Best Online RPG- Lost Power City vol. 6

You are in the hospital for 138 minute(s).
Reason: Crashed in to a tree while driving drunk

November 29 2007, 7:10:27 pm You were too drunk. You lost control of your car and crashed in to a tree. Delete

Originally Posted by whywesteppin

Do you believe in Santa? Do you?

And LOL at it only costing $10k to fly out of Fiji. I feel like an idiot now.
haha daym y u playing me like that ID: 21828 haha im playin u dont have to give me gifts ill try to earn it myself
November 29 2007, 7:13:54 pm EvilFrostyâ"¢ mutilated you with their Chainsaw and stole 1, and 0 crystal(s).
messed up arent u a nt frosty?
aw, not even a thanks for the sex gear?
Originally Posted by rawrblackcat

Brain Power: 40
Strength: 104,732
Speed: 115,889
Defense: 50,476
Job Skills: 1,999
Driving Skills: 126
Computer Skills: 10

Their items are listed below:
Sexy Leather Bondage Gear
Sexy Leather Bondage Gear
Sexy Leather Bondage Gear
Small Medi-kit x3
Small Medi-kit x3
Small Medi-kit x3
Small Medi-kit x3
Small Medi-kit x3
Small Medi-kit x3
Small Medi-kit x3
Small Medi-kit x3
Small Medi-kit x3
Small Medi-kit x3
Small Medi-kit x3
Small Medi-kit x3
Small Medi-kit x3
Small Medi-kit x3
Small Medi-kit x3
Sexy Leather Bondage Gear
Small Medi-kit x3
Small Medi-kit x3
Small Medi-kit x3
Knights Armor Suit
Small Medi-kit x3
Small Medi-kit x3
Small Medi-kit x3
Small Medi-kit x3
Small Medi-kit x3
Small Medi-kit x3
Small Medi-kit x3
Small Medi-kit x3
Pi�a Colada x2
Small Medi-kit x3
Small Medi-kit x3
Small Medi-kit x3
Small Medi-kit x3
Small Medi-kit x3
Small Medi-kit x3
Small Medi-kit x3
Small Medi-kit x3
Small Medi-kit x3
Sexy Leather Bondage Gear
Small Medi-kit x3
Small Medi-kit x3
Small Medi-kit x3
Small Medi-kit x3
Small Medi-kit x3
Small Medi-kit x3
Small Medi-kit x3
Small Medi-kit x3
Small Medi-kit x3
Small Medi-kit x3
Small Medi-kit x3
Small Medi-kit x3
Small Medi-kit x3
Small Medi-kit x3
Small Medi-kit x3
Small Medi-kit x3
Small Medi-kit x3
Small Medi-kit x3
Small Medi-kit x3
Small Medi-kit x3
Small Medi-kit x3
Small Medi-kit x3
Small Medi-kit x3
Small Medi-kit x3
Small Medi-kit x3
DAO-12 Street Sweeper
Small Medi-kit x3
Foot Long Dildo
Small Medi-kit x3
Small Medi-kit x3
Small Medi-kit x3
Small Medi-kit x3
Small Medi-kit x3
Small Medi-kit x3
Small Medi-kit x3
Small Medi-kit x3
Small Medi-kit x3
Small Medi-kit x3
Sexy Leather Bondage Gear
Foot Long Dildo
Small Medi-kit x3
Foot Long Dildo
Foot Long Dildo
Foot Long Dildo
Sexy Leather Bondage Gear
Sexy Leather Bondage Gear
Snack Mix x7
Foot Long Dildo
Small Medi-kit x3
Small Medi-kit x3
Sexy Leather Bondage Gear
Small Medi-kit x3
Mexicillin x2599
Sexy Leather Bondage Gear
Energy Bar x3
Ham Sammich
MK3A2 Concussion Grenade x2
Energy Bar x5
Small Medi-kit x3
Small Medi-kit x3
Sexy Leather Bondage Gear
Small Medi-kit x3
Foot Long Dildo
Small Medi-kit x3
Ham Sammich x312
Quadruple Cheeseburger x208


I only sent the meds and ebars, tried to switch it up from the usual1 at a time, you must have sent the dildos and bondage gear?
[h5]Battle Stats:[/h5]

Rank: Elite

Fights Won: 3546
Fights Lost: 823
Fights Quit: 6

Total Fights: 4375
Win Percentage: 81%

People Finished: 275
Chainsaw Kills: 7
[h5]Racing Stats:[/h5]Races Won: 16
Races Lost: 8

Total Races: 24
Win Percentage: 66%
[h5]Your Education:[/h5]Computer Networking: Graduated
Computer Programming: Graduated
Human Biology: Attending
New! November 29 2007, 7:20:21 pm Beaveryâ"¢ attacked you and FINISHED you with his Foot Long Dildo.
wtf y he had to finish me
^ Damn, how do you guys have so many races already? I've only been able to get in to 4 of them.
[table][tr][td] [h5]Battle Stats:[/h5]

Rank: Samurai

Fights Won: 841
Fights Lost: 405
Fights Quit: 8

Total Fights: 1254
Win Percentage: 67%

People Finished: 159
Chainsaw Kills: 142
[h5]Racing Stats:[/h5]Races Won: 22,000,000
Races Lost: -39

Total Races: 1399
Win Percentage: 100%
[h5]Your Education:[/h5]Basic Economics: Graduated
Basic Computer: Graduated
Computer Programming: Graduated
Computer Networking: Graduated
Driving 101: Attending
[/td] [td] [h5]Items Stored at Home:[/h5]
You have no items stored here!
[/td] [/tr][/table]
when were you see this dude alive kill him and tell him to send me my 500k or my 10 ebars 14528 he is mad weak
[h5]Racing Stats:[/h5]Races Won: 9

Races Lost: 2

Total Races: 11
Win Percentage: 74%
[h5]Your Education:[/h5]Basket Weaving: Graduated
How To Be A Playa: Graduated
Exotic Dancing: Graduated
Rocket Science: Graduated
Computer Programming: Graduated
Driving 101: Graduated
Commercial Driving: Attending
Originally Posted by RaWeX05

^ Damn, how do you guys have so many races already? I've only been able to get in to 4 of them.

me and whywesteppin were going at it (n/h) my carmaro vs. his mustang, I won, along with 300mil before the reset

[table][tr][td]Basic English: Graduated
Driving 101: Graduated
Computer Networking: Graduated
Computer Programming: Graduated
Basic Computer: Graduated
Defensive Driving: Graduated
Basic Math: Attending
[/td] [td] [h5]I[/h5] [/td] [/tr][/table]
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