Bigger Impact: Michael Jackson or J.K Rowling??

Originally Posted by RavageBX

Another JK Rowling will come along. There will NEVER be another Michael Jackson. /thread

just so u guys know both the beatles and elvis sold TWICE as much as MJ ... LITERALLY THEY BOTH DOUBLED MIKE
jk rowling has the best selling book series and  of all time movie and the highest grossing film series of all time

she did 2 things and did them better than anyone ever walk the earth... mike aint even top 2 in record sales (distant third).
Originally Posted by undefinedinc

Dudes in here swearing up and down that J.K Rowling taught people how to read and without her everyone would be illiterate�

She wrote a line of popular childrens books that attracts to a small sub-sector of society who have a lot of purchasing power.

Micheal mesmerized and personally connected with everyone from, babies who couldn't read, to teenagers on their deathbeds, to 90 years olds,�to people living on the fringe of the "civilized world"struggling for survival. He touched people of all races, creeds, religions, shapes and sizes. He won over the hearts of people that not even the American military and propaganda machine could reach. Present day "rogue nations", Cold War USSR...Mike was heavy there. He had this impact for 40 years. He reached like 4/5 generations already and his music ain't even age a bit yet. Its like he's still here, the way that his works are still relevant, fresh and constantly being rehashed.

The whole paradigm of these dream like, special effect laden, pop-culture visuals were mastered and advanced by him in the 70's, 80',s and early 90's. See "Rock with you", "Billie Jean", "Thriller", Moonwalker the Movie, "Black or White: "Remember the Times" etc.. Y'all musta forgot dude was a groundbreaking visual artists as well. He had a HUGE impact on modern pop�cinematography, visual�branding and pretty much anything aimed at the Harry Potter, MTV, Sony Entertainment demographic.

MJ was a wizard way before Harry Potter. Harry Potter is MJ's son.

Preposterous question.
� ��

Hogwarts seal





Hogwarts is Neverland bros.


You can make an argument for anything...but lets be real here...MICHAEL JACKSON or JK Rowling...seriously?

Bigger Impact: Michael Jordan or Pokemon?

*Jay-Z* I'm afraid for the future...*Jay-Z*
I don't give a damn if some preteen thinks that I'm a fanboy or not. Nothing I said in this thread is a lie. This question is ridiculous.
Originally Posted by 2o6

Originally Posted by RavageBX

Another JK Rowling will come along. There will NEVER be another Michael Jackson. /thread

just so u guys know both the beatles and elvis sold TWICE as much as MJ ... LITERALLY THEY BOTH DOUBLED MIKE
jk rowling has the best selling book series and  of all time movie and the highest grossing film series of all time

she did 2 things and did them better than anyone ever walk the earth... mike aint even top 2 in record sales (distant third).
What's your point? I hope you don't think this is about sales. I would go as far as to say that there may not be a single person in the entire United States of America of relevant age who does not know who MJ is. Music is that pervasive. It invades every aspect of culture. Books on the other hand and as history has shown us, are not. Social class still determines access to written knowledge. Poor people around the world are not reading Harry Potter novels, I assure you. While music on the other hand touches people from all walks of life. As for your comparisons you're only kidding yourself if you think there is or was ever a bigger worldwide musical icon than MJ. Beatles may be arguable...if you skip the entire continent of Africa.
By the way, I'm one of the biggest Harry Potter stans on here, so we can cut all the "bias" talk right now. This is a ridiculous comparison.
Originally Posted by RavageBX

Originally Posted by 2o6

Originally Posted by RavageBX

Another JK Rowling will come along. There will NEVER be another Michael Jackson. /thread

just so u guys know both the beatles and elvis sold TWICE as much as MJ ... LITERALLY THEY BOTH DOUBLED MIKE
jk rowling has the best selling book series and  of all time movie and the highest grossing film series of all time

she did 2 things and did them better than anyone ever walk the earth... mike aint even top 2 in record sales (distant third).
What's your point? I hope you don't think this is about sales. I would go as far as to say that there may not be a single person in the entire United States of America of relevant age who does not know who MJ is. Music is that pervasive. It invades every aspect of culture. Books on the other hand and as history has shown us, are not. Social class still determines access to written knowledge. Poor people around the world are not reading Harry Potter novels, I assure you. While music on the other hand touches people from all walks of life. As for your comparisons you're only kidding yourself if you think there is or was ever a bigger worldwide musical icon than MJ. Beatles may be arguable...if you skip the entire continent of Africa.
By the way, I'm one of the biggest Harry Potter stans on here, so we can cut all the "bias" talk right now. This is a ridiculous comparison.
son , mike didnt write any of his hits....he didnt produce either , could he even play an instrument?
you act like son was really saying something n "thriller/beat it"
he's called the king of "pop" the worst and easiest kind of music to make.

the genre that scarifice's all artistic integrity for the sake catchy souless music.

