biggest reality check life gave you.

Chances are you will be a corporate slave for 40+ years of your life.

Not me, gonna continue working towards my goals to ensure that never happens.

A girl will never like you twice.

Man, I really do hope you're wrong.

These are just opinions that we, as individuals experienced. Doesn't mean it applies to EVERYONE in general.

Thanks fam. Gonna do everything in my power to disprove it :lol:
Got one today. Earlier the bank sent my dad documents saying we were going to lose our house. It's not the end of the world but it still sucks.

Damn. At least you have the right attitude about.

Prison for me was a major eye opener.  I just spent three years incarcerated, just got out last week.  Really woke me up and showed me I needed to better myself. 

Welcome back.
NOBODY has your back til the absolute end. nobody but you. You may have a ride or die in your life right now and they might be there for you in some pretty hard times but they can't always be there for you. They gotta make sure they aren't broke, lonely, etc. it's enough to keep their own head above water, they can't have your back as well.

You learn that REAL fast after leaving home and you're used to parents being there for you. But they can't always have your back. They got house ownership stuff, dreams and aspirations just like you. Don't even get me started on significant others lol
This past summer when I hit a speeding ticket and had no job to pay it

When I failed my first semester of college cuz I carried myself like a *****
A girl will never like you twice.

Until you get a new broad.

Stand in love don't fall in love.

Rise in love, fam. Rise in love.

Step in the name of love, brahs. Step in the name of love.

When I became a father.

And this right here. Straightened me out real quick.

Real talk, I ain't become a real man until I had my son.

**** changes you.
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When I became a father.

And this right here. Straightened me out real quick.

Real talk, I ain't become a real man until I had my son.

**** changes you.[/quote]

I don't think you truly are a man until your actions affect the people you're responsible for, such as kids and or a wife. Even with myself, I think I'm on the road there, but can't consider myself a man yet tbh.
When I became a father.

And this right here. Straightened me out real quick.

Real talk, I ain't become a real man until I had my son.

**** changes you.

I don't think you truly are a man until your actions affect the people you're responsible for, such as kids and or a wife. Even with myself, I think I'm on the road there, but can't consider myself a man yet tbh.[/quote]

Just wait fam, when you have a young you.

You learn what true love is. You learn real responsibility, and the repercussions of your actions aren't just on your shoulders, but its also in their mouths, over their head, keeping them warm, etc.

Cotdamn I just want to go to Karate and eat pizza with DC :lol:

But its all worth it :pimp:

I feel like before I became a "man", I was just a "guy" :lol:

Like, just a young dude in college, out partying, working ****** jobs for cash to blow ,etc.

Then I became a "man" and got bills :x
Do it for yourself and others at the same time.
Find a life where you can play & work at the same time
The richest people have the richest imaginations
(Take it how you want to)
Getting in a car accident and the guy trying to sue me. I got out of that situation with a settlement though.
Few quick ones

-Don't think too much
-Don't care what anyone else thinks about you, at the end of the day your the only one standing
-Time heals all even the worst situations
-Know when to take your wins and know when to take your losses, especially when it comes to loved ones and relationships
-Honesty is the best policy
-Ride and die for the people you care about because one day you will need them

All these came from stuff that happened within the past few years, all reality checks.
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Being a parent. Had to get my **** together because I became very complacent with life. Dug myself outta some situations and now things are going well.

Being dad changed my whole outlook on life. It's kinda crazy how I went a complete 180.
I get the biggest reality check, or moment of clarity from death. We're just beings, and we won't be here forever. Love, appreciate, and live the moment. That doesnt necessarily mean be reckless, cuz who cares I can die tomorrow. That means live your live the best you can, avoiding regrets, what ifs, and could haves.

Manage your time well, don't be consumed by daily routine, and express yourself, and dont worry about what others think of you.
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My ex leaving me, I'll never get over it :smh:

this was my reality check too. 4.7 billion other women in the world, and i still love just one. :x

You probably won't stop loving her if she had that effect, but you don't have a choice but to move on..

Yea man, no doubt. I can't seem to help where my mind goes, can't seem to not think about her. and thats with no contact, no fb, ig, etc. you know as men, we dont give our hearts out all willy nilly, so when we do, chick you own that **** lol. but yea, it was a reality check, because we broke up over **** i was doing. taught me a lot. I grew up a lot from it. Despite all these other women I've been with since her though, it's still just her. just dont wanna end up like those old guys in movies, with kids and wives and the dream life, but deep down they arent happy because they never truly loved this family because it wasnt with the first chick. nom sayin

Too damn deep bro :smh:
I've learned so much being rock bottom. April 3rd 2012 changed my life forever. The thoughts I would have...just crazy how the mind works when tragedy arises. The tragedy bent me but didn't break me. “Just when you think it can't get any worse, it can. And just when you think it can't get any better, it can.” 
Always remember to put on your own oxygen mask before assisting others.

'I can't help the poor if I'm one of them, so I got rich and gave back, that's the win-win'
man this is what ima do
realtalk i wanna get filthy rich and give it all away

my dad told me stories of his grandfather and back home every friday dude would get a bunch of food and hand out plates to people passing by. thats finna be me thats my role model

When all my boys are about to hit 30 and still living with moms.

I need to step up my company :smh:

I stop kicking it with my guy because all he does is talk about other people... dude needs to look at his own life.

bruh my dad just woke me up by saying dont spend time with losers.
cutting off loser girls and guys
Chances are you will be a corporate slave for 40+ years of your life.

i dont see what's wrong with this? some ppl just want to work and use their money for other things they love in life
Always remember to put on your own oxygen mask before assisting others.

'I can't help the poor if I'm one of them, so I got rich and gave back, that's the win-win'
man this is what ima do
realtalk i wanna get filthy rich and give it all away

my dad told me stories of his grandfather and back home every friday dude would get a bunch of food and hand out plates to people passing by. thats finna be me thats my role model

When all my boys are about to hit 30 and still living with moms.

I need to step up my company :smh:

I stop kicking it with my guy because all he does is talk about other people... dude needs to look at his own life.

bruh my dad just woke me up by saying dont spend time with losers.
cutting off loser girls and guys
Chances are you will be a corporate slave for 40+ years of your life.

i dont see what's wrong with this? some ppl just want to work and use their money for other things they love in life

Nothing wrong with working a 9-5 job to provide for you and your family. There's just plenty of people who have dreams of becoming successful entertainers, artists, entrepreneurs, etc. Majority won't make it, that's the reality check.
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There's so much more to the world than just 'home'. Never set a barrier on your horizons.

The voice that makes the least amount of noise will always carry the most weight.

My new favorite thread :pimp:
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I was depressed last year cause i had a dead end job as a busser, didn’t like it one bit. Now I’m working for a Fortune 500 company which pays decent, Going into a service tech program, Hopefully They set me up with a job that will even improve my life to live solo and support my family.

I tell myself “If its a wall, knock it down” no matter what
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Tell your parents and your loved ones you love them. Life is too short not to let them know because one day they will pass away and you won't be able to tell them.
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