Best Online RPG- Lost Power City vol.9

Oh wait you mean Losses
Originally Posted by White23Chocolate

Ms. Yakuza, where are you?

I am right here. Chillin at work... not doing a damn thing. any other good online games to play? I got addicted to this jungle hunter game for a bit, butnow I need something else...
[table][tr][td]uly 12 2008, 4:40:18 pm[/td] [td]You received 500 crystals from msyakuza.[/td] [td]Delete[/td] [/tr][tr][td]July 12 2008, 4:39:29 pm[/td] [td]You were sent $50,001 by your gang.[/td] [td]Delete[/td] [/tr][tr][td]July 12 2008, 4:39:24 pm[/td] [td]You were sent $999,999,999 by your gang.[/td] [td]Delete[/td] [/tr][/table]
User Id: 49881
Name: RichPorter
Cash: $12,000,000

Is def just trying to make me look bad or did someone really waste their money? (Not counting the first time) I had $0 when I got fedded
Originally Posted by WIShoeGuy

^ You stay gettin large amounts of goodies from people!
Lucky bastard!

Dont beg and make good friends... I honestly would rather see these people on LPC stay and fight rather then send me their stuff and quit, but thats theway she blows, eh?
Originally Posted by White23Chocolate

Originally Posted by WIShoeGuy

^ You stay gettin large amounts of goodies from people!
Lucky bastard!

Dont beg and make good friends... I honestly would rather see these people on LPC stay and fight rather then send me their stuff and quit, but thats the way she blows, eh?
Yea, I feel you but you ALWAYS on the receiving end.

Guess I need more than three LPC friends
Originally Posted by WIShoeGuy

Originally Posted by White23Chocolate

Originally Posted by WIShoeGuy

^ You stay gettin large amounts of goodies from people!
Lucky bastard!

Dont beg and make good friends... I honestly would rather see these people on LPC stay and fight rather then send me their stuff and quit, but thats the way she blows, eh?
Yea, I feel you but you ALWAYS on the receiving end.

Guess I need more than three LPC friends

What do you need? I told you I would help you out with a property if you got the training method down...

You need to talk to me more on LPC....
Wally, I sent you an Evil Minions.. I told dEf you should be fighting in this war against UBG and he gave me one to give you. I guess the guy doesnt hate youso much after all....

Good luck in the war and with training
Does anyone know that wiki link that had all the stuff for lost power listed? I need to know what class to take next to get my computer skills up to hackzor.

Here's what I've taken so far

Driving 101: Graduated
Basic Computer: Graduated
Basic Economics: Graduated
Computer Programming: Graduated

what should i take next?
no wonder, i was googling lpc wikipedia...and nothing came up lol, good looks

btw, can someone buy mad waters for me and i'll pay? Doing the withdraw crystals and going to the black market is just an extra step i don't need
ID: 42198 if someone can
Originally Posted by vkhoj

no wonder, i was googling lpc wikipedia...and nothing came up lol, good looks

btw, can someone buy mad waters for me and i'll pay? Doing the withdraw crystals and going to the black market is just an extra step i don't need
ID: 42198 if someone can

What does getting you waters have to do with buying crystals??

How many waters is alot to you?
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