Battlefield: 3 -Official Thread- Be Advised: We are Mission Launch -

Battlefield 3 - NT Fam/"Clan"
Post NT username along with iD or GT. Copy & Paste only. Dont quote. Please Keep this post together.

NT PlayStation 3
*WitnessMyCalm21 - Decembersown21
*ricerocket1 - reichd3rd
*zk1MPLS - zk1mpls
*derrty6232 - BURRack_Obama
*ChicagoKid23 - Donut1908/TheAlmightyDonut
*CherryJ23 - HTowns_own23
*Proshares - Bigbobbs87

NT Xbox 360
*WitnessMyCalm21 - The12thMonth
*ricerocket1 - reichd3rd
-The Juice - HangLo Saxon
*derrty6232 - BobFromMarketng
mikejs210 - mikejs210
im that one - roger e3
ReDd Spyder - NYC D NiC3 718
sneaky - fackin retro
Joe Billionaire - J Killionaire
dizzledyl - chief23insanid

Cwrite78 - xwaarmachine (same steam name)
Carver - JoeeBrap(steam/origin)
mp3911 - xnil21x on origin, nil21 on steam
Added me to the 360 list for now. Still undecided might change my pre order to ps3 though. 
Originally Posted by 0renthalJames

Originally Posted by RustyShackleford

You're laughing but its true.
But it's not though. How long have you been an online FPS player?

Battlefield has ALWAYS had a strong presence in the PC world. Way stronger than CoD ever was. Early on in the online console war the ONLY games poppin were, Socom franchise and the Halo Franchise. In '05 Battlefield dropped, 'Battlefield Modern combat' (3 years BEFORE Cod 4). And that game made a shift in the online console market, the top games became Halo, and Battlefield. Tom Clancy games (rainbow six) and Socom series were still somewhat relevant but fell off of course.

The ONLY reason COD took over was because, Halo was starting to get stale (to this day they still had the nicest run on the consoles though
) and Battlefield shot themselves in the foot with the Bad Company series. CoD was seen as the fresh face (cause Halo was old) and a better modern game (cause Bad Company was sloppy). Battlefield knocked themselves out of the running, not COD and they took too long to comeback which allowed for COD to corner the market. COD is starting to get old, and the BS that they pull in-game each year is starting to get old as well. So naturally it's time for a shift in gaming again. Homefront could have done it if they had the development, and marketing dollars as EA. But they didnt, so now BF3 wants that slot.

I see the Battlefield vs COD dynamic as the 2K series vs Madden series (with some variables of course)

-The Juice
Been playing FPS online since the 90s brah. So I not need to be educated on how things were. But I do respectfully disagree with a lot of what you said:
-I agree BF was more popular than the COD franchise on PC in the early 2000s. But COD was still very popular and one of the major online FPSs for the PC. Why you think the entire PC community flipped out when then found out there was no dedicated servers or mod tools for MW2. 

-And looking at consoles Battlefield never had a strong presence last gen. Halo 2 was far and away the most popular, then Rainbow 6 (especially on Xbox). Modern Combat did very little for the Battlefield franchise, all Battlefield's popularity was still from the PC crowd

-Lets get the time line right. Modern Combat (and BF2 on PC in 2005 too) dropped in 2005 on Xbox and PS2 then couple months later on 360. It was popular of courses because it a Battlefield game and people love Battlefield multiplayer. COD2 dropped the same year later(if I remember correctly like the same week) and was arguably the most popular launch title for the 360.  Besides Halo 2 was the most popular shooter on 360 until Gear came along. It was way better rated than Modern Combat, more popular, and it played very differently. MW1 was an evolution of COD2, Modern Combat had zero influence on MW1. Its main features were even abandoned for Bad Company, so that should tell you how really insignificant it was.   

-Battlefield never knocked themselves outta the market, Battlefield 3 was not intended to come to consoles at first. Bad Company was a relaunch of the Battlefield franchise on consoles, it just so happened that in a shorter amount of time IW was able to iterate from COD2 to MW1 and create a masterpiece. DICE on the other hand dropped the ball with Bad Company. 

-MW1 came out a whole 7 months before Bad Company 1. Rainbow 6 falling off, and lack of sequels to popular games from last gen is what help COD corner the market 

Now with all that being said, back to my main point that BF3 would not be as big without MW games. Look at how different BC1 (Bad Company 1) is to BC2(Bad Company 2). The auto aim, bullet damage, health system, level layout, hell it even think the controller button layout. Everything that made Bad Company unique to Modern Warfare DICE changed/took out to make the game more in line with MW games. You know why? Because gamers complained, they expected to drop enemies with less bullets, they hated sticking themselves with a needle every 10 seconds, driving around the map was boring. All they were really saying was "I don't like it, it's not like COD, make more like COD". And DICE did with BC2. Now BF3 will be the same gameplay mechanics as BC2 but on a brand new engine. The only really different $#$@ is BF2 style conquest and  TDM, in 2011 the hot new mode for a online shooter will be TDM
. And they're doing this just to give the casual COD players something to play. 

