
.. but told her I been had it pre-ordered already 

I did tell her to buy me a 580 though.. she probably won't but
EVGA 580 ?
Originally Posted by sladewilson

Originally Posted by Carver

Originally Posted by 0renthalJames

Was going to go to sleep...but I guess not 
I've been watching Battlefield 3 clips on youtube all day. My girl came home and suprised me with Papa Johns double layer pizza and a note that said she preordered BF3 for me earlier today. Swear I love that girl 

-The Juice
Gotta love em 
.. Mine was gonna pre-order it for me since she sees me watching videos on it all the time
.. but told her I been had it pre-ordered already 

I did tell her to buy me a 580 though.. she probably won't but
EVGA 580 ?
Dunno which, but was thinking the asus one.. you got any advice on which you think is the best choice? How about even the 570s, they are a good amount cheaper 

EDIT again.. probably end up picking up a 570

Originally Posted by WitnessMyCalm21

Oh.... sup.


@ Mr. Bowling himself playing against the DICE dudes. Good to see there's no bad blood between competitors.
i haven't seen this go the other way around, though...
Nice bottle holder.
[h2]Battleblog #7: Battlefield 3 introduces themed co-op campaign[/h2]

Co-op in Battlefield 3 is designed to be the perfect blend between the strong narrative from single player and the open-ended action from multiplayer. Lead Co-op Designer David Spinnier and his team are fusing the replayability of multiplayer with a pick up and play mentality to create a totally new flavor of Battlefield.

Battlefield 3 will be our biggest Battlefield game yet. Besides the expansive multiplayer mode and single player campaign, it will also ship with a co-op campaign out of the box. Read on for the full details straight from our Lead Co-op Designer.

-- Every mission in co-op is a new experience. We wanted to create the ultimate mix of play styles for you and a friend, said David Spinnier.

The co-op missions in Battlefield 3 take place in the same world as the single player campaign, and follows a unique series of events that lead up to an explosive finish. Players in co-op will take the role of soldiers that are not tied to any one particular branch of the Armed Forces. This is an intentional  design decision to allow for a vast variety in gameplay in the different co-op missions.

Lend a helping hand
To survive through the co-op missions, you’ll need to stay close to your buddy. If he goes down, lend a helping hand with the new co-op “Man down!
Originally Posted by Carver

Originally Posted by sladewilson

Originally Posted by Carver

Gotta love em 
.. Mine was gonna pre-order it for me since she sees me watching videos on it all the time
.. but told her I been had it pre-ordered already 

I did tell her to buy me a 580 though.. she probably won't but
EVGA 580 ?
Dunno which, but was thinking the asus one.. you got any advice on which you think is the best choice? How about even the 570s, they are a good amount cheaper 

EDIT again.. probably end up picking up a 570

yeah 570 is nice if you just have 24  display  , i have 3 480 an its not all that
570 is more than enough.

you can always upgrade to SLI 570s and you'll be MORE than good. that's what im aiming for, because i know this 460 w/ 768mb isn't going to cut it.
When I heard Gamestop employees where actually telling people to get BF3 instead I thought is was BS. But I was in a store this week where they did it to my friend. 

It was all jokes between him and the employee at first until my boy said "I'll get Battlefield later, its the same old +#*% as before, I'm not gonna be missing anything" .World War 3 broke out in the store 
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