Best Online RPG- Lost Power City vol. 6

November 3, 3:39:19 pm &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp (9457) yahrdme from Murder Inc has declared war on us.
November 3, 1:19:38 pm &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp (15625) KillaBeeZ from Murder Inc has accepted our surrender offer.
November 3, 1:18:47 pm &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp (784 8)
Tbillion has offered a surrender to Murder Inc.
November 3, 1:14:46 pm &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp (15625) KillaBeeZ from Murder Inc has declared war on us.
TEAM [Scrubs]
rsarno, who invited you to post in here? time to continue discussion in the secret spot :nerd:
TEAM [Scrubs]
Guess hes been lurking all this time, dont matter.
Team Florida
The Real Drrty Drrty
Reppin Shallowside-954!!​
The Only Sensible Way To Live In This World Is Without Rules....
"Conquest is made of the ashes of one's enemies."
And Tonight You're Going To Break Your One Rule.​
haha, make that a bit bigger and I'll use it in game
Team Florida
The Real Drrty Drrty
Reppin Shallowside-954!!​
The Only Sensible Way To Live In This World Is Without Rules....
"Conquest is made of the ashes of one's enemies."
And Tonight You're Going To Break Your One Rule.​

edit the pic aint working
Team Lost Power City ruined my life​
EzCode Parsing Error: co​
After getting 1000 respect in the past few days, we just want to disarm, throw back a couple mexicodones, and have conversations with IMADINOSAUR in broken English.​
I never realized how you guys felt about me all this time.

I guess nobody remembers what i did for ALL of you way back when? When i was pumping big money, and weapons into your NT gangs just to help you guys out?

Or your sore about wthalo? My actions as a whole should far outweigh my actions in a single transaction. I did what i did to help the game, no other reason. If he wasnt being a greedy b**ch and bidding people up to nearly double the going rate .. everything would have been fine.

And go ahaid and say how there was nothing wrong with that, and then say how it wouldnt have effected anything ... and when your done running your mouth go look at your bank acct and see the cash was reset because of all the stupid prices people were buying/selling for.

On top of that, when i saw my actions had absolutely no effect, i offered the cash back with an apology.

here is a link to entire situation for any newcomers:

Its real f*kked to look through and see people talking all sorts of sh*t behind your back. Man up and say what you wanna say, and we will deal with it.

Not sure if im allowed to link on this forum, so i hope mods delete it if not allowed ...
"i cant believe he left us, omg omg ... and to think now he is in a gang with rsarno .."

so you feel you got di**ed by one of oyur buds, and insults about me start flying?? @#%$ do i have to do with any of that? I didnt force him, i didnt even email him about it. All i did was prescreen and fwd his app to leaders.
Rsarno, I never asked for anything nor did you ever give me anything. So that " i helped you out when you first started" does not apply to me.

Actually I might have been the first person to send you a PM welcoming you when you first posted here.

whatever is going on is between me and jules, noone else. so please ignore all comments that aren't my own.

T E A M N E W Y O R K K N I C K S​
RSARNO, i guess you cant tell the difference between jokes and when we're serious, yes were still mad about the whthalo thing, but only he can really speak on that.

and that excuse about the items and money, really only means a little. yes you did help us out but you knew we didnt stand a chance against the misc guys at that time
TEAM [Scrubs]
"and that excuse about the items and money, really only means a little." ~ So i did it for the money? I had many many trillions, not a financial care in the world ... but for some reason i choose to do my one and only scam at that time, for financial gain?

"yes you did help us out but you knew we didnt stand a chance against the misc guys at that time" ~ You didnt stand a chance, so rsarno should help right? Since when is that my problem? I did what i did to make the game more fun for you guys. To this day i still do what i can to prolong interest in the game.

Whatever, im not taking it personal at all ... i just dont like people taking cheap shots. If anyone has something to say to me, or about me then they should speak up. If i have shown anything in my time here, its the ability to reason and see both sides of every coin.

It just bothered me because i go out of my way and do a lot for this game, and even more for the players. And to see my name being thrown around like its the worst thing possible to be in my gang, or have any association with me, even as a joke ... is insulting.

I said what i had to say, and there wont be any hard feelings on my end.

now lets go play and have some fun. email me in game if you want to discuss any particular issues.
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