Finally I am not knocking Battlefield but this gen COD has been way way better. DICE has been playing catch up with IW. No Battlefield game was had a great campaign or co-op, but COD has. COD games have been iterations of each other, Battlefield games this gen have all felt/played different. And every criticism people throw at COD can also be applied to Battlefield. EA is riding the "COD killa" angle for all its worth and gamers are joining in on that BS just because it's the "cool thing to say". Everyone is shouting "Battlefild is better" but no one has a logical argument why, other than "I like it better"

expecting tl;dr 
Originally Posted by RustyShackleford

-And looking at consoles Battlefield never had a strong presence last gen. Halo 2 was far and away the most popular, then Rainbow 6 (especially on Xbox). Modern Combat did very little for the Battlefield franchise, all Battlefield's popularity was still from the PC crowd
-MW1 was an evolution of COD2, Modern Combat had zero influence on MW1. Its main features were even abandoned for Bad Company, so that should tell you how really insignificant it was.   

-Battlefield never knocked themselves outta the market, Battlefield 3 was not intended to come to consoles at first. Bad Company was a relaunch of the Battlefield franchise on consoles, it just so happened that in a shorter amount of time IW was able to iterate from COD2 to MW1 and create a masterpiece. DICE on the other hand dropped the ball with Bad Company. 

-MW1 came out a whole 7 months before Bad Company 1. Rainbow 6 falling off, and lack of sequels to popular games from last gen is what help COD corner the market 

Now with all that being said, back to my main point that BF3 would not be as big without MW games. Look at how different BC1 (Bad Company 1) is to BC2(Bad Company 2). The auto aim, bullet damage, health system, level layout, hell it even think the controller button layout. Everything that made Bad Company unique to Modern Warfare DICE changed/took out to make the game more in line with MW games. You know why? Because gamers complained, they expected to drop enemies with less bullets, they hated sticking themselves with a needle every 10 seconds, driving around the map was boring. All they were really saying was "I don't like it, it's not like COD, make more like COD". And DICE did with BC2. Now BF3 will be the same gameplay mechanics as BC2 but on a brand new engine. The only really different $#$@ is BF2 style conquest and  TDM, in 2011 the hot new mode for a online shooter will be TDM
. And they're doing this just to give the casual COD players something to play. 

Battlefield. EA is riding the "COD killa" angle for all its worth and gamers are joining in on that BS just because it's the "cool thing to say". Everyone is shouting "Battlefild is better" but no one has a logical argument why, other than "I like it better"

expecting tl;dr 
Wooo. Didn't want to read, but since you took the time and had some valid points, I figured I would brah.

-You really think Modern Combat didn't have a growing presence on Xbox? During my Halo 2 days I vividly remember, people hyping that game and R6. Of course it wasn't as popular as Halo 2, but it still had a nice following.

-I definitely believe Activision put out MW1 to prove they could make a better Modern Warfare game than EA. I never said that EA's version influenced the mechanics of MW1, I just stated it came out before

-EA most definitely knocked themselves off. With the sucess of the PC they "relaunched" the franchise with Bad Company which was a dud. With EA's presence in the gaming world, you honestly think they didn't want to dominate on both platforms (PC and Consoles)?  I think they figured their popularity on PC was going to cary over, and didn't invest in the proper team to make a console build

-Agree with you on that point (but I think I made the same point in my previous post)

Main point: BC2 still was unique and it's own entity separate from MW2. The only significant change was the fact that you could kill an enemy faster. It still took forever to respawn and get to combat, the maps were still big as hell with vertically inclined spots and taller buildings. The auto aim was added because of the fact that you have to use thumbsticks instead of a mouse (not cause COD did it). I think we all can agree that towards the end MW2 showed just how flawed it was, noob tubes, hacking, unbalanced, quickscoping, and the dominance of one per (stopping power). So when Blacks Ops came out what did they do? Took out stopping power so now it took longer to kill, made the guns balanced, no more quickscoping, designed the maps to be more vertical, and no more noobtube spamming. Mechanics that were implemented in BC2 but set on a COD engine, making Black Ops (imo) the best COD to date. TDM has always been popular since before COD. And truth be told COD is nothing but GoldenEye with killstreaks and perks. Play GoldenEye on the Wii and you will see it.

