Best Online RPG- Lost Power City vol. 6

You bought the M107 .50 Cal Sniper Rifle for $210,937,500!


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Gold Community Intro Gold :evil:
After getting 1000 respect in the past few days, we just want to disarm, throw back a couple mexicodones, and have conversations with IMADINOSAUR in broken English.​
Searching the streets of The Wastelands...
Someone is following you.

You have 22 turns left.

Nothing here. Just a few drunk bums.

You have 21 turns left.

You hear something coming from the alley. You walk down there and see a lady getting mugged.
You reach and pull out your wallet and pretend you have a badge. You yell, 'STOP, POLICE!'. The muggers fire a couple shots at you but miss, and then they run off.
The lady is greatful and gives you a reward of $25480.

You have 20 turns left.

While searching the streets you find $26496.

You have 19 turns left.

Someone is following you.

You have 18 turns left.

You didn't find anything over here. This place sucks.

You have 17 turns left.

You decide to head down a dark alley. A homeless person walks up and asks you for $15600.
You tell him to @#%$ off and you keep walking.
Suddenly you hear someone running up behind you. As you turn around he hits you in the head with a big rock.
While you lay on the ground stunned, he takes your wallet and takes the $15600 he wanted out of it and nothing more. You're happy to be alive.

You have 16 turns left.

You found a wrapper from an Energy Bar. :frown:

You have 15 turns left.

You see a kid walking out of McKing's Burgers with a bag of food.
You run up and snatch the bag from him and keep running.
You get a couple blocks away and open the bag to find 2 Quadruple Cheeseburgers!

You have 14 turns left.

You look next to a garbage bin and you see something sparkle...As you get closer you notice it's a crystal!. You quickly grab it.

You have 13 turns left.

You look next to a garbage bin and you see something sparkle...As you get closer you notice it's a crystal!. You quickly grab it.

You have 12 turns left.

You found an old rusty nail.

You have 11 turns left.

You found nothing!

You have 10 turns left.

Something smells like fish over here.

You have 9 turns left.

A bum trades you a crystal for $1 dollar. You jump on the deal.

You have 8 turns left.

You found a wrapper from an Energy Bar. :frown:
Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads.​
if I hack anyone today sorry, I just got
You have completed the Computer Programming course!
You have gained 0 strength, 0 speed, 0 defense, 5000 job skills, 0 driving skills, 5000 computer skills, and 250 brain power!

smh @ me :lol:
THOMAS CROWN Held down BBC with me while everyone was training... We were getting worked too. :lol:

I remember them days. you my e-dude homie (yes hetero) :lol:

so damn, everyone is finally really quitting? if this is true, you leave me no choice but to throw in the towel as well. but is it for real this time? are we all REALLY quitting? if we are, we need to go out big.

damn, am I gonna really quit too?? I need some time to ponder. if I quit, I gotta be 100% done.

btw, aim chat? :lol:
didn't everyone say they wanted to make it weekly?
Shouts out to Wally and shouts out to B-wood even though dude was playing the middle man and aint wanna let me get in the crystal trade business
T E A M N E W Y O R K K N I C K S​
who quit so far today? wally, bwood, iamknowledge. is that it? we're droppin like flys out here. :smh:
"if god wore a shirt, this would be the one"
While I'm here, I'd like to expose someone else (props to my informant)

find out the whole story or just read the pic more clearly.
my sig clearly said you hack me, i bomb you. simple as that.
one of you dudes posted my id on nt and all of a sudden all those dudes hacked me too.
what am i supposed to do? sit back and watch?
i stayed true to my word and bombed them. nothing else.
same for everyone that hacked me, nt didnt receive special treatment from me.
if i can remember clearly, ive attacked you many times as well. your acting like i got all 6k kills on nt players.
most of you are cool, but you still got those soft dudes getting teary eyed over things like this.
wally, bwood, iamknowledge.
36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26
25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15
14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Bwood aint quitting. :lol:
Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads.​
they hacked me because i had more money than most of them ever had...
thats why.
and no im not "going back" to iss. why do some people make it seem like such a journey going from website to another? this isnt mecca. its not that serious. i "visit" both sites, and i post on both sites so @#%$.

and dont worry, if your so tired of my presence, you can block me soon. nt's on a epic journey to yuku. word to don quixote.
"2," the evidence is clear that you don't like NT. You can post here -- that's not up to us to decide. But don't act like you're an NTer.

Still in TGP, 4815162342, TWS, Team Nuggets, and Team LPC RUINED MY LIFE.​
why does everyone hate him? when did he get here?
"if god wore a shirt, this would be the one"
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