best age to marry?

mid 30s????

wow that's friggin late

maybe it's just the indian culture, but getting marred at any age past like 27 is unheard of, and the girl should be married off by like 25 max haha
There is no set age. However, I don't want to wait too long and end up being that guy in the clubs hitting on younger girls at the age of 30-35. As timegoes by, the choices get slimmer. I get older. More females get pregnant. I want someone I can start off fresh with.
I have been with my girl for over 5 years now and I am 21 now. I think about this a lot but I have come to the conclusion that I will ask her to marry me onceI graduate from college and finish my masters. And when I know I can support the both of us financially and I am mentally ready then I will pop the question. All this should happen if God wants by the age of 27. That is my goal and I will stick to it!
I'm looking for a good girl now. Not good as in she's a saint but wife material. The way things are going now my last chance might be in the workplacebut even that's hard.
Pray for me.
its different for everyone. i just turned 25 but i don't plan on getting married until my late 20's / early 30's. no later than 33 though because iwould like to have kids.
I say around 25

After I get my degree and after I get 4 years of bar hopping and picking up drunk women.
For me it is 23 because it is enough time to get the college life out of my system but young enough to start poppin kids out and still be able to play withthem when they get older.
No, thats when you leave.....
Hahahahahaha, classic...

Anyway, pretty much what majority have said, when both sides are ready. I am in a wedding this Summer where my cousin is 26 and she is the same age. I findit too young, but they are ready apparently. So, we'll see....
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