Best Albums of the Year. (Mixtapes are a different thread).

Gotta add:

SoKo - I Thought I Was an Alien


Stream it at Stereogum.
If you ain't listing this you ain't into rap, period:


Killer Mike - R.A.P. Music.

With all the garbage that gets released these days, especially rap music, this one stands out. Killer Mike is one of only a handful of rappers that shows real passion anymore. With no political b.s. to get in the way he can say whatever he wants, write whatever he wants, and record whatever he wants. He's doing all this himself, for himself, and the dude should be applauded for that. If only every artist could pave his own path we'd hear more records like R.A.P. Music.
Norah Jones album is very good indeed and I have been listening to Mina Tindle, she's amazing.

I'd also recommend the new ASteroids Galaxy tour album entitled: Out of frequency. It's pretty decent.
I'm not sure I would call it one of the best of the year but this has certainly been one of my personal favorites.

Lots of posts got lost in the move. Anyone have anything to add, since we lost 2 months worth of posts?

Mine that were lost (all would fall under honorable mentions at this point):
Liars - Wixiw
Father John Misty - Fear Fun
Lorn - Ask the Dust
Dirty Projectors - Swing Lo Magellan.
Frank Ocean - Channel Orange (not an HM, this is top 5. Not sure where exactly yet).

And a couple new ones to add:
Lianne La Havas - Is Your Love Big Enough?
Twin Shadow - Confess
Purity Ring - Shrines

Might have missed a couple. But add **** y'all been vibing to. Lets get this thread going again.
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From my last post that came up missing:

Bobby Womack - "The Bravest Man in the Universe"
Purity Ring - "Shrines"
Dntel - "Aimlessness"

A few new additions:

Passion Pit - "Gossamer"
Wild Nothing - "Nocturne"
The Antlers - "Undersea EP"
Ya'll might as well throw that Ross album in there. Dead serious.

BTW, I have no complaints with anything else listed here. 
i really appreciate the people through out the years who have made these threads, it opens me up to different things i would not even know exist. so to those, who have created them, and those who have taken the time to contribute... i extend my thanks.

i came in here to say... Bloom by Beach House is a very polished, lovely album.

I appreciate it.

I will check out some of the others.

Thanks again NT for hookin a sista up....

oh and thank GOD for Spotify... make this a much easier process.
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It's early but Bloom by Beach House is definitely the best album of the year so far. My personal favorites also include Visions by Grimes, Attack on Memory by Cloud Nothings, Confess by Twin Shadow, channel ORANGE by Frank Ocean, and Kill for Love by Chromatics.

Again, it's early. There are many more releases that I'm anticipating could vie for the crown. Coexist by The xx and Until the Quiet Comes by Flying Lotus to name just a few.
Best in show : Frank Ocean - Channel Orange

Best Rock: Japandroids - Celebration Rock

Best Rap: Action Bronson x Party Supplies - Blue Chips

Other favs:

Julia Holter - Eckstasis

Beach House - Bloom

Fiona Apple - The Idler Wheel...

so much pending though, topped by Grizzly Bear and Animal Collective
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