marvin gaye,prince,sam cooke,james brown... those where REAL ARTIST.

nobody said "imma make something out of my self after listening to "dirty diana"

made more of a impact than any "smooth criminal" #$# song
2o6 has been trolling the entire time, don't worry about him

And for the guy who mention the Beatles...Michael Jackson owned the Beatles catalog/assets, so...yea.
Well he wrote Billie Jean, Beat it, Wanna be starting something, the entire Bad album...I think some of those would qualify as 'hits'.  You guys aren't seriously comparing MJ to the Harry Potter chick. 
Since people said there will never be another Michael....which author before Rowling had just as big or a bigger impact?
Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Hogwarts is Neverland bros.

i just found this statement & the comparison pics to be really funny

Rowling made it possible for Emma Watson to find her way into my heart so, Rowling>>MJ
seriously tho, no question MJ>>>>>baby girl Rowling
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Since people said there will never be another Michael....which author before Rowling had just as big or a bigger impact?

Sun Tzu
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Since people said there will never be another Michael....which author before Rowling had just as big or a bigger impact?


*Wakes Up*

*Faints Again*


Ayn Rand, Leo Tolstoy, Sun Tzu, Nicolo Machiavelli, Steven King, Beatrix Potter, Mario Puzzo, Dr. Deuss, R.L. Stine, C.S. Lewis, Dan Brown, Ernest Hemingway, Shakespeare, Homer, F.Scott Fitzgerald, etc. etc. etc.

Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Since people said there will never be another Michael....which author before Rowling had just as big or a bigger impact?


Ayn Rand, Leo Tolstoy, Sun Tzu, Nicolo Machiavelli, Steven King, Beatrix Potter, Mario Puzzo, Dr. Deuss, R.L. Stine, C.S. Lewis, Dan Brown, Ernest Hemingway, Shakespeare, Homer, F.Scott Fitzgerald, etc. etc. etc.


@ *faints wakes up faints again*
MJ >>>>> HP + everything created by J.K Rowlings. i believe 10 years from now HP will be forgotten and we be still listening to MJ's music oh yea best thing tat came out from HP was Emma Watson lol
Originally Posted by Peep Game

Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Since people said there will never be another Michael....which author before Rowling had just as big or a bigger impact?


Ayn Rand, Leo Tolstoy, Sun Tzu, Nicolo Machiavelli, Steven King, Beatrix Potter, Mario Puzzo, Dr. Deuss, R.L. Stine, C.S. Lewis, Dan Brown, Ernest Hemingway, Shakespeare, Homer, F.Scott Fitzgerald, etc. etc. etc.


@ *faints wakes up faints again*
Gotta look up that Dr. Deuss character....

but yea, I shoulda phrased that a little better....I meant with the impact she's had in literature w. folks camping out for her books there anyone comparable
This question is @#%%!$@ moronic.

Topic is stupid. Based on the logic of some of these people, Stan Lee has had the biggest impact of any person to ever walk this earth.

Seriously. X-men, Hulk, Spider-man, and Iron man impact on society>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Harry Potter.
Originally Posted by goldenchild9

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Since people said there will never be another Michael....which author before Rowling had just as big or a bigger impact?


*Wakes Up*

*Faints Again*


Ayn Rand, Leo Tolstoy, Sun Tzu, Nicolo Machiavelli, Steven King, Beatrix Potter, Mario Puzzo, Dr. Deuss, R.L. Stine, C.S. Lewis, Dan Brown, Ernest Hemingway, Shakespeare, Homer, F.Scott Fitzgerald, etc. etc. etc.

+ Tolkien especially in the fantasy genre.
MJ practically wrote all of "We are the World" Greatest selling song The disrespect MJ is getting
Originally Posted by Chuck Finster

This question is @#%%!$@ moronic.

Topic is stupid. Based on the logic of some of these people, Stan Lee has had the biggest impact of any person to ever walk this earth.

Seriously. X-men, Hulk, Spider-man, and Iron man impact on society>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Harry Potter.



The camping out thing is just a recent phenomenon brought about by the bored hypebeast, super-consumer/collector society that we currently live in. People camp out for retro sneakers, black friday sales and video game releases, only to buy things that will be forgotten about weeks after.

Thats not to say that Rowling's books don't have an impact, because they do. They will be etched into the memory bank of adolescents growing up in this era in a similar manner as the Pokemon series is....but at the end of the day, its just a drop in the bucket of your pop culture memory. In 5 years there will be another Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, The Lion the Witch and The Wardrobe, World of Warcraft type Universe for people to be caught up in.
Originally Posted by kvsm23vs24

The disrespect MJ is getting

No one in this thread is disrespecting MJ.. at all.

I believe everyone understands MJ legacy and importance to music and pop culture; however, there is a LOT of discredit towards what Rowlings has done.

I havent seen anyone being a Rowlings "fanboy".  Everyone who's showing any support to her at all is simply trying to show the massive amount of fanfare she does have.
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