Beyonce cheating on Jay-Z? vol. 99.9 problems

I guess the true question to ask here is:

If this was your shorty, would let her walk around with this brolic dude all day and night, knowing he would take a bullet for her with out thinking?

Understanding well, the motives of men, and tendencies of women, i probably would not put up with it. The whole thing, i would just leave B to avoid looking like a B lol.
They're married though. For better or worse right? I hate that mentality that once someone cheats the marriage is over. It's not like they were a virgin before the marriage. I thought it was supposed to be til death. People don't know how to forgive the person they claim to love more than anyone in the world. That's why I don't want to ever get married. Women always feel some type of way if I tell them that (so I stopped telling them) but if you were to ask them "hey would you really be with someone NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS?" They would say no or they'd be lying. That's not even real marriage to me. Just lying to whoever was supposed to be above that alter in the church.
So if you're wife mass murders a bunch of children you still riding with her to the death? :lol: Yes #NTExtremes

I don't believe you.
For those who don't think that Bey would cheat with a body guard, see Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky.

Bottom line is, people cheat with those whom they have tighter relations with. Money or not, it's more so about familiarity and sexual attraction.

Where do you think most cheating goes down? The workplace.

I doubt this story is true, being that they're the most scrutinized couple out right now. And that's what the public is taking about
So if you're wife mass murders a bunch of children you still riding with her to the death?
Yes #NTExtremes

I don't believe you.

But that's why I said I'm never getting married. That whole premise of "til death" is absurd in this day and age. If you are just gonna dip out in tough times what's the point of the vows? Marriage is for the birds. Not trynna thread derail. Y'all can continue ridin' Jay's 

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Meh, just another "strong independent woman" going back in her word :lol:

Nothing to see here folks

I think that is what would make this hit more headlines then if someone else did it. Beyonce has that image that she placed on herself and for good reason. She is highly well respected as a strong independent women but this literally just tarnishes that whole thing.

This kind of reminds me of when Kobe Bryant cheated. Dude has a hot wife and slept with some random chick but by the end of it, some people just want to sleep with someone with no real logic at all.
Didn't MTO try to run this story a couple years ago? I remember they retracted it because they found out he was her cousin
There was already a rumor Bey was hooking up with a backup dancer. So it's sounding more and more like she's wearing the pants. She can hit any ***** she want, but hov better stay faithful or baby d coming for that *** with the brick through the windshield.
Let's talk about cars and guns and burgers

Look at you. :lol:

Y'all are talking about a TABLOID RUMOR.

So yes I said act like a man. Idc if you're talking about love and hip-hop or the new Beyoncé song. That's all well and good, but that's some chick **** to talk about tabloid....rumors.
Let's talk about cars and guns and burgers

Look at you. :lol:

Y'all are talking about a TABLOID RUMOR.

So yes I said act like a man. Idc if you're talking about love and hip-hop or the new Beyoncé song. That's all well and good, but that's some chick **** to talk about tabloid....rumors.
This is your first time on NT? Cuz this aint the first thread made based off a tabloid rumor that's gone multiple pgs. It really doesn't matter what you try to emphasize on or put in all caps :lol:

Just pay it no mind.

I'm pretty sure you the same dude complaining to me about trying to facilitate a discussion in a thread. Now you in here hiding behind "act like a man" like that even matters on the internet.
Jayz about to start working out TODAY! This ain't happening again (in a couple years when the gains start kicking in :lol:)
Wait so when Beyoncé says, "driver roll up the partition .....I don't want you to see Beyoncé on her knees is jay with her or the bodyguard"

Sorry brus but nas won
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