Bieber is Wanted in Dubai vol. #freebiebs

What could he have possibly done? They gonna cut his hand off for stealing candy?
From reddit

After showing up 2 hours late for his second show, blowing away his police escort in a rented lambo and running, running red lights and hitting up to 240km on the highway the dubai police have had enough. Adding to the madness, his body guard and 1 entourage has already been arrested and Bieber threatened to not go on unless he was released knowing full well the Sheikh's daughter is here. Dubai Police confiscating his car now.
Police better fall back if they know what's good for them.

So I guess they did. The dude updating from the venue says they let him leave, but he doesn't know if they gave him back his passport or if he'll be able to leave the country.

:smokin they'll let him leave, they dont want that type of drama. They know biebgod ain't to be messed with.
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they'll let him leave, they dont want that type of drama. They know biebgod ain't to messed with.
canada got dat military prowess 
Cliche, yeah I know but this kid/guy is cancerous to the youth. It's funny to laugh and make memes out of him but the damage he's doing to the youth is irreversible.

It's not just him though. All these celebs who are told from a young age, "You're the ****. No one can mess with you", all have a God Complex and show no respect to anybody. I wouldn't be surprised if this dude calls his mom a ***** and laughs it off with his friends right in front of her face. 

He's going to be the male Lindsay Lohan. Mark my words. Once, his time is up and he fades into obscurity he's going to go INSANE from the lack of attention.
He better prep the angus... Been there and them dudes are ruthless to those wanted for crimes...probably got caught trying to get at some Arabic yambs
So is there a source other than some guy on reddit?

Not that I know of. The guy on reddit was legit though, he posted his credential and prove that he was working the venue as well as pics of the police waiting, the tow truck taking the lambo and some other stuff.
So is there a source other than some guy on reddit?

Not that I know of. The guy on reddit was legit though, he posted his credential and prove that he was working the venue as well as pics of the police waiting, the tow truck taking the lambo and some other stuff.

he has a staff pass....

he has a pic of a few parked police cars by the venue...

he has a pic of an unloaded tow truck parked.....

not much proof if you ask me....
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