Better Call Saul Season Thread - Season Six - April 18th

Jimmy broke her, and she can't break bad,

Eh, I wouldn't say Jimmy broke Kim

Like she said, those two together are indeed no bueno. Being with Jimmy allowed Kim to tap into the "darker" side of her personality which was always there as seen in the flashbacks of her life growing up with her mother.

Kim problem was she leaned too much into that darker side.

- At the end of season 5 when she went all in on the plan to ruin Howard when Saul seem to content to let it be.
- When she blew off that big meeting with a potential client this season that could have catapulted her career to go through with the plan to ruin Howard when it looked like it was falling apart..

She told Jimmy herself that one of the main reasons she didn't tell him that Lalo was alive was because she knew he would've wanted to dead the Howard shenanigans and get out of dodge.

Not to mention the fact that she used Howard telling them that his marriage was in shambles when he confronted them at their apartment to gaslight his wife at the memorial.

After all of this she realized she went too far and had to bounce.

I like the flashforward to Jimmy being fulltime Saul directly after this scene. Signified that Jimmy McGill was officially dead like you said.

This show is amazing. Dunno how it's gonna end.

Maybe Saul and Kim reuniting and riding off into the sunset? That kinda ending seems to happy for a show like this though.
Super minor detail that flew over my head but the tequila that was used several times in better call Saul was also the same tequila that Gus used to poison Don Eladio with in breaking bad. It also made an appearance this season when jimmy was going to buy it to celebrate before he bumped into the judge with the broken arm.


I wondered why Lalo never contacted his cousins to let them know he was still alive. Now it seems like he should've , because Hector just seems like an old crazy man losing his grip on reality. Had he done so, he'd have some vindication in death about Gus' true feelings and plans.
now it got me wondering why Hector took the bell over a pen and paper or just have both :lol:
I wondered why Lalo never contacted his cousins to let them know he was still alive. Now it seems like he should've , because Hector just seems like an old crazy man losing his grip on reality. Had he done so, he'd have some vindication in death about Gus' true feelings and plans.
I think initially he needed people to think he was dead dead. This way Gus didn’t know he was coming after him. But yea not sure why he didn’t just give the “twins” a heads up once word got out he was “dead”.
Yeah, don't think Hector can write... or else he wouldn't have needed the Cousins to dictate that message... 😅
Preview of tonight's episode.


A new player gets in the game.

It may or may not be who you think it is.
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