Being a Dad Appreciation Post..Vol. The first year...Wow how they grow.

Sir, that is love!
God bless you and your lil son.
I'm happy to see other fathers stepping up for their kids.

May your son continue to prosper through life and have a great dad to get him through rough times.
God Bless all of you

I'm not a father but I find it to be very odd how babies pick up curse words. You can say 15 words and one curse word and BAM they are using it in propercontext and everything.
Man, this thread be making a dude want to be a dad real quick. I know I ain't ready, but I don't think anyone is. I have 3 nieces and 2 nephews from 3-5 years ols, and they make Thanksgiving and Christmas way more poppin. GL to all you NT brothers. I'm pretty sure NT is gonna be even more different whenmajority of us have kids.
I feel you, man

My girlfriend is "making" me slow down on the Christmas gifts.

We were in Toys R Us and I scooped up almost everything that caught my eye. A ten month old can't even use most of the stuff I bought.

I mean...It's her first Christmas. I'm pretty damn excited.
Mine is expected to meet the world in may .. they say may 15th. My birthday is May 13th. what a beautiful birthday gift i will be receiving in 09'. Thisthread relieved me for some reason. i know for fact im not ready, but i alreadii feel as if im changing.
Congrats to all the responsible parents (including the Dads on here
) onNT.

I'm an uncle to multiple nieces and nephews, but in my core family I have already two nephews and our first niece (she's going to be spoiled). All Ican say is, once I'm financially stable and entertain the prospect of meeting the right woman will be the only time I'll probably be a father.

Until then, its nice to see them grow up and observe what they have to contribute in life in the future.
Originally Posted by FeelMode

Damn OP, reading your story and the Hospital pictures...... man, i feel ya. You a stand up dude for being there straight up. Being at the hospital all the time aint fun, but as a parent it's all you can do.
First off, APPRECIATED! Very much so, i love my son more then words can even express.

Anyways my son is 2 now, but when he was born he was born with a serious heart defect

The first year of his live we pretty much lived at the Childrens Hospital

Here is my little man at 3 days old, after his first major heart surgery

And here is me OD'n on the pics because i love my little dude soooooooooooo much

it's amazing how time has flied by this past couple years, we are going to have an uphill battle his whole life but ill be right here next to him fighting every step of the way. He is doing amazing right now and although we still have more battles, we couldnt be happier right now
I will definetly keep little man in my a matter of fact all babies..Yea man it was hard sure you know..with work and school,and then going to the hospital..I didnt go EVERYDAY..but most days I did go. Wifey was up there Daily, she got to know the nurses and doctors and she glad to see your little man is good..looking nice and healthy and happy..and i see his lilttle collection of shoes..
he is truly an NTERS child.

Originally Posted by Koudie From BroOklyn

Mine is expected to meet the world in may .. they say may 15th. My birthday is May 13th. what a beautiful birthday gift i will be receiving in 09'. This thread relieved me for some reason. i know for fact im not ready, but i alreadii feel as if im changing.
Lol..NOBODY is ready to be a dad..I mean we happened to be @ a routine appt.. when shorty started complaining of back pains and he checks her out.and he comes out on some Doogie Howser ++#! "she has to go to the ER now she is in labor" so hit him with the
..and he is like im not I
..and I rush her to the

Question for all of the dads..When the mother of your child gave birth were you Downhill or was uphill holding her hand..and when she gavebirth i left the room to make phone calls..and when I came back in the room..her legs were still open...and I got a glimpse and went
then i turned pale as hell..and this nurse came and got me..sat me down and gaveme a cookie to bring my blood back..I damn near passed out..for thoose expecting a kidd..Stay uphill cause your never go downhill
Good lookin Dat,

@ the delivery experience. My man, i was hiding in the furthest corner of the room. Problem was there was a HUGE mirror on the ceiling and the back wallso i saw way to much even though i was uphill and trying to see nothing at all.
The things i saw, ugh, yea im still not over that yet. Was a traumaticexperience for me. I also didnt really appreciate the cutting of the cord, as i thought for sure i was about to get squirted in the eye or something. Lucky mylady's mom was in there too because i seriously was no help and thought i was going to be sick.
Cute kids guys!

My wife is due in June 28 2009.
We are both excited and happy aboutbeing parents.

And I am def staying uphill.
The discovery channel specials don'thelp at all.
Peep game....I was uphill encouraging wifey to push, breathe, etc... Once Doc told me the head was out I went downhill to watch my lil mama slide out...

I thought I would get weak, but to my surprise I didn't. I was experiencing to much joy inside to notice all the "extra stuff" lolll!

Also, I had been hearing about this after birth stuff per some of my boys.. they all said it's gross, etc. So of course I needed to see for myself. So Itold the Doc to holla when he got it out....

My expressions...
I'll follow the birthing story theme. wife had 2 c-sections.
My first I made the mistake of right after cutting the cord looking over to my wife.
let's just say seeing your wife laying on a table with guts laying on either side of her is not a sight I will ever forget.
my second, my mother in law was in there with us and that crazy lady was right in there with the doctors looking away.
telling my wife in spanish "whoa, you should see what they are doing to you"

i didn't get sick or pass out either time. the adrenaline rush was amazing.
bawled like a little baby both times.

you're not kidding my twin girls are just now speaking gibberish and it gets me everytime. especially with the da da da da. My wife and I can't believethey were just in the NICU and sooo small. they were born in Feb. and were in the hosipital till March. 3 1/2 lbs each. now they both are at 17lbs. Cute as allcan be. brings tears to my eyes at times when I watch them sleep.
My little girl, going to be 6 months old already in a few weeks.
Getting ready to go home from the hospital

And about a week ago
my girl says that she took a test about a week ago and tested positive

We have to go to a clinic to get a definite testing thats fail proof.

I am nervous as HELL. I dont kno if im ready to be a pop.
BUT i kno if we do have one i'd be a good father.
My son Cooper is the greatest thing thats ever happened to me..He makes me feel like I've finally done something right in my life..I'm so proud to behis dad and their is nothing in this world that could compare to the love I have for him..He's almost a year old now and I can't find any recent pics,but this is one of my favorites..

Cooper at 5 months..

Tattoo of my son's name..
There's nothin' better than being a Father, my Daughter is 18 months now, and she's growin' fast, it's crazy seeing the things

Haha, this is how she fell asleep, so I snapped a pic:

now for a sibling.................
She's growing fast Cris. Can't really tell if she looks like you or Abbey.

Being a dad is def 2 little ones...

my daughter when she was born...

she's now 4...

And my son is 7 1/2...
^ Word John....some say me, some say Abbey, she's a little crazy one now, hittin' kids at her Gymboree class, haha.

Bein a dad is greatly appreciated. My daughter's 7mos and she is a piece of work. It's funny how as they grow they start to learn new and differentthings. They're common to us but it's a whole new world for them. My daugter always wants to turn the channel w/ the remote and gets scared when itchanges
wants to hold conversations w/ me when I'm tryna sleep and even goes to the length of pryin my eyes open and then laughin. The best day of mylife April 26, 2008

Originally Posted by JBug88

i didn't get sick or pass out either time. the adrenaline rush was amazing.
bawled like a little baby both times.


I was nervous as all hell and was taking deep heavy breaths the entire time, but my girl stayed calm and did really, really well through the whole birth.

Once I seen her come out and heard those first cries, I completely lost it. It was uncontrollable to say the least. I haven't cried like that in quite sometime.
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