Being emotionally invested in sports/teams unappreciation

Jun 28, 2007
When things are good and your teams are winning 

But when they're bad

All the extra headaches, the long days, the anger, the frustration, the disappointment, sadness

I swear watching sports and rooting for my teams have shaven 2 years off of my life due to the stress

Days like this make me wish I didn't care
Originally Posted by SpeakUp23

I swear watching sports and rooting for my teams have shaven 2 years off of my life due to the stress

I was watching the Gophers/Iowa basketball game last Wednesday...

Gophers were favored, and they had the lead, gave it up, and with two minutes left I'm sitting their biting my nails, arms crossed, nervous as all hell. I literally kind of just did a self-check right then and there, and thought, "How pathetic is this? These are guys my age. It's February 1st, 2012, and I'm letting a game ruin my day. Do I remember how the Gophers did on February 1st in lets say, 2007? No. So why is this affecting me? I'm not even going to remember this happened on this date in 2014."

In the end, it doesn't really matter. But we still do it.
I know How you feel. After the Steelers lost to the Packers last year. I missed the next 3 days of work. Truly feels like a loss is in your life..

But the joy is great. Being at a super bowl they won and being in Pittsburgh when they come home and for the parade has to be right up there with my wedding day....
Ya...... or when your team plays it's supposed final game in it's city before they relocate...
Originally Posted by BigBrandon

I know How you feel. After the Steelers lost to the Packers last year. I missed the next 3 days of work. Truly feels like a loss is in your life..

But the joy is great. Being at a super bowl they won and being in Pittsburgh when they come home and for the parade has to be right up there with my wedding day....

I know that feeling. I have to work tomorrow and I don't even want to go
It sucks, it really does...but your team winning is just so sweet.
My heart hurts.
Seriously, I don't think I could ever be a team owner. You'd see the camera at the owner's box with me like:

After the big win, my players would dedicate the game to me, who died in the 3rd quarter.
It doesn't matter, but growing up watching your team play. Being with people who are no longer in your life and remembering rooting for your team to win you get an emotional bond. I came home from being born in a terrible towel and a steelers hat. I just sucks when you get so involved that you can't even enjoy the game because your so emotionally in it. You see it in NFL stadiums around the country with fights and arguments everywhere. In the Bay being a raider or niner fan is like bloods and crips. People love there team and it's impossible to tell a die hard fan after there teams season is over to look forward to next year or they played good. At least you can't tell me that...

With the Pirates and the A's I'm just used to losing so it doesn't hurt so bad...
Seeing your team win is one of the greatest feelings ever

Seeing them lose is like a kick in the nuts.

After some of my teams losses i just sit and stare at the TV with the
face. Dont even wanna watch ESPN for a couple days
i literally turn into a kid when my teams lose, i get attitudes and everything, snap on people that call me, throw things. You name it i've probably done it
Originally Posted by Je Ne Sais Quoi

It sucks, it really does...but your team winning is just so sweet.
My heart hurts.
Seriously, I don't think I could ever be a team owner. You'd see the camera at the owner's box with me like:

After the big win, my players would dedicate the game to me, who died in the 3rd quarter.
 In memory after the 3rd quarter fumble
Being a fan of teams that always lose FTW 
never have to worry about being depressed after countless years of letdowns...

Originally Posted by jmause3

Seeing your team win is one of the greatest feelings ever

Seeing them lose is like a kick in the nuts.

After some of my teams losses i just sit and stare at the TV with the
face. Dont even wanna watch ESPN for a couple days
i literally turn into a kid when my teams lose, i get attitudes and everything, snap on people that call me, throw things. You name it i've probably done it
After the Steelers got "Tebow'd" I literally didnt watch espn until the following monday after the Pats beat the broncos. After the Steelers lost last year I didn't watch anything football until pitchers and catchers reported to spring training. 
My wife wont even talk to me if my team takes the L. I've broken controllers, Cried, ready to fight friends. It doesnt help that people know how passionate I am and as soon as they lose here comes the text messages. Coworkers the next day asking what happened to your team. literally ready to fight but again when they win you cant tell me nothing! I gloat and boast and brag until the next season. 
This is true, I have friends that don't even watch sports and I envy them.

Red Sox came back and beat us in the ALCS (thought i was gonna die, I was miserable. Life sucked, I was depressed for months)
Last year when we POUNDED the Eagles in the first half and then lost the game (shut off my computer, tv and phone for a week. Went for a two hour walk in 20 degree weather after the game)

Sucks bro. If it weren't for the Gators and Ducks I'd have committed that by now due to the utter failures of the other teams I'm invested in.

I couldnt be an NBA team owner. I'd be worse than Cuban
Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

Being a fan of teams that always lose FTW 
never have to worry about being depressed after countless years of letdowns...

Went to Cal. Love the Warriors. Love my Pirates but diehard A's Fans. So yeah I'm used to it to. My dad is a huge pirates and Steelers fan so I had to be a Steelers fan so with them it's different. I think Football in general is different though. Football and Soccer seems to grab it's fans like no other.
When the raiders won this year, I'd be happy as #+!# on Monday's at work. Saying hi to people I dont even like and %$*+

And when they lost?
don't wanna go there
If you are emotionally invested enough in a sports team (that you have nothing to do with) that you have cried or missed several days from work, you should just commit that.

You obviously don't know what LIFE is about.
Dude I was JUST telling my homeboy that times like this I'm glad I'm not a die hard football fan. I'd be SICK if I was. I just recently got over the Lakers losing in 08. The drama associated with being a sports fan is crazy. I have literally gotten mad over certain sport related topics, especially regarding the Lakers. I've defended Kobe Bryant like he was my older brother. The highs are very good, but the lows...
Originally Posted by MoonMan818

If you are emotionally invested enough in a sports team (that you have nothing to do with) that you have cried or missed several days from work, you should just commit that.

You obviously don't know what LIFE is about.

Well I sure know what life is about. But like I said. When you follow a team for as long as you can remember and some of your earliest memories regard rooting for a team or having people that are no longer with you and your fondest memories of them are tail gating at a sporting event or when your school photo from 1st grade 2nd grade and 3rd grade are in your favorite player jersey regardless of financial gain your def a part of that team. 

Or when you sit in this room and watch every game your team plays you get involved.
How many of you have seen a championship? I'm assuming OP has.
If I had already, I don't think I'd take things as seriously and get as worked up as I do (and definitely not if my team(s) have won multiple). I'm still just waiting on that one, though. 
NT is bandwagon central..Most dudes that post in the S&T forum have been following their "team" for 2-3 years max..Not saying everyone on NT is like that, but a large percentage of them are.

I'm a Knicks/Eagles fan so you know my life has been hard
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