Bay Area Shopping -> Fitteds, Accessories, Jeans, Button Ups etc

Dec 4, 2010
NT Crew!
I'm back and I need some help. Before I get into that, shout out to TIDE holding it down in the Comcast cable thread.... HE BLESSED ME! Crazy fast delivery and a solid deal... not unbelievable but totally solid, respectable, and extremely helpful. 


I need to get my gear up now that I'm settled in. Now before you go recommending places, I'm not really looking for hipster stuff. By that I mean you can suggest footwear spots because I definitely need that ( and I'm pretty sure there is already a thread for that) but I need like some jeans like 7's, nudies, paper denim (even tho I'm not a fan) and stuff like that. Not that I want those jeans specifically but just trying to give a frame of reference. My favorite shopping area is bloomingdales contemporary department which I know exists in san fran... I'll be visiting this wknd. I'm into that type of stuff, So if anyone knows where I can find that type of stuff it would be a huge help. 

I stay in SAN JO by the way...

oh another thing... if any one knows where I can get some good bball games going that would be super helpful also. I heard 24-7 fitness is where its at... LEMME know fellas

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