Bench press

Mar 27, 2008
NikeTalk how much can you bench? Just started workin out 3 months ago and im up to 170 3 times. I'm 15 btw
225lbs 3 times about a month ago. Been working out hard since so it might have gone up. I'm 5'11 160lbs
whn i was 20 i use to lift very heavy i was 5' 3 and i was at 180 190 doin reps of 245 and maxed out at 310 and I did tht six times. I use to wrestle andwas into it hardcore but stopped and got fat. I will be back into this summer and back on my game. I am 23 now.

keep up the hard work.
225 3 sets of at least 8 depending on the day. I am 5'10.5" 178

but bench press is very overrated and seemingly pointless
170lbs once.
I'm 16, 5' 7" and I weight 140. I used to be frail when I was 15 so I decide to start working out.
Originally Posted by JMaddness2345129

I wonder which thread results in more tales of duck; this one, or the "How high is your vertical?"

Why would someone lie about how much weight they can lift? Does that impress you guys or something?
I can think of a million other things that youcould lie about that would reap far greater rewards than teenage admiration.
Dudes talking bout benching 300lbs+

I'd probably believe them if they didn't weigh half that.
Why would someone lie about how much weight they can lift? Does that impress you guys or something?
I can think of a million other things that you could lie about that would reap far greater rewards than teenage admiration.

Welcome to Niketalk.
are y'all talkin one rep, or multiple?

cause i can do 130lbs for 8 reps...

never tried to do a single rep since i have no spotter/partner
280 lbs. is my 1 rep max as of yesterday. not very good at 6'1, 220
edit: in my defense, i've only been hitting the gym consistantly for 2 1/2 years
For real why would you lie about bench press, and JMaddness2345129 just came in here and didnt say how much he could put up.
Originally Posted by Romeo Culver City

280 lbs. is my 1 rep max as of yesterday. not very good at 6'1, 220
edit: in my defense, i've only been hitting the gym consistantly for 2 1/2 years
We're almost the same weight and height. Keep it up man, I've been training actively for 11 years now from holland to California. Bodyperfection is my addiction!
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