Battlefield is riding the "CoD killa" aspect, and rightfully so. They've had enough time to analyze and create a game thats more well rounded then COD. Have you seen the new perks, killstreaks, and deathstreaks list implemented in MW3? IW is trying to improve and make it more team oriented (like BF) by cluttering the gamers with more junk, and more ways to lessen the value of gameplay (which is gun on gun action), and no dedicated servers. COD is dying down (all things come to an end). I mean seriously, Homefront moved about 2 million units and they were indy, no budget, and no marketing, so that should tell you how the market is shifting.

and at the risk of sounding like a fanboy, I was a 14th prestige on Black Ops, a Top 500 player on Homefront, an Admiral on Socom, and a level 42 on Halo 2 (even during the destruction of hackers). And I NEVER played a Battlefield game until BC2 and I only played if for 3 months. But from what I seen so far coming out of the BF3 camp, they are really impressing me. I just hope they deliver.

-The Juice
24 Hours ONLY Sale - Pre Order Battlefield 3 for 20% off at (Aug 20th)
Works for PS3, Xbox 360, & PC - No PreOrder Bounuses except for Back to Karkland Expansion Pack 

Retail - $59.99

After Promo Code - 47.99

PromoCode - EMCYTZT688
Although I preordered my copy, it's kinda lame that EA did the whole preorder Karkand x Weapons bonus. And if you didn't preorder, you have to wait a month and then pay $15 for something they gave out free. I understand it was a tactic to boost preorder sales but still, that was lame.

how is this possible?

how is Gears 3 beating both BF3 AND MW3? Even if you add the numbers from xbox and ps3, Gears 3 is still beating them. Did not know Gears had a fanbase like that, I personally think Gears is the worst online shooter in the market.

-The Juice
Just played BFBC:2. I like it a lot. Will pry go pick it up later today.

And GOW>any game.
Originally Posted by CWrite78

Gears has absolutely no replay value IMO.
Gears 1 was the %+!*, mans game with the shotty and running, none of the camping nonsense.

Gears 2 sucked online though, but Gears 3 should be a good one.
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Originally Posted by CWrite78

Gears has absolutely no replay value IMO.
Gears 1 was the %+!*, mans game with the shotty and running, none of the camping nonsense.

Gears 2 sucked online though, but Gears 3 should be a good one.

Couldn't have said it better myself.
Well I rarely played the first gears, second gears i passed (dolo and coop) and maybe played 8 matches online and sold it back to game stop. But then again I'm not a fan of third person shooters.
Its a good change from FPS.

More fun when you play with a group of people as aggressive as you are plus talk @*$$.

Nothing more exciting than blasting someone's head off with a shot gun point blank for a win with blood splashing everywhere as you hell obscenities.
Battlefield 3 GamesCom Q&A LiveStream Sessions Recap/Summary 
In the past few Days a lot of new Information surfaced through the Q/A Livestreams. DICE representatives Daniel Matros and Gustav Halling took a few questions from the Community and answered them on the Livestream. We compiled a list with every bit they confirmed in the Q/A Sessions at Gamescom 2011. Most importantly they confirmed:
  • no splitscreen coop at launch
  • they are working toward commo rose on consoles, probably not available at launch
  • unlimited sprint like in bc2, you can also strafe
  • 9 MP maps confirmed “for now
Just upgraded my internet to 18 down 1.5 up. Downloaded a 1.3gb ActionJav video in about 6 min, was batin' 2 min shortly there after.

Makes me want to unearth my copy of Blops just so I can get host all day.

-The Juice
You know from the looks of it, it seems EA is really killing DICE's chances of outselling MW3. I was never planning on buying it for PC, but it looks like EA upset a lot of people with that Origin nonsense, and in-game server browser. Anyway, I'm copping BF3 day 1 for 360. I haven't been on Live in a while, but I'll get back on once Gears 3 is released.
preorder on newegg for 48 shipped with EMCYTZT688 code

im canceling my amazon and getting this...its cheaper and theres tons of games coming out
Originally Posted by Brandon The Savage

You know from the looks of it, it seems EA is really killing DICE's chances of outselling MW3. I was never planning on buying it for PC, but it looks like EA upset a lot of people with that Origin nonsense, and in-game server browser. Anyway, I'm copping BF3 day 1 for 360. I haven't been on Live in a while, but I'll get back on once Gears 3 is released.

there is no in game server browser? i HATE that about black ops. and the fact you can't adjust your classes unless you exit out a game
the first two gears have the worst online experience. host advantage, bugs, one gun that overpowers a third of other weapons.

 they say they  will fix it but you have to buy the sequel to have unbalanced MP fixed
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