Black Culture Discussion Thread

All the groups you mentioned aren’t simply courted by politicians because politicians want their vote. These groups have political records of organizing and literally leveraging their votes on the behalf of their agendas. And in return for their political support (which also means boots on the ground, fundraising, and leveraging the support of other political groups they have agreements with) politicians turn their agenda line items into policy. Politicians cater to these marginalized groups because these groups wield their political power in more ways than just casting a ballot, and that power has turned into party platforms that the democractic party knows they can’t win without campaigning for. In that respect, what is the black equivalent outside of the dedicated civil rights activists? Where are the groups that represent black interests that politicians know they’re going to have to face if they don’t follow through on their promises? Where are the grass roots candidates that represent our black interests that we’re empowering in our polical systems. Don’t get it twisted, Dems come to marginalized groups with policy because those groups have people and orginizations every level of politics making sure that Booker and Harris know that their political aspirations will go nowhere if they don’t do what they were put there to do. Politicians aren’t doing this out of the kindness of their own hearts, they’re loyal to and accountable to the people that got them into those positions.

I agree with your entire post. Especially what I bolded.
I agree with your entire post. Especially what I bolded.

And I’m saying all that has to come from us. It means we gotta be even more civically active and strategic when it comes to organizing and determining what our agenda is. It means not just saying “we want reparations” but saying exactly how that’s supposed to show up in policy. It also means stoping trump era politics in its tracks by whatever means necessary because if things continue the way they’re currently going none of what we want will be accomplished.
When gays and transsexuals are demanding to use male/female bathrooms and get married, you aren’t on here with that “you don’t understand politics”, “dey won’t make da primaries”

When people caping for immigrants talk about defunding ICE, and shutting down the border patrol and extending DACA, you aren’t on here with that “you don’t understand politics”, “dey won’t make da primaries”

When Jewish people are demanding billions in aid to Israel, hate crime legislation, so forth and so on, you aren’t on here with that “you don’t understand politics”, “dey won’t make da primaries”

When black people want something specifically, then all of the excuses come out.

people may disagree, but to my mind, the political argument(s) for the above is pretty straightforward...

gays & transexuals, to my mind, are just asking for equal treatment under the law, which has significant overlap and forms coalitions with liberals, people who are for individual freedoms, and those who place human/civil rights as important. that they make (somewhat reaching) parallels to the civil rights movement is not accidental...

us aid to israel, is strategic to us interests in the region which finds common ground with conservatives, warhawks, the christian right, and islamophobes alike. on hate crimes, there is common advocacy with human/vivil rights groups, lgbtq, an immigrant communities.

concerns about immigration have overlapping interest(s) with the agricultural sector (better solutions for migrant workers), immigrant populations, corporations (hb1 visas & control over sponsored workforce), human/civil rights advocates, there is even an argument that because so many foreign students come here for their studies they should get a pass to stay if they want rather than be forced to leave to build somewhere else that the entrepreneurial advocates are on.

that black folk want something specifically is not really an issue, but it would seem in order to make such demands palatable/realizable/tenable they should find ways to appeal to other group's sensibilities; that is politics. so in a fundamental way, those offering the criticism that a 'black' agenda need not appeal to other groups are kinda lacking an understanding of how the machine works. intersectionality gets a bad perception because of the 'social justice warrior' connotation but being able to see where the overlap in where different folks agendas are in order to achieve a common goal is just logical/pragmatic.

that noted, it is fair to say that certain demographics have been particularly unreceptive/unwilling to find or look for parallels in the black agenda (even now with the so called 'opiod crisis,' hollowing out of the middle class, and the de-investment in certain local economies, all things that could apply to black communities to a large extent) but it just isn't the case that most politicians (generally speaking) are outright ignoring solutions for black communities; even the staunchest of conservatives find their way to a black church/black audience to 'sell' their wares on solutions on what ails black folks on their campaigns...the efficacy of these solutions is an important, but separate criticism. it is also an important but separate criticism that many politicians aren't always able to affectively or effectively articulate to different audiences how their solutions will address their all different constituents, especially given all the polarization of the electorate and all different niche groups and information sources...

also part of what should be in question is what exactly is the national black agenda? what are the applicable & scalable things black americans are asking for that are going ignored?? asking how we as black folk, if the realities of a operating in 2 party system are not viable as some are wont to claim, get there should not be viewed as a personal attack or even defense of the current system but as the pressing question it is!
This Nigerian American Designer Went From Selling on Etsy to Dressing Beyoncé

Beyoncé arrived at Swiss Beatz’s Dreamweavers exhibition at the UTA Artist Space in Beverly Hills and made yet another striking fashion statement. In an ankara print blazer and trousers worn with matching chapeau, Mrs. Carter looked the part of a well-dressed art enthusiast, and yet her dramatic look wasn’t sourced from the runway as per usual. In the last month or so, the superstar has had some pretty impressive fashion moments—she’s worn Dries Van Noten menswear, singlehandedly revived the skort, and pulled out old school Louis Vuitton to dazzling effect. Given what came before, her latest look had a particularly surprising provenance: Etsy.

Beyoncé and her stylist Zerina Ackers handpicked Nigerian designer Ena Udemba, 34, and her label Ena Ganciofrom the online arts and crafts platform and asked her to create a custom suit. Preparations began in late 2018, when Ackers reached out with the request. It is undoubtedly Ena’s most high-profile commission to date, though the Abuja-based designer knew she could rise to the occasion. “The creation had to be unique, something for her alone. I needed to be ‘there’ with her. Have you ever been responsible for a queen? The biggest queen on earth! I felt responsible,” she shared. “I felt anxious and at the same time determined to be successful.”


do yall agree with this tweet?

My question is who did it right. Martin started leaning non violence and malcolm as any means as necessary.

Btw this has nothing to do with how left or right is defined in todays political spectrum.
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do yall agree with this tweet?

That's BS. They love making Malcolm out to be this guy that started off as some terrorist then he "saw the good in white people" and changed. No.

He was always about black people defending themselves. He never took his foot off calling out WS in this county. He never stopped saying By Any Means Necessary.

Been reading about these Opportunity Zones after I was abruptly apprehended by an investor/organizer in my neighborhood. They have the opportunity to vastly change the structure of a lot of divested communities in the upcoming years. If you live in or near one of these zones, I would suggest trying to figure out and getting a census opinion on their agendas. Unabated, a lot of these investments, with good attentions even, could end up in accelerated gentrification. A few good ideas passed about in this discussion that I'd like to hear more about, like the separate advisory boards and affordable housing, but it mostly sounds like pie in the sky

Gillian White tho
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