Being lazy for no reason Self-Unappreciation

Mar 30, 2008
Ya'll ever just wake up and be like aight I'mma go get my haircut today and go do this and go do that, and you keep saying later you'll do it, andthen it comes to 10 pm and you're like damn i'm lazy?

I know it ain't just me...
I do that whenever I have to write a paper. I say I'm gonna do it right away when I get home from class, but then I go play ball or I get on NT or I justwatch TV. By the time I actually start it it's like 10:00 P.M. and I'm up until midnight writing it
I have a Genetics test this Thursday and need to read 80+ pages.

Genetics is quite honestly one of the most wackest classes ever created.

Originally Posted by durty pancakes

I have a Genetics test this Thursday and need to read 80+ pages.

Genetics is quite honestly one of the most wackest classes ever created.


i have a test in entrepreneurship on Tuesday... 5 chapters...haven't read one of em yet.
used the ol' "its cold out there" excuse to not go to the gym today, like it didn't warm up or nothing
Every weekend. I'll be like I'm going to the gym, get my oil changed, and grab some groceries, ...2 full franchise season in Madden, 15 post on NT, and2 downloaded pornos later I'm still in my boxers, chillin.
Have an essay and some reading that I've had since Tuesday. Told myself I'd have all weekend to do it. It's Sunday, almost 8pm. Have I started?Noope.
Originally Posted by GUTTA SAUCE

I'm the same way. I still haven't seen Taken.
that movie is dope. you gotta go see it

Originally Posted by JordanPP30

Got hw do tommorrow but its snowing so school better be closed

lol thats my mindset all the time...but you know you gonna end up doin it just in case.

unless you'r ein NYC. If you're in NYC, trust me, you'll prob have no school. they're supposed to get hit hard
It's pretty much my steez. I'm wanting to do my HW and study or at least do something productive, but damn NT and Facebook is keeping me glued to myseat.
I try to be active as much as possible, it always ends up me being lazy posting on NT.
word. this is just happening as i type this on nt. im supposed to be doing a research on my academic exploration but i keep saying to myself that im going todo it. lol
I don't know about, I can't tell my body to do 50 push ups daily.. That **** doesnt even take longer than a minute, yet it flies by my mind daily.
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