Beyonce cheating on Jay-Z? vol. 99.9 problems

i'm just waiting on this facade to be over.

everyone always acts like they're perfect and untouchable.
Ya gotta understand one thing, EVERYONE has the ability to cheat, like literally you won't find ONE woman EVER that you can 100% claim she'll never cheat and if you do you are a foolish man....and when you accept this reality, perhaps you'll be more open minded about long term comittment instead of being afraid due to statistics and second hand experiences, just live your life with your lady the best you can and don't place yourselves in situations that will lead to your woman's best friend and her lover, enjoy each other's company and this will lessen the chances of either of you cheating.

It's really hard for celebrity couples to make it work, I mean is hard for us normal folks.

Just my take on it

qft and repd

I feel bad for this couple. But when you think about how 60% of marriages end in divorce, and both of them are busy working on their careers , how much work did they put into their marriage?

I'd be lieing if I said I didnt see this happening. Im surprised it happend this soon tho.

I got married the same year Jay&Bey did.
:lol: anything is believed these days

if you told me kanye from through the wire would be sucessful jaw jammed shut with millions of millions records sold and out of all the women in the world he would want to wife a stripper but in the end would marry a pornstar, let alone have babies with her..i wouldnt know what to say
@ you guys thinking Beyonce would cheat with a nobody bodyguard

I was expecting some eccentric billionaire or something, but no. The bodyguard
Theres a pretty big difference between a gold digger and and a woman worth hundreds of millions.

.... and lets not act like Tyrone aint getting it in with rich and poor thots.  
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if you told me kanye from through the wire would be sucessful jaw jammed shut with millions of millions records sold and out of all the women in the world he would want to wife a stripper but in the end would marry a pornstar, let alone have babies with her..i wouldnt know what to say

He didn't marry a pornstar he married a girl who had a sex tape not to mention is worth just as much as he is if not more
this is probably more "news" generated by jay and bey's such thing as bad publicity
The bodyguard, though :rofl:

Ah, man. You guys kill me :lol:

You say it like he a bodyguard of a low tier? Dude easily makes very good money most Americans wouldnt shrug at. An like ppl said the money for her wouldn't be attraction it's freaking Beyonce.
These instagram chicks you guys drool over probably wouldn't give my man some play, unless his pockets are decent. (Hence, their own thread with a bunch of thirsty dudes on there with big imaginations)

But, you think Beyoncè is welcoming him in no questions asked? :lol:

You are SEVERELY underestimating women and the power of sex.
ITT: Stans and Santa Claus believers

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jay stay getting sonned and coming out looking like a lil *****. that's the same face he had when bey was eye ****** bron.

feel like dude been fronting all these years. that's not the face of somebody that lost 92 bricks and lived to tell about it. he's cut from that same tenderloin that drake is
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jay stay getting sonned and coming out looking like a lil *****. that's the same face he had when bey was eye ****** bron.

feel like dude been fronting all these years. that's not the face of somebody that lost 92 bricks and lived to tell about it. he's cut from that same tenderloin that drake is

Funny you mentioned the two biggest dudes in rap, this almost proves the theory that people hate you when you're at the top :lol:
This will never of happened to Kanye he knows how to control his women and his women's family.

Dam jay learn from little bro
Jay z is skinny fat
The worst physique a man can have. Think about that comment all the time breh.


i said it cuz its true


Man who are you telling, one of the realest quotes ever. I stay using that in real life. It was also in a Jay Z thread.

Happy birthday bro. Dude dropped one of the best gems on this site that I've seen and I dont even think he realized he did it. Something I havent forgotten and even said today to people.

Skinny Fat. Worst physique you can have. When you rich as hell doesn't matter I guess.
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This will never of happened to Kanye he knows how to control his women and his women's family.

Dam jay learn from little bro

plus you always see pics of kim an kanye working out together

a couple that trains together stays together

ye just as busy an fits in his workouts

meanwhile bey working out with the bodyguard

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i mean they even squeezed in some gym time while recently in paris, they stay active together
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