Behind the laughter, money, and relationships..are you really happy?

I'm in between. Sometimes I don't know what to make out of life, I feel like I'm only here because my Mom had sex w/ my Pops. And I haven'tdied yet.

...Other times, I sense a high need for achievement, and I realize that I'm in a solid position for a 24 y/o.
It's hard sometimes for me to feel really happy, but I guess right now I'm just really at ease. I'm not thrilled about where I am but I amconfident that things can and will always get better.

Originally Posted by mostofthetime

It's hard sometimes for me to feel really happy, but I guess right now I'm just really at ease. I'm not thrilled about where I am but I am confident that things can and will always get better.

Exactly where I'm at.
Currently, yes and no. Yes because I'm having the best sex I've ever had in my life BY FAR
and I'm a scholarship athlete so baseball has beengoing really well too. I've been doing good in school but I know for a fact I can do better. I'm right around a 3.4-3.5 GPA. I'm trying to be aDoctor of Osteopathy so I need at least that to be competitive. Why I say no is because I travel a total of 2 hours there and back everyday, and kill about 3hours a day in my car, by myself, studying, going on NT, etc. It's the worst part of everyday and I'm starting to really hate it. I feel like insteadof baseball, I could be working(was offered the part time manager's position at Footlocker and including commission would be marking around 16$ an hour ata job I LOVE) and could move out(I'm 18). Even though I'm young, I would love to have 2 of my best boys as room mates although that just doesn'tseem possible at this point. I've been getting a lot of recognition for baseball but I find it hard to motivate myself because I see it directly affectingmy grades and I know that school and a doctor career is certain while an athletic career is far from it, even with the exposure. Otherwise, I can'tcomplain.
For me, friends and women come and go while money was always at the other end.

I've hit every point of broke, somewhat even, and slightly richer.

I'll never know what happy is 'till I can make money as easy as I spend it.
At this point, I'm not even sure what happiness is.

If I had to describe my current state, I'd say it's "mediocre survival."

I'm very determined to change that next semester, though. I have a lot of things to look forward to.
I guess I'm happy. A lot of the things going on in the world makes me sad. I won't be truly happy until I save the world.
I don't know. I don't feel like I'm satisfied with where I'm at now and I feel presure because I know it's not the easiest road to where Iwanna be. On the other hand, right now I feel like I know where I wanna be and I believe there will always be pressure. Only time I honestly feel 100% happy ison a vacation
Happiness is a state of being. Happy is a state of mind. I am certainly not happy.
i can say im happy with everything but my job ... i need to find something i love to do that pays me well ...
Well let's break it down...

Happy with:
- on my way to finish college in 4 years

- Very involved with school clubs, organizations, etc.
- Great family
- Have a car that works

Not happy with:
- No girl
- poor (college kid poor, like my parents have money but I don't see it anymore)
- Journalism degree might be useless

- Brother is having trouble with drugs and is probably going to fail out of his freshman year

I would lean towards not happy... but I've got some things to definitely be thankful for.
I was actually thinking about blogging about this. In a sense, I should be happy with what I have:

- undergraduate degree (took 4 years)
-stable job
-stable place to live
-good friends
-awesome car (who cares if it's an Altima, I'm more than content with it)

However, I feel I could do a lot more:

-get into law school
-do really well on the LSAT so that ^ can happen (sidenote: powerscore or testmasters for LSAT courses?)
-no girlfriend at the moment (yes, INS)
-no room for growth at work (I want more money)
-sometimes feel like my friends are slowly becoming acquaintances

Overall, I'm not happy but thankful for what I have. I know that in order to be happy, I must stop sulking and make the changes I want happen. I know whatwill make me happy, so I need to be the one to take the steps to ensure my happiness.
Not at all. Since being laid off last Dec, I've been pretty depressed. Nothing seems to be going my way. I feel I'm just lost in life and need to moveaway and start over. The only thing I can do right now is hold my head up.

-Problems with my relationships (girl & parents)
-I can't find a job
-School and problems with financial aid
-Sick of living in NY
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