Behind the laughter, money, and relationships..are you really happy?

Mar 17, 2007
Be honest, If not with me (or us nters) at least with yourself. Are you happy? If not, why? What step are you talking to get there? What's stopping you?
i'm gettin there.

only thing keeping me unhappy is my legal situation, other than that i've been feeling pretty
That's what up man I hope that works out for you. Im fighting my fight legal case right now and its stressful but I know I'll get through it strongerthan before.
I'm happy but school's kinda rough right now.

Cant blame anyone but myself really, I was totally off this semester. I just Fd up 2 exams today, in which I could've sealed the deal for a 3.5GPA orhigher, but no...didnt quite happen.

Money? what money, lol. I'm happy for what I have though. I'm 24 years old with 0 debt . I'm just thankful for that.
Sometimes I feel like no matter what I do it's all fake, I need to find myself, or maybe just make the best of what i have..
Life is too confusing.
until i see my own car sitting in the driveway i wont be happy...but it's coming soon, real soon
My Yeezys I just got make me really happy
..But deep down, I'mneutral. If I get all A's for school, make my mom proud of me, set a good role model for those around me, having a car, and the right GF, then I'll behappy.
Originally Posted by fivefivenine

Sometimes I feel like no matter what I do it's all fake, I need to find myself, or maybe just make the best of what i have..
Life is too confusing.

I feel you man, im still a youngin but I feel like im just now starting to find my way.

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]I'm confused spiritually, so no, I'm not happy.[/color]

What do you mean son?
In life there's only so much to attain.

Yes. I am happy.

Word to Maslow:

Physiological needs -- Check
Safety needs -- Check
Social needs -- Check
Esteem -- Check
Self-actualization -- Achieved.
I'm not happy but I don't dwell on this as a negative thing.

I could settle for ignorantly being happy but I feel the unknown is worth pursuing.
I am happy, but I just know I could be doing so much more. But I said next year I am focusing on success.
yea seems like the end of this yr everything has been falling in place. hopefully it keeps on in 2010
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