Better Call Saul Season Thread - Season Six - April 18th

So it's RAY Seehorn?

I really wish the old cab driver actor could've reprised his role. He was way too perfect.
New guy is alright

Pretty dope Carol Burnett is guest starring
I love this show. All the call backs from previous seasons. Them mapping out the aisles in the snow :pimp:

When he spoke about Chuck, you know that choked him up forreal.
He jus can't help himself. :lol:

Wonder what the big(ger) picture is here tho. 🤔

Jeff the cabbie was the guy who recognized Gene as Saul in the mall earlier in the series (the actor was recast). Jimmy basically set Jeff up to commit multiple felonies so that he could never blow his cover as Gene. I really don’t think there’s much more to it than that, other than getting to flex that Slippin’ Jimmy muscle a little. It also closed up the potential plot hole of Jimmy getting recognized in Omaha